Beltway Poetry Quarterly

New Books

New Books 2020

Elizabeth Acevedo, Clap When You Land (novel-in-verse; young adult literature; Harper Collins Publishers)

Saida Agostini, Stunt (chapbook, Neon Hemlock Press)

Kwame Alexander, Light for the World to See (Houghton Mifflin)

Indran Amirthanayagam, The Migrant States (Hanging Loose Press)

Indran Amirthanayagam, Sur l’île nostalgique (in French, L’Harmattan Press)

Cynthia Atkins, Still-Life with God (Saint Julian Press)

Zeina Azzam, Bayna Bayna (chapbook, Poetry Box)

Daniel M. Becker, 2nd Chance (New Issues)

David Biespiel, A Place of Exodus: Home, Memory and Texas (memoir, Kelson Books)

CL Bledsoe, Grief Bacon (Cyberwit)

CL Bledsoe, Driving Around, Looking in Other People’s Windows (Dynamo Verlang)

Dan Brady, Subtexts (Publishing Genius)

Jamie Brown, The Delaware Bay (chapbook, Broadkill River Press)

Molly McCully Brown and Susannah Nevison, In the Field Between Us (Persea Books)

Sterling A. Brown, The Collected Poems of Sterling A. Brown, ed. Michael S. Harper, with a new forward by Cornelius Eady (reissue, Northwestern University Press)

Rachmil Bryks, May God Avenge Their Blood: A Holocaust Memoir Triptych (nonfiction, translated by Yermiyahu Ahron Taub, Rowman & Littlefield)

Tara Campbell, Political AF: A Rage Collection (prose and poetry, Unlikely Books)

Lucille Clifton, How to Carry Water: Selected Poems, ed. Aracelis Girmay (Boa Editions)

Billy Collins, Whale Day (Random House)

Joellen Craft, The Quarry (chapbook, L+S Press)

Henry Crawford, The Binary Planet (The Word Works)

Toi Derricotte and Dawn Lundy Martin, A Bruise is a Figure of Remembrance: Poems in Conversation and a Conversation (Slapering Hol Press)

Tim Dlugos, New York Diary (ed., David Trinidad, Sibling Rivalry Press)

Meg Eden, Drowning in the Floating World (Press 53)

Andy Fogle, Across from Now (Grayson Books)

Carolyn Forche, In the Lateness of the World (Penguin)

Hoke S. Glover III, aka Bro Yao, One Shoe Marching Towards Heaven (Africa World Press)

Daniel Gutstein, Buildings Without Murders (novel, Atmosphere Press)

Yona Harvey, You Don’t Have to Go to Mars for Love (Four Way Books)

Robert Hass, Summer Snow (Ecco Press)

Juan Felipe Herrera, Every Day We Get More Illegal (City Lights)

James C. Hopkins and Yoko Danno, Photo Scrolls (Ikuta Press)

Randall Horton, #289-128 (University of Kentucky Press)

Zora Neale Hurston, Hitting a Straight Lick with a Crooked Stick (short fiction, Amistad Press)

Emilio Iasiello, The Girl Behind the Glass (novel, Tumbleweed Books)

Luisa A. Igloria, Maps for Migrants and Ghosts (Southern Illinois University Press)

Margaret B. Ingraham, Exploring This Terrain (Paraclete Press)

Kelly Inviere, Where the Light Shines Through: A Memoir in Poetry (Outskirts Press)

Gray Jacobik, Eleanor (CavanKerry Press)

W. Luther Jett, Everyone Disappears (Finishing Line Press)

Taylor Johnson, Inheritance (Alice James Books)

Annie Kim, Eros, Unbroken (The Word Works)

Ted Kooser, Red Stilts (Copper Canyon Press)

Gerry LaFemina, Baby Steps in Doomsday Prepping: Prose Poems (Madville Publishing)

Courtney LeBlanc, Beautiful & Full of Monsters (Vegetarian Alcoholic Press)

Yi Lei, My Name Will Grow Wide Like a Tree, translated by Tracy K. Smith (Graywolf Press)

Michael H. Levin, Falcons (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Steven Leyva, The Understudy’s Handbook (WWPH)

Laura McCarty, Just One Swallow (Day Eight)

Jeffrey McDaniel, Holiday in the Islands of Grief (Univ. of Pittsburgh Press)

Leeya Mehta, A Story of the World Before the Fence (Finishing Line Press)

Deborah A. Miranda, Altar for Broken Things (BkMk Press)

Miles David Moore, Man on Terrace with Wine (Kelsay Books)

Mary F. Morris, Dear October (Texas A&M University Press)

Valzhyna Mort, Music for the Dead and Resurrected (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)

John Murillo, Kontemporary Amerikan Poetry (Four Way Books)

D.L. Pearlman, Normal They Napalm the Cottonfields (Broadkill River Press)

Matthew Pennock, The Miracle Machine (Gival Press)

Stanley Plumly, Middle Distance (W.W. Norton)

Dmitri Prigov, Soviet Texts, translated by Simon Schuchat and Ainsley Morse (Ugly Duckling Presse)

Elizabeth Lindsey Rogers, The Tilt Torn Away from the Seasons (Acre Books)

Joseph Ross, Raising King (Willow Books)

Kay Ryan, Synthesizing Gravity (Grove Atlantic)

Myra Sklarew, A Survivor Named Trauma (nonfiction, SUNY Press)

Clint Smith, How the World is Passed (nonfiction, Little, Brown & Co.)

Anna Starobinets, Look at Him, translated from Russian to English by Katherine E. Young (memoir, Slavica Publishers)

Marcela Sulak, Mouth Full of Seeds (memoir, Black Lawrence Press)

Marianne Szlyk, Poetry En Plein Air (Pony One Dog Press)

Yermiyahu Ahron Taub, Beloved Comrades: A Novel in Stories (fiction, Anaphora Literary Press)

Henry Taylor, This Tilted World is Where I Live (Louisiana State University Press)

Naomi Thiers, Made of Air (Kelsay Books)

Maureen Thorson, On Dreams (nonfiction, Bloof Books)

Khal Torabully, Cargo Hold of Stars: Coolitude, translated from French to English by Nancy Naomi Carlson (Seagull Books)

Natasha Trethewey, Memorial Drive: A Daughter’s Memoir (nonfiction, Ecco Press)

Patricia Valdata, Fall Squared (novel, Moonshine Cove Publishing)

Lee Woodman, Homescapes (Finishing Line Press)

Anne Harding Woodworth, Trouble (Turning Point Books)

Sarah Yerkes, Days of Blue and Flame (Passager Books)

Burgi Zenhaeusern, Behind Normalcy (chapbook, City Lit Press)

101 Jewish Poems for the Third Millennium, ed. Matthew E. Silverman and Nancy Naomi Carlson. Contributors include: Pia Borsheim, Dorritt Carroll, David Ebenbach, Julie R. Enszer, Robert L. Giron, Barbara Goldberg, W. Luther Jett, Merrill Leffler, Yvette Neisser, Jean Nordhaus, Linda Pastan, Kim Roberts, Carly Sachs, Michael Salcman, Myra Sklarew, Marcela Sulak (anthology, Ashland Poetry Press)

African American Poetry: 250 Years of Struggle and Song, ed. Kevin Young. Contributors include: Elizabeth Acevedo, Elizabeth Alexander, Lewis Grandison Alexander, Benjamin Banneker, Gwendolyn B. Bennett, Reginald Dwayne Betts, Gwendolyn Brooks, Sterling A. Brown, Carrie Williams Clifford, Lucille Clifton, Sam Cornish, Waring Cuney, Kyle G. Dargan, Clarissa Scott Delaney, Toi Derricotte, Joel Dias-Porter, Owen Dodson, Rita Dove, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Alice Dunbar-Nelson, Cornelius Eady, Thomas Sayers Ellis, Jessie Redmon Fauset, Julia Fields, Calvin Forbes, Rachel Eliza Griffiths, Angelina Weld Grimke, Charlotte Forten Grimke, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, Walter Everette Hawkins, Robert Hayden, Essex Hemphill, Frank Horne, Langston Hughes, Eva A. Jessye, Georgia Douglas Johnson, James Weldon Johnson, A. Van Jordan, Douglas Kearney, Dolores Kendrick, Shara McCallum, John Murillo, Pauli Murray, Larry Neal, Richard Bruce Nugent, Gloria C. Oden, Gregory Pardlo, Lucia Mae Pitts, Esther Popel, Dudley Randall, Andy Razaf, Gil Scott-Heron, Tim Seibles, Safiya Sinclair, Clint Smith, Tracy K. Smith, A.B. Spellman, Anne Spencer, Primus St. John, Sharan Strange, Eloise Bibb Thompson, Samantha Thornhill, Jean Toomer, Natasha Trethewey, Afaa Michael Weaver (anthology, Library of America)

American Birds: A Literary Companion, ed. Andrew Rubenfeld and Terry Tempest Williams. Contributors include: Elizabeth Bishop, Sterling A. Brown, John Burroughs, Cornelius Eady, Anthony Hecht, Randall Jarrell, Ted Kooser, W.S. Merwin, Theodore Roosevelt, Walt Whitman, William Carlos Williams (anthology, Library of America)

Bay to Ocean 2020: The Year’s Best Writing from the Eastern Shore Writers Association, ed. Emily Rich and Tara Elliott. Contributors include: Jamie Brown, Catherine Carter, Kristin W. Davis, Tina Rae Dayton, Natalie Lobe, Nancy Mitchell, Jane Edna Mohler, Kim Roberts, Laura Shovan, Patricia Valdata (anthology, Eastern Shore Writers Association)

The Best Small Fictions 2020, ed. Elena Stiehler. Contributors include: Kim Addonizio, Roberta Beary, Kyle G. Dargan, Kelly Ann Jacobson, Holly Karapetkova, Elizabeth Knapp, Rion Amilcar Scott, Amber Sparks, Joshua Weiner (anthology, Sonder Press)

By Broad Potomac’s Shore: Great Poems from the Early Days of Our Nation’s Capital, ed. Kim Roberts. Contributors include: Henry Adams, John Quincy Adams, Joel Barlow, Natalie Clifford Barney, Ambrose Bierce, Anne Lynch Botta, Ruth Muskrat Bronson, Solomon G. Brown, John Burroughs, Paul Claudel, Rose Elizabeth Cleveland, Carrie Williams Clifford, Fanny Jackson Coppin, Caresse Crosby, Caroline Healey Dall, Frederick Douglass, Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson, Paul Laurence Dunbar, T. Thomas Fortune, Angelina Weld Grimke, Charlotte Forten Grimke, Richard Hovey, Juan Ramon Jimenez, Georgia Douglas Johnson, James Weldon Johnson, Francis Scott Key, Muna Lee, Archibald MacLeish, John Marquis, John Sella Martin, John Willis Menard, Joaquin Miller, Kelly Miller, Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt, Jeremiah Eames Rankin, Leonora Speyer, Jean Toomer, Alfred Islay Walden, Walt Whitman, Helen Hay Whitney, Emma Willard, Elinor Wylie, Zitkala-Sa (anthology, University of Virginia Press)

Choice Words: Writers on Abortion, ed. Annie Finch. Contributors include: Gwendolyn Brooks, Lucille Clifton, Langston Hughes (anthology, Haymarket Books)

Deep Beauty: Experiencing Wonder When the World is on Fire, ed. Rosemary Winslow and Catherine Lee. Contributors include: Rick Black, Nancy Naomi Carlson, Teri Ellen Cross Davis, Hayes Davis, Moira Egan, Yael Flusberg, JoAnne Growney, Bonnie Naradzay, Stanley Plumly, Kathi Wolfe, Katherine E. Young (nonfiction anthology, Woodhall Press)

The Ecopoetry Anthology, ed. Ann Fisher-Wirth and Laura-Gray Street. Contributors include: Karen Leona Anderson, Sandra Beasley, Elizabeth Bishop, Sterling A. Brown, Grace Cavalieri, Lucille Clifton, Stephen Cushman, James Dickey, Annie Finch, Carolyn Forche, Robert Frost, Louise Gluck, John Haines, Donald Hall, Joy Harjo, Robert Hass, Robert Hayden, Langston Hughes, Luisa A. Igloria, Ted Kooser, Maxine Kumin, Stanley Kunitz, Philip Levine, Larry Levis, W.S. Merwin, Deborah A. Miranda, Thorpe Moeckel, Ezra Pound, Tim Seibles, William Stafford, Jean Toomer, Melissa Tuckey, Walt Whitman, William Carlos Williams (revised, anthology, Trinity University Press)

Falling Leaves: An Interfaith Anthology on the Topic of Consolation and Loss, ed. Susan Meehan and Robert Bettman. Contributors include: Jeffrey Banks, Katya Buresh, Regie CabicoChris Farago, Stephanie Gemmell,  Kira Hall, Laura Hart, W. Luther Jett, Jacqueline Jules, Michele Kay, Brian Leibold, Laura Martin, Kim B. Miller, Anna Postelnyak, Bernard Riefner, Dominique Rispoli, Jane Schapiro, Ori Z. Soltes, Lori Tsang, Phibby Venable, Walter Weinschenk, and Jon Wood (anthology, Day Eight)

Furious Flower: Seeding the Future of African American Poetry, ed. Joanne V. Gabbin and Lauren K. Alleyne. Contributors include: Abdul Ali, Reginald Dwayne Betts, Remica Bingham-Risher, John H. BraceyDerrick Weston Brown, Teri Ellen Cross Davis, Hayes Davis, Toi Derricotte, Rita Dove, Cornelius Eady, Safia Elhillo, t’ai freedom ford, Randall Horton, Fred Joiner, Meta Jones, A. Van Jordan, Alan W. King, Tony Medina, E. Ethelbert Miller, John Murillo, Gregory Pardlo, Clint Smith, Tracy K. Smith, Sharan Strange, Lyrae Van Clief-Stefanon, Nagueyalti Warren (anthology, Northwestern University Press)

Furious Gravity: DC Women Writers, ed. Melissa Scholes Young. Contributors include: Hildie S. Block, Jody Bolz, Tara Campbell, Heather L. Davis, Hannah Grieco, Donna Hemans, Beth Konkoski, Leeya Mehta, Susan Bucci Mockler, Julie Wakeman-Linn, Kathleen Wheaton, Mary Kay Zuravleff (anthology of short fiction, Politics & Prose Books)

A Garden of Black Joy: Global Poetry from the Edges of Liberation and Living, ed. Keno Evol. Contributors include: Rovenia Brock (Dr. Ro), Praise Flowers, Salisa Grant, Melanie Henderson, John Hulede, Victor A. Kwansa, Kateema Lee, Tayo Omisore, Benjamin Raji, Evyan Roberts, Jorell Watkins (anthology, Itasca Books)

Lo-fi Poetry Series: Poet Sounds, ed. Gerry LaFemina and Christine Stroud. Contributors include: Ned Balbo, Kestra Forest, D. Gilson, Donald Illich, Jacqueline Jules, Lisa Kosow, Sean Murphy, Jane Satterfield (anthology, CityLit Project)

More Truly and More Strange: 100 Contemporary American Self-Portrait Poems, ed. Lisa Russ Spaar. Contributors include: Jennifer ChangRita Dove, Safia Elhillo, Tarfia Faizullah, W.S. MerwinGregory Orr, Gregory Pardlo, R.T. Smith, Tracy K. Smith, Mark Strand, James TateNatasha Trethewey, Afaa Michael Weaver, Charles Wright (anthology, Persea Books)

Plume Poetry, Vol. 8, ed. Danny Lawless. Contributors include: Kim Addonizio, Fleda Brown, Cornelius Eady, David Keplinger, Phillis Levin, Linda Pastan, Mary Jo Salter (anthology, Plume)

Show Us Your Papers, ed. Daniela Buccilli, Wendy Scott Paff, & Cherise Pollard. Contributors include: Les Bares, S. Preston Duncan, Brian Gilmore, Melanie Henderson, Tony Medina, Molly O’Dell, Nancy K. Pearson, Charles Rammelkamp, Judith Turner-Yamamoto, Sarah Williams-Devereux (anthology, Main Street Rag)

Singing in the Dark: A Global Anthology of Poetry Under Lockdown, ed. K. Satchidanandan and Nishi Chawla. Contributors include: Grace Cavalieri, Diane Parks (anthology, Penguin Random House India)

Together in a Sudden Strangeness: America’s Poets Respond to the Pandemic, ed. Alice Quinn. Contributors include: David Biespiel, Billy Collins, Cornelius Eady, Sally Wen Mao, Mary Jo Salter, Elizabeth Spires, Kevin Young (anthology, Penguin Random House)

When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through: A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry, ed. Joy Harjo. Contributors include: Ruth Margaret Muskrat Bronson, Elsie Fuller, Suzan Shown Harjo, Lance Henson, Deborah A. Miranda, Joshua Ross, Zitkala-Sa (aka Gertrude Simmons Bonnin) (anthology, W.W. Norton)

Written in Arlington, ed. Katherine E. Young. Contributors include: Karren LaLonde Alenier, Francisco Aragon, Sandra Beasley, Rick Black, Dan Brady, Henry Crawford, Ramola D, Heather L. Davis, John Elsberg, Bernadette Geyer, Robert L. Giron, Emilio Iasiello, Tod Ibrahim, Donald Illich, W. Luther Jett, Jacqueline Jules, Holly Karapetkova, Hailey Leithauser, Gregory Luce, David McAleavey, Susan Bucci Mockler, Miles David Moore, Jose Padua, Richard Peabody, Kim Roberts, Martha Sanchez-Lowery, M.A. Schaffner, Hilary Tham, Naomi Theirs, Karenne Wood, Amy Young, Sally Zakariya (anthology, Paycock Press)

New Books 2019

Titles in RED were books awarded Beltway Poetry Quarterly‘s Ten Best Books of 2019 (Plus Two Anthologies):

Elizabeth Acevedo, With the Fire on High (novel, Harper Collins)

Rachel Cloud Adams, Space and Road (chapbook, Semiperfect Press)

Lauren K. Alleyne, Honeyfish (New Issues Press)

Megan Alpert, The Animal at Your Side (Airlie Press)

Indran Amirthanayagam, Coconuts on Mars (Poetrywalla)

Indran Amirthanayagam, En busco de posada (Apogeo Editorial)

Francisco Aragón, His Tongue a Swath of Sky (chapbook, Momotombito Press)

Ned Balbo, The Cylburn Touch-Me-Nots (Criterion Books)

Oliver Baez Bendorf, The Gospel According to X (chapbook, Seven Kitchens Press)

Oliver Baez Bendorf, Advantages of Being Evergreen (Cleveland State University Press)

Rose Marie Berger, Bending the Arch (Wipf and Stock Publishers)

Reginald Dwayne Betts, Felon (W.W. Norton)

Sylvia Dianne Beverly, Forever in Your Eyes (AuthorHouse)

David Biespiel, Republic Cafe (University of Washington Press)

Star Black, The Popular Vote (Saturnalia Books)

Richard Blanco, How to Love a Country (Beacon Press)

Linda Blaskey, White Horses (Mojave River Press)

Linda Blaskey, Gail Braune Comorat, Jane C. Miller, and Wendy Ingersoll, Walking the Sunken Boards (poetry collaboration, Pond Road Press)

Jody Bolz
, The Near and Far (Turning Point Books)

Judith Bowles, Unlocatable Source (Turning Point Books)

Derrick Weston Brown, On All Fronts (chapbook bound with two others, Floodgate Series, Upper Rubber Boot Books)

Roscoe Burnems, God Love Death & Other Synonyms (310 Brown Street)

Joseph J. Capista, Intrusive Beauty (Ohio University Press)

Nancy Naomi Carlson, An Infusion of Violets (Seagull Books/University of Chicago Press)

Ellen Aronofsky Cole, Notes from the Dry Country (Mayapple Press)

Michael C. Davis, Prodigal (New Academia Publishing)

Joanne Rocky Delaplaine, The Local World (WordTech Editions)

Ruth Dickey, Mud Blooms (Harbor Mountain Press)

celeste doaks, American Herstory (chapbook, Backbone Press)

David Ebenbach, Some Unimaginable Animal (Orison Books)

Melanie Figg, Trace (New Rivers Press)

Mark Fitzgerald, Downburst (Cinnamon Press)

Carolyn Forché, What You Have Heard Is True: A Memoir of Witness and Resistance (nonfiction, Penguin Books)

t’ai freedom ford, & more black (Augury Books)

Tyler French, He Told Me (Capturing Fire Press)

Katherine Gekker, In Search of Warm Breathing Things (Glass Lyre Press)

Brian Gilmore, come see about me, marvin (Wayne State University Press)

Michael S. Glaser, The Threshold of Light (chapbook, Bright Hill Press)

Landon Godfrey, Inventory of Doubts (Tupelo Press)

Barbara Goldberg, Transformation (poetry in translation, essays; Poets Choice Publishing)

Christine Gosnay, The Wanderer (chapbook, Beloit Poetry Journal)

Sandy Green, Lot for Sale. No Pigs (chapbook, BatCat Press)

Kirsten Hampton, The Ocean Cannot Be Blue (Turning Point)

Joy Harjo, An American Sunrise (W.W. Norton)

Clarinda Harriss, Innumerable Moons (Beignet Books)

Anne Higgins, Not Only/But Also (Duck Lake Books)

Emily Holland, Lineage (chapbook, Dancing Girl Press)

Ruth Holzer, A Face in the Crowd: Ghazals (chapbook, Kelsay Books)

Reuben Jackson, Scattered Clouds (Alan Squire Publishing)

Richard Eric Johnson, Watching Angels Dance by Candlelight (Loose Moose Publishing)

Elizabeth Knapp, Requiem with an Amulet in its Beak (WWPH)

Alysse Knorr, Ballast (chapbook, Seven Kitchens Press)

Christopher Kondrich, Valuing (University of Georgia Press)

Beth Konkoski, Water Shedding (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Lidia Kosk, Meadows of Memory, Poems and Prose, translated and edited by Danuta E. Kosk-Kosicka (Apprentice House Press)

Ilja Kostovski, translated from Macedonian to English by Donald Hitchcock and Jack Herschman, Sisyphus and I (Plamen Press)

Gerry LaFemina, Points South (chapbook, Hysterical Books)

Hailey Leithauser, Saint Worm (Able Muse Press)

Mike Maggio, Letters from Inside (short fiction, Vine Leaves Press)

Sally Wen Mao, Oculus (Graywolf Press)

Sami Miranda, We Is (Zozobra Publishing)

Toni Morrison, The Source of Self Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations (nonfiction, Knopf)

Toni Morrison, Goodness and the Literary Imagination (nonfiction, University of Virginia Press)

G. H. Mosson, Family Snapshot as a Poem in Time (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Tanya Olson, Stay (Yes Yes Books)

Mark Opsasnick, Rock the Potomac: Popular Music and Early-Era Rock and Roll in the Washington, DC Area (nonfiction, Booklocker)

Gregory Orr, The Last Love Poem I Will Ever Write (W.W. Norton)

Kathleen O’Toole, This Far (Paraclete Press)

Jose Padua, A Short History of Monsters (University of Arkansas Press)

Eric Pankey, Owl of Minerva (Milkweed Editions)

Richard Peabody, Guinness on the Quay (Salmon Poetry)

Gretchen Primack, Visiting Days (Willow Books)

Heidi Reszies, Of Water and Other Soft Constructions (Anhinga Press)

Seema Reza, A Constellation of Half-Lives (Write Bloody)

Dwaine Rieves, Shirtless Men Drink Free (novel, Tupelo Press)

William Rivera, Wishbone Voices (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Karen Sagstetter, Commotion (Finishing Line Press)

David Salner, The Stillness of Certain Valleys (Broadstone Books)

Gregg Shapiro, More Poems About Buildings and Food (chapbook, Souvenir Spoon Books)

Gregg Shapiro, Sunshine State (chapbook, Night Ballet Press)

Aurelie Sheehan, Once Into the Night (flash fiction, Fiction Collective 2)

Charles Simic, Come Closer and Listen (Ecco Press)

R.T. Smith, Summoning Shades (Mercer University Press)

Susan Sonde, The Arsonist (Main Street Rag Publishing)

Gary Stein, Touring the Shadow Factory (Brick Road Poetry Press)

Nomi Stone, Kill Class (Tupelo Press)

Susan Tichy, The Avalanche Path in Summer (Ahsahta Press)

Sally Higgins Toner, Anansi and Friends (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Philip Wexler, The Sad Parade (Adelaide Books)

Kevin Wiggins, Port of Exit (chapbook, Day Eight)

Kathi Wolfe, Love and Kumquats (BrickHouse Books)

Sarah Yerkes, Days of Blue and Flame (Passager Books)

Sally Zakariya, The Unknowable Mystery of Other People (chapbook, Poetry Box)

Sally Zakariya, Muslim Wife (chapbook, part of 3 chapbooks bound together as Delphi Volume VII, Blue Lyra Press)

Burgi Zenhaeusern, Behind Normalcy (chapbook, CityLit Press)

Bay to Ocean 2019: The Year’s Best Writing from the Eastern Shore Writers Association, ed. Gregg Wilhelm. Contributors include: Bob Balestri, Shirley J. Brewer, Walter F. Curran, Irene Flick, Frank E. Hopkins, Claire McCabe, Sarah McGregor, Jeffrey Scott (anthology Eastern Shore Writers Assn.)

A Constellation of Kisses, ed. Diane Lockward. Contributors include: Kim Addonizio, Nin Andrews, Geraldine Connelly, Jeffrey Harrison, Grey Jacobik, Tim Seibles, Terence Winch (anthology, Terrapin Books)

The Eloquent Poem, ed. Elise Paschen. Contributors include: Cynthia Atkins, Sandra Beasley, Oliver Baez Bendorf, Molly McCully Brown, Michael Collier, Billy Collins, Cornelius Eady, Calvin Forbes, Cynthia Marie Hoffman, Erika Meitner, Stanley Plumly, Mary Jo Salter, Ravi Shankar, Lisa Russ Spaar, Elizabeth Spires (anthology, Persea Books)

Endlessly Rocking: A Whitman Celebration, ed. Stan Galloway and Nicole Yurcaba. Contributors include: Sarah Browning, Henry Crawford, J. Indigo Eriksen, Chris FaragoPatricia Gray, Rachel Eliza Griffiths, Henry Hart, Derek Kannemeyer, Sarah Kennedy, Yahia Lababidi, Gerry LaFemina, Hiram Larew, Mike Maggio, Kevin J. McDaniel, Seth Michelson, David B. Prather, Kim Roberts, Ron Smith, Sally Toner, Anne Harding Woodworth, Ed Zahniser (anthology, Unbound Content)

Firsts: 100 Years of Yale Younger Poets, ed. Carl Phillips. Contributors include: Carolyn Forche, Robert Hass, Daniel Hoffman, Peter Klappert, William Meredith, W.S. Merwin, Peter Streckfus, Edward Weismiller (anthology, Yale University Press)

Here: Poems for the Planet, ed. Elizabeth J. Coleman. Contributors include: Francisco Aragon, James ArthurKyle G. Dargan, Nikki Giovanni, Rachel Eliza Griffiths, Paul Guest, Nor Gur-Arie, Joy HarjoRobert Hass, Pablo Medina, W.S. Merwin, Natasha Saje, Tim Seibles, Tracy K. Smith, Natasha Trethewey, Charles Wright (anthology, Copper Canyon Press)

Ink Knows No Borders: Poems of the Immigrant and Refugee Experience, ed. Patrice Vecchione and Alyssa Raymond. Contributors include: Elizabeth Acevedo, JoAnn Balingit, Safia Elhillo, Tarfia Faizullah (anthology for young readers, Triangle Square Books)

Lessons of Life: Wisdom from an Ageless Generation by Writers Group of Leisure World. Contributors include: Denise Barker, Marion Bedell, Gladys Blank, Grace Cooper, Verna Denny, Joanie Friedlander, Lee Hardy, Jane Hawes, Carlos Montorfano, Danuta Montorfano, Radha Pillai, Anne Doherty Rinn, Woody Shields, Viola Stendardi, Bobbie Troy (anthology, Lulu)

Local News: Poetry About Small Towns, ed. Tom Montag and David Graham. Contributors include: Geraldine Connolly, Tara A. Elliott, Kathleen Hellen, Ted Kooser, Gregory Luce, Charles Rossiter, Naomi Thiers, Davi Walders (anthology, MWPH Books)

Lovejets: Queer Male Poets on 200 Years of Walt Whitman, ed. Raymond Luczak. Contributors include: Robert L. Giron, Jeff Mann, Gregg Shapiro, Walt Whitman (Squares and Rebels Press)

“This Mighty Convulsion”: Whitman and Melville Write the Civil War, ed. Christopher Sten and Tyler Hoffman (nonfiction, University of Iowa Press)

The Mind Has Cliffs of Fall: Poems at the Extremes of Feeling, ed. Robert Pinsky. Contributors include: Elizabeth Bishop, Louise Bogan, Gwendolyn Brooks, Sterling A. Brown, Rita Dove, Louise Gluck, Robert Hayden, W.S. Merwin, John Murillo, Tracy K. Smith, Mark Strand, Natasha Trethewey, Joshua Weiner, Walt Whitman (anthology, W.W. Norton)

The Music of the Aztecs: Poets of the DC Magic Theater Poetry Club, ed. David B. Churchill. Contributors include: Reid Baron, Alan Britt, Annie Finch, Ethan Goffman, John MacDonald, Jan Claire Starkey, Marianne Szlyk (anthology, Pony One Dog Press)

RESPECT: The Poetry of Detroit Music, ed. M.L. Liebler and Jim Daniels. Contributors include: Toi Derricotte, Rita Dove, Cornelius Eady, Brian Gilmore, Nikki Giovanni, Robert Hayden, Philip Levine (anthology, Michigan State University Press)

The Skinny Poetry Anthology, ed. Truth Thomas. Contributors include: Karren LaLonde Alenier, Matt Borczon, Ingrid Bruck, Jeffrey Lamar Coleman, Jaime “Shaggy” Flores, Brian Gilmore, Regina Guarino, Le Hinton, Gregory Luce, Jen Schneider, Naomi Thiers, Anne Harding Woodworth. (anthology, Cherry Castle Publishing)

Such Friends as These: The Surrey Street Poets. ed. Henry Crawford, Renee Gherity, and Betsy Burke. Contributors include: Judith Bowles, Joanne Rocky Delaplaine, Majda Gama, Margi Grady, Betsy Holleman, Leah Johnson, David Keplinger, Dennis M. Kirschbaum, Meghan O’Connell, Ann A. Philips, Ellen Sazzman, Amy Young (anthology; Lulu)

Theory and Praxis: Women’s and Gender Studies at Community Colleges, ed. Genevieve Carminati and Heather Rellihan. Contributors include: Richard E. Otten, Esther Schwartz-McKinzie, Grace Sikorski (nonfiction anthology, Gival Press)

“This Mighty Convulsion”: Whitman and Melville Write the Civil War, ed. Christopher Sten and Tyler Hoffman (nonfiction, University of Iowa Press)

War Memoranda: Photography, Walt Whitman, and Memorials, by Binh Danh and Robert Schultz. With essays by Barbara Bair, David Lehman, Stanley Plumly and Molly Rogers (Taubman Museum of Art, 2019)

We Are Not Your Metaphor: A Disability Poetry Anthology, ed. Zoeglossia Fellows. Contributors include Kathi Wolfe and Raymond Luczak. (anthology, Squares and Rebels Press)

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?, ed. Richard Peabody. Contributors include: Linda Blaskey, Jamie Brown, Nancy Naomi Carlson, Barbara Esstman, Gerry LaFemina, Miles David Moore, Meredith Pond, Rose Solari, Katherine E. Young, Ed Zahniser (anthology, Paycock Press)

What Saves Us: Poems of Empathy and Outrage in the Age of Trump, ed. Martin Espada. Contributors include: Elizabeth Alexander, Naomi Ayala, Richard Blanco, Tarfia Faizullah, Carolyn Forche, Donald Hall, Juan Felipe Herrera, E. Ethelbert Miller, John Murillo, Robert Pinsky, Joseph Ross, Tim Seibles (anthology, Curbstone Press)

Why I Like This Story, ed. Jackson R. Bryer. Contributors include: Richard Bausch, Ann Beattie, Maud Casey, Susan Coll, Joyce Reiser Kornblatt, Howard Norman, Leslie Pietrzyk, Mary Kay Zuravleff (nonfiction anthology, Camden House Books)

You Can Hear the Ocean, ed. Gene Hult. Contributors include: Joseph Auslander, Lucinda Marshall, Ezra Pound, Walt Whitman (anthology, Brighten Press)

New Books 2018

Titles in RED are the editor’s picks for the Ten Best Books (and Two Anthologies) of 2018.

Kwame Alexander with Mary Rand Hess, Swing (young adult literature, Blink Young Adult Books)

Akram Aylisli, translated by Katherine E. Young, Farewell, Aylis: A Nontraditional Novel in Three Works (fiction, Academic Studies Press)

Ned Balbo, 3 Nights of the Perseids (University of Evansville Press)

Anne Becker, Human Animal (Pond Road Press)

Jacquelyn Bengfort, Navy News Service (micro e-chapbook, Ghost City Press)

Lindsay Bernal, What It Doesn’t Have To Do With (University of Georgia Press)

Joelle Biele, Tramp (Louisiana State University Press)

Melanie Bikowski, Wild (CreateSpace)

CL Bledsoe, The Funny Thing About… (short fiction, Spuyten Duyvil Press)

Diana Smith Bolton, A Compass for My Bones (chapbook, Main Street Rag)

Dan Brady, Strange Children (Publishing Genius Press)

Paula Closson Buck, You Cannot Shoot a Poem (Louisiana State University Press)

Sara Burnett, Mother Tongue (chapbook, Dancing Girl Press)

Kenneth Carroll III, Making It Home (Urban Word/Penmanship Publications)

Cheryl Clarke, Targets (limited edition chapbook, Cheryl Clarke)

Lucille Clifton, Generations: A Memoir (audio book, read by Sidney Clifton, Deyan Audio)

Marcus Colasurdo and G.H. Mosson, Heart X-Rays: A Modern Epic Poem (chapbook, PM Press)

Ellen Aronofsky Cole, Notes from the Dry Country (Mayapple Press)

Michael Collier, My Bishop and Other Poems (University of Chicago Press)

Jona Colson, Said Through Glass (WWPH)

Geraldine Connolly, Aileron (Terrapin Books)

Ramola D, For the Sake of the Boy (short fiction, Paycock Press)

Kyle G. Dargan, Anagnorisis (TriQuarterly Books)

Traci Dimond, To Tracy Like/To Like/Like (chapbook, Akinoga Press)

Buck Downs, Unintended Empire: Selected Poems (Furniture Press)

Cornelius Eady, All the American Poets Have Titled Their New Books The End (chapbook, Kattywompus Press)

Claudia Emerson, Claude Before Time and Space (Louisiana State University Press)

Danielle Evennou, Difficult Trick (chapbook, Dancing Girl Press)

Tarfia Faizullah, Registers of Illuminated Villages (Graywolf Press)

Blas Falconer, Forgive the Body This Failure (Four Way Books)

Paul Fauteux, Epoch (Finishing Line Press)

Kelly Forsythe, Perennial (Coffee House Press)

Patricia Garfinkel and Myra Sklarew, Invitation to a Country Called Aging (Opus Books/Politics & Prose)

DJ Gaskin, Of Crows & Superstitions (Main Street Rag Books)

David Gewanter, Fort Necessity (University of Chicago Press)

Margaret Gibson, Not Hearing the Wood Thrush (Louisiana State University Press)

Sid Gold, Crooked Speech (Pond Road Press)

Donald Hall, A Carnival of Losses: Notes on Nearing Ninety (memoir, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)

Monica Hand, DiVida (Alice James Books)

Catherine Harnett, At Some Appointed Time (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Kathleen Hellen, The Only Country Was the Color of My Skin (Saddle Road Press)

Cynthia Marie Hoffman, Call Me When You Want to Talk About the Tombstones (Persea Books)

Zora Neale Hurston, Barracoon (nonfiction, Harper Collins)

Emilio Iasiello, Postcards from LA (chapbook, Plan B Press)

Luisa A. Igloria, The Buddha Wonders Is She Is Having a Mid-Life Crisis (Phoenicia Publishing)

Luisa A. Igloria, What is Left of Wings, I Ask (chapbook, Center for Book Arts)

Donald Illich, Chance Bodies (The Word Works)

Andrew Jarvis, Blood Moon (Homebound Publications)

Charles Jensen, Nanopedia (Tinderbox Editions)

Luther Jett, Our Situation (chapbook, Prolific Press)

Inna Kabysh, translated by Katherine E. Young, Blue Birds and Red Horses (chapbook, Toad Press)

David Keplinger, Another City (Milkweed Editions)

Benjamin Naka-Hasebe Kingsley, Not Your Mama’s Melting Pot (Backwaters Press)

Ted Kooser, Kindest Regards: New and Selected Poems (Copper Canyon Press)

Lidia Kosk, Szklana góra/Glass Mountain (edited by Danuta E. Kosk-Kosicka, in English and 20 other languages; chapbook, Wydawnictwo Komograf)

Gerry LaFemina, The Story of Ash (Anhinga Press)

Michael Lally, Another Way to Play: Poems 1960 – 2017 (Seven Stories Press)

Joyce A. Latham, Border State of Mind (Politics & Prose Opus Publishing)

Courtney LeBlanc, The Violence Within (chapbook, Flutter Press)

Kateema Lee, Musings of a Netflix Binge Watcher (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Harriet Levin, My Oceanography (CavanKerry Press)

Michael H. Levin, Man Overboard (Finishing Line Press)

Jonathan Lewis, Babel On (chapbook, L+S Press)

Lyn Lifshin, Refugees Whose World Was Taken: The Aleppo Poems (NightBallet Press)

Gary Copeland Lilley, The Hog Killing (chapbook, Blue Horse Press)

Margaret Mackinnon, Naming the Natural World (chapbook, Sow’s Ear Poetry Press)

Dora Malech, Stet (Princeton University Press)

Sara Cahill Marron, Reasons for the Long Tu’m (Broadstone Books)

Lucien Mattison, Reaper’s Milonga (YesYes Books)

C.M. Mayo, Meteor (Gival Press)

David McAleavey, Talk Music (Flying Island Books)

Tony Medina, Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Black Boy (children’s literature, Penny Candy Books)

Erika Meitner, Holy Moly Carry Me (BOA Editions)

Douglas Messerli, Stay (Green Integer Press)

E. Ethelbert Miller, If God Invented Baseball (City Point Press)

Mary Morris, Enter Water, Swimmer (Texas Review Press)

Elisabeth Murawski, Heiress (Texas Review Press)

Anita Nahal, Hey…Split milk is split, nothing else (Authorspress, New Delhi)

Anita Nahal, Life on the Go: Flash Fictions from New Delhi to America (short fiction, Authorspress, New Delhi)

Susan Okie, Let You Fly (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Kathleen O’Toole, Waking Hours (chapbook, Franciscan University Press)

Gregory Pardlo, Air Traffic: A Memoir of Ambition and Manhood in America (memoir, Knopf)

Linda Pastan, A Dog Runs Through It (W.W. Norton)

Jon Pineda, Let’s No One Get Hurt (novel, MacMillan)

Stanley Plumly, Elegy Landscapes: Constable and Turner and the Intimate Sublime (nonfiction,, W.W. Norton)

Alexa Poteet, Carnivores (chapbook, L+S Press)

Ann Quinn, Final Deployment (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Jason Reynolds, For Every One (children’s poetry, Athenaeum/Caitlyn Dlouhy Books)

Elisavietta Ritchie, The Scotch Runner (Poets Choice)

Kim Roberts, A Literary Guide to Washington, D.C.: Walking in the Footsteps of American Writers from Francis Scott Key to Zora Neale Hurston (nonfiction and anthology; University of Virginia Press)

Del Samatar and Sofia Samatar, Monster Portraits (Rose Metal Press)

Brittany Scott, The Derelict Daughter (New American Press)

Ravi Shankar, Durable Transit: New and Selected Poems 1997-2017 (Poetrywala Press)

Laura Shovan, Takedown (children’s literature, Wendy Lamb Books/Random House)

Caroline N. Simpson, Choose Your Own Adventure (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Tracy K. Smith, Wade in the Water (Graywolf Press)

Elizabeth Spires, A Memory of the Future (W.W. Norton)

Sophia Starnes, The Consequence of Moonlight (Paraclete Press)

Maggie Stetler, Under a Wanton Magnolia (Finishing Line Press)

Marianne Szlyk, On the Other Side of the Window (Pski’s Porch Publishing)

Pia Taavila-Borsheim, Love Poems (chapbook, Cherry Grove)

Ahron Yermiyahu Taub, Prodigal Children in the House of G-d (short fiction, Austin McCauley Publishers)

Adam Tavel, Catafalque (University of Evansville Press)

Natasha Trethewey, Monument (Houghton Mifflin)

Abdourahman Waberi, translated by Nancy Naomi Carlson, Naming the Dawn (Seagull Books/University of Chicago Press)

Gregory Carlyle Warner, 100 Years to Be Lost (Marco Peak Publishing)

Maureen Williams, The Two Champions and Other Whimsies (children’s poetry, Maureen Williams)

Terence Winch, The Known Universe (Hanging Loose Press)

Rosemary Winslow, Defying Gravity (David Roberts Books)

Pamela Murray Winters, The Unbeckonable Bird (FutureCycle Press)

Diana Woodcock, Tread Softly (FutureCycle Press)

Anne Harding Woodworth, The Eyes Have It (Turning Point Books)

Sally Zakariya, Personal Astronomy (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Stephen Zerance, Safe Danger (Indolent Books)

American Journal: Fifty Poems for Our Time, ed. Tracy K. Smith. Contributors include: Jehanne Dubrow, Yona Harvey, Natasha Trethewey, Ellen Bryant Voigt, Charles Wright. (anthology, Graywolf Press)

The Art of Survival, Ruth Moon Kempher, ed. Contributors include: Karren L. Alenier, Mel Belin, Grace Cavalieri, John Elsberg, Peter Klappert, Lyn Lifshin, Judith McCombs, Miles David Moore, Richard Peabody, Elisavietta Ritchie, Kathi Wolfe (anthology, Kings Estate Press)

Bay to Ocean 2018, ed. W. Scott Olsen. Contributors include: Jamie Brown, Charles Brent Cole, Jackson Coppley, Tara A. Elliott, David J. Hoffman, Ann Hymes, Cynthia A. Ingram, Margaret Farrell Kirby, Brent Lewis, Barbara Lockhart, Claire McCabe, Nancy McCloy, Pat Valdata, Lynne Spigelmire Viti (anthology, Eastern Shore Writers Assn.)

Best New Poets 2018, ed. Kyle G. Dargan (anthology, Samovar Press and Meridian)

Bettering American Poetry, Vol. III, ed. George Abraham, Chen Chen, Sarah Clark, Kenning JP Garcia, Amy King, Hector Ramirez, Candace Williams, Erika Wurth, and John Yau. Contributors include: Tiana Clark, Safia Elhillo, Yermiyahu Ahron Taub (anthology, Bettering Books)

Black Bone: 25 Years of the Affrilachian Poets, ed. Bianca Lynne Spriggs and Jeremy Paden. Contributors include: Remica Bingham-Risher, Ellen Hagan, Randall Horton, Shauna M. Morgan, Shanna L. Smith (anthology, University of Kentucky Press)

District Lines, Vol. V. Contributors include: Shamila Chaudhary, Henry Crawford, Kyle G. Dargan, Deborah Hefferon, Irene Hoge-Smith, Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Monica L. Saxton, Nandini Sen, Rebecca M. Thomas (anthology; Opus Self-Publishing/Politics & Prose)

Every Woman Her Own Theology: On the Poetry of Alicia Suskin Ostriker, ed. Martha Nell Smith and Julie R. Enszer (nonfiction, University of Michigan Press)

Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California, ed. Lucille Lang Day and Ruth Nolan. Contributors include: Dana Gioia, Robert Hass, Judith McCombs, Kim Roberts, James Toupin (anthology, Scarlet Tanager Books)

Ghost Fishing: An Eco-Justice Poetry Anthology, ed. Melissa Tuckey. Contributors include: Zein El-Amine, Alan King, Katy Richey, Tim Seibles (anthology, University of Georgia Press)

Grace in Darkness, Vol. VIII of the Grace & Gravity series of anthologies of short fiction by DC-area women, ed. Melissa Scholes Young. Contributors include: Tyrese Coleman, Lisa Couturier, Caron Garcia Martinez, Molly McGiniss, Jen Michalski, Venus Thrash (anthology, Paycock Press)

Last Call: The Anthology of Beer, Wine & Spirits Poetry, ed. James Bertolino. Contributors include: S.J. Anderson, Anthony Beal, Shirley Brewer, William Derge, Katherine Gekker, and John Guzlowski (anthology, World Enough Writers)

Misrepresented People: Poetic Responses to Trump’s America, ed. Maria Isabel Alvarez and Dante De Stefano. Contributors include: Nin Andrews, Kyle G. Dargan, celeste doaks, Blas Falconer, Erika Meitner, Gregory Pardlo, Clint Smith (anthology, NYQ Books)

Nepantla: An Anthology Dedicated to Queer Poets of Color, ed. Christopher Soto. Contributors include: Francisco Aragon, Richard Blanco, Cheryl Clarke, Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson, T’ai Freedom Ford, Nikki Giovanni, Angelina Weld Grimke, Monica Hand, Robert Hayden, Essex Hemphill, Langston Hughes (anthology, Nightboat Books)

Reading Queer: Poetry in a Time of Chaos, ed. Maureen Seaton and Neil de la Flor. Contributors include: James Allen Hall, Julie R. Enszer, Gregg Shapiro (anthology, Anhingha Press)

Renga for Obama, ed. Major Jackson. Contributors include: Elizabeth Alexander, Reginald Dwayne Betts, Thulani Davis, Cornelius Eady, Annie Finch, Yona Harvey, Juan Felipe Herrera, Ailish Hopper, A. Van Jordan, Sally Wen Mao, Erika Meitner, Gregory Pardlo, Linda Pastan (anthology, Harvard Review)

Stoked Words: An Anthology of Queer Poetry from the Capturing Fire Slam & Summit, ed. Regie Cabico. Contributors include: Megan Alpert, Sunu Chandy, Marlena Chertock, K. Tyler Christensen, Jona Colson, Margaret Lee Corum, Brittany K. Fonte, Tyler French, Natalie Illum, Taylor Johnson, Eryca Kasse, Judson Lewis, J Scales, Dan Vera (Capturing Fire Press)

Unsealing Our Secrets: #MeToo Stories in Poetry, ed. Alexis Rotella. Contributors include:  Raquel D. Bailey, Roberta Beary, Susan Burch, Karen Olshansky, Robin Smith (anthology, Jade Mountain Press)

Vinegar & Char: Verse from the Southern Foodways Alliance, ed. Sandra Beasley. Contributors include: Elizabeth Alexander, Richard Blanco, Molly McCully Brown, Jon Pineda, Natasha Trethewey (anthology, University of Georgia Press)

We Rise, We Resist, We Raise Our Voices, ed. Wade Hudson and Cheryl Willis Hudson. Contributors include: Kwame Alexander, Jabari Asim, Tony Medina, Carol Boston Weatherford (anthology of children’s literature, Just Us Books)

Wishbone Moon, ed. Roberta Beary, Ellen Compton, Kala Ramesh. Contributors include: Susan Burch, Sandip Chauhan, Kristen Deming, Abigail Friedman, Julie Bloss Kelsey, Kathleen O’Toole, and Alexis Rotella (anthology, Jacar Press)

Women of Resistance: Poems for a New Feminism, ed. Danielle Barnhart and Iris Mahan. Contributors include: Elizabeth Acevedo, Kim Addonizio, Lauren K. Alleyne, Sandra Beasley, Safia Elhillo, James Allen Hall (anthology, OR Books)

New Books 2007 to 2012


Karren L. Alenier, On a Bed of Gardenias: Jane & Paul Bowles (chapbook, Kattywompus Press)

Luis Alberto Ambroggio, El exilio y la palabra. La trashumance de un excritor argentino-estadounidense, edited by Rosa Tezanos-Pinto (essays and poems in Spanish, Editorial Vinciguerra)

Luis Alberto Ambroggio, Homenaje al camino (poems in Spanish, Alción Editora)

Dorothy Bendel, Expatriate (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Richard Blanco, Looking for the Gulf Motel (Pitt Poetry Series)

Carmen Calatayud, In the Company of Spirits (Press 53)

Grace Cavalieri, Gotta Go Now (chapbook, Goss 183)

Lucille Clifton, The Collected Poems of Lucille Clifton, 1965-2010 (BOA Editions)

Michael Collier, An Individual History (W.W. Norton)

Donna Lewis Cowan, Between Gods (Cherry Grove)

Moshe Dor, Scorched by the Sun, translated from the Hebrew by Barbara Goldberg and Moshe Dor (The Word Works)

John Elsberg and Eric Greinke, All This Dark: 24 Tanka Sequences (chapbook, Červena Barvá Press)

Blas Falconer, The Foundling Wheel (Four Way Books)

Dana Gioia, Pity the Beautiful (Graywolf Press)

Joshua Gray, Beowulf: A Verse Adaptation with Young Readers in Mind (Zouch Six Shilling Press)

Piotr Gwiazda, Messages: Poems & Interview (Pond Road Press)

Joe Hall, Post Nativity (chapbook, Publishing Genius)

Monica Hand, me and Nina (Alice James Books)

Jeffrey Harrison, What Comes Next (Tupelo Press)

Marc Harshman, Green-Silver and Silent (Bottom Dog Press)

Roger Hecht, Talking Pictures (Červena Barvá Press)

Kathleen Hellen, Umberto’s Night (WWPH)

Jodie Hollander, The Humane Society (chapbook, The Tall-Lighthouse)

Randall HortonRoxbury: A Memoir (nonfiction chapbook, Kattywompus Press)

William Silver Jennings, Robert Kimmel Jennings, and Lane Eaton Jennings, Lineage: Poetry and Prose of Three Generations (XLibris)

Charles Jensen, The Nanopedia Quick-Reference Pocket Lexicon of Contemporary American Culture (chapbook, GOSS 183/Mi Poesias)

Sally Keith, The Fact of the Matter (Milkweed Editions)

Alan King, Drift (Willow Books)

Gerry LaFemina, Steam Punk (chapbook, Smalls Press)

Merrill Leffler, Mark the Music (Dryad Press)

Lyn Lifshin, Knife Edge & Absinthe: The Tango Poems (Night Ballet Press)

Lyn Lifshin, For the Roses: Poems for Joni Mitchell (March Street Press)

Lynn Lifshin, Hitchcock Hotel (e-book, Stronesthrow/Lazarus Media)

Gary Copeland Lilley, Cape Fear: Poems (chapbook, bound together with Holly Iglesia‘s chapbook Fruta Bomba, Q Ave. Press)

Tony Mancus, Bye Land (chapbook, Greying Ghost Press)

Melanie McCabe, History of the Body (David Roberts Books)

Tony Medina, An Onion of Mars (Third World Press)

Douglas Messerli, Dark (e-book, Green Integer)

Yvette Neisser Moreno, Grip (Gival Press)

Valzhyna Mort, Collected Body (Copper Canyon Press)

Eric Pankey, Dismantling the Angel (Parlor Press)

Linda Pastan, Traveling Light (WW Norton)

Richard Peabody, Speed Enforced by Aircraft (The Broadkill River Press)

Richard Peabody, Blue Suburban Skies (short fiction, Main Street Rag)

Natalie Peeterse, Black Birds: Blue Horse, An Elegy (chapbook, Gold Line Press)

Joseph Ross, Meeting Bone Man (Main Street Rag)

Jane Satterfield, Her Familiars (Elixir Press)

Susan Kay Scheid, After Enchantment (CreateSpace)

Sam Schmidt, Suburban Myths (Beothuk Books)

Gregg Shapiro, Gregg Shapiro: 77 (chapbook, Souvenir Spoon Books)

Jane Shore, That Said: New and Selected Poems (Houghton Mifflin)

J.D. Smith, Labor Day at Venice Beach (Cherry Grove)

Maryhelen Snyder, Sun in an Empty Room (Mercury Heartlink)

Jeff Sypeck, Looking Up: Poems from the National Cathedral Gargoyles (Quid Plura Books)

Pia Taavila, Two Winters (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Truth Thomas, Speak Water (Cherry Castle)

Mary-Sherman Willis, Caveboy (chapbook, Artist’s Proof Editions)

Ed Zahniser, At Betty’s Restaurant Thomas Shepherd Loves Danske Dandridge and The Shepherdstown Sonnets (Pernot and Tatlin/Four Seasons Books)

Sally Zakariya, Arithmetic and Other Verses From Late in Life (Richer Resources Publications)

Amazing Graces: Yet Another Collection of Fiction by Washington Area Women, ed. Richard Peabody. Contributors include: Jonetta Rose Barras, Verlyn Flieger, Alssandra Gelmi, Esther Iverem, Kim Roberts, Katherine R. Smith, Amber Sparks. (short fiction anthology, Paycock Press).

Ashes Caught on the Edge of Light: Ten Chapbooks, ed. Susan Richardson.  Featured authors: John Bradley, Serena Fusek, Arthur Ginsberg, Anastasia Kritterden, Laura LeHew, Lyn Lifshin, Trisha Nelson, Elisavietta Ritchie, Ken Rodgers, Myra Sklarew.  (Winterhawk Press)

Cave Canem Anthology XII. Contributors include: Toi Derricotte, Cornelius Eady, Niki Herd, Randall Horton, Alan King, Venus Thrash. (anthology, Willow Books)

Divining Divas: 100 Gay Poets on the Women Who Inspire Them, ed. Micharl Montlock. Contributors include: David Bergman, Richard Blanco, Regie Cabico, Scott Hightower, Charles Jensen, Dan Vera. (anthology, Lethe Press)

Four Virginia Poets Laureate (2004-2012): An Anthology and Reader’s Guide, ed. Sofia M. Starnes.  Featuring Rita Dove, Carolyn Kreiter-Foronda, Claudia Emerson, and Kelly Cherry.  Other contributors: Betty Adcock, Fred Chappell, Cathryn Hankla, Edward Lull, Kevin Everod Quashie, and Charles W. Steger (anthology, Cedar Creek Publishing)

In Good Company: Poets Celebrate Shepherdstown’s 250th Anniversary, ed. Georgia Lee McElhaney and Ed Zahniser.  Contributors include: Tom Donlon, Ethan Fischer, Sonja James, Ilona Popper, Antrim Ross, Hope Maxwell Snyder, John Yost. (anthology, Pernot and Tatlin/Four Seasons Books)

Lady Business: A Celebration of Lesbian Poetry, ed. Bryan Borland.  Contributors include: Julie R. Enszer, Gina R. Evers.  (anthology, Sibling Rivalry Press)

Sunken Garden Poetry: 1992-2011, ed. Brad Davis. Contributors include: Naomi Ayala, Richard Blanco, Lucille Clifton, Stephen Dunn, Carolyn Forche, Jeffrey Harrison, Grey Jacobik, Honor Moore, Kim Roberts, Edgar Gabriel Silex, Sue Ellen Thompson. (anthology, Wesleyan University Press)

Token Entry: New York City Subway Poems, ed. Gerry LaFemina.  Contributors include: Phillip DaceyCornelius Eady, Langston Hughes, Jeffrey McDaniel, Grace Paley, Carly Sachs, Ravi Shankar. (anthology, Smalls Press)

Voices of the Future, ed. Etan Thomas.  Contributors include members of the DC Youth Slam Team. (anthology, Haymarket Books)

Words of Protest, Words of Freedom: Poetry of the American Civil Rights Movement and Era, ed. Jeffrey Lamar Coleman. Contributors include: Amiri Baraka, Gwendolyn Brooks, Lucille Clifton, Robert Frost, Robert Hayden, Langston Hughes, Philip LevineRobert Lowell, Haki Madhubuti, Larry Neal, Dudley Randall, A.B. Spellman. (anthology, Duke University Press)


Akbar Ahmed, Suspended Somewhere Between (Busboys & Poets/PM Press)

Kwame Alexander, Acoustic Rooster and His Barnyard Band (children’s literature, with illustrations by Tim Bowers, Sleeping Bear Press)

Luis Alberto Ambroggio, La arqueologia del viento/The Wind’s Archeology (Vaso Roto Ediciones, bilingual, translated by Naomi Ayala)

Jennifer Atkinson, The Canticle of the Night Path (Parlor Press)

Ed Baker, Stone Girl E-Pic (poetry and visual art; Leafe Press)

E. Louise Beach, Sine Nomine (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Roberta Beary, The Unworn Necklace (Snapshot Press)

Sandra Beasley, Don’t Kill the Birthday Girl: Tales from an Allergic Life (memoir, Crown Books)

Kimberly L. Becker, Words Facing East (WordTech Editions)

Paulette Beete, Voice Lessons (chapbook, Plan B Press)

Clifford Bernier, The Silent Art (Gival Press)

Princess Bethea, Free Love (e-book, Issuu)

Andrea Carter Brown, Each Boat Signs the Water (chapbook, Pudding House)

Derrick Weston Brown, Wisdom Teeth (Busboys & Poets/PM Press)

Jamie Brown, Constructing Fiction: Essays and Advice on Writing Fiction (nonfiction chapbook, Broadkill River Press)

Linda Joy Burke, Moods, Minds and Multitudes (chapbook, Birdtalks Press)

Vincent Carretta, Phillis Wheatley: Biography of a Genius in Bondage (nonfiction, University of Georgia Press)

Dorritt Carroll, In Caves (BrickHouse Books)

Grace Cavalieri, Millie’s Sunshine Tiki Villas: A Novella in Verse (CreateSpace)

Ellen Aronofsky Cole, Prognosis (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Toni Cole, Negro Woman (Toni Cole)

Merle Collins, Angel (fiction, Peepal Tree Press)

Merle Collins, The Ladies are Upstairs (fiction, Peepal Tree Press)

Christopher Conlon, A Matrix of Angels (Creative Guy Publishing)

Stephen Cushman, Riffraff (Louisiana State University Press)

Ben Doller, Dead Ahead (Fence Books)

Tim Dlugos, A Fast Life: The Collected Poems of Tim Dlugos, edited by David Trinidad (Nightboat Books)

Thomas Sayers Ellis, Gone Pop/The Helicopter (chapbook, Willow Books)

W. Perry Epes, Nothing Happened (The Word Works)

Michael Fallon, Since You Have No Body (chapbook, Plan B Press)

Michael Fallon, The Great Before and After (chapbook, BrickHouse Books)

Landon Godfrey, Second-Skin Rhinestone-Spangled Nude Souffle Chiffon Gown (Cider Press)

Herb Guggenheim, Sunset at the Hotel Mira Mar: New and Selected Poems (Infinity Publishing)

Dan Gutstein, Bloodcoal & Honey (Washington Writers’ Publishing House)

Andrew Haley, Good Eurydice (Otis Nebula Press)

Joe Hall, Pigafetta is My Wife (Black Ocean)

Melanie Henderson, Elegies for New York Avenue (Main Street Rag)

Cynthia Marie Hoffman, Sightseer (Persea Books)

Donald Illich, Rocket Children (chapbook, Donald Illich)

Gray Jacobik, Little Boy Blue: A Memoir in Verse (CavanKerry Press)

Steve Kistulentz, The  Luckless Age (Red Hen Press)

Ann Knox, Breathing In (Blurb Books)

Yahia Lababidi, Trial By Ink: From Nietzche to Belly Dancing (essays, Common Ground Publishing)

Gerry LaFemina, Vanishing Horizon (Anhinga Press)

W.F. Lantry, The Language of Birds (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Vladimir Levchev, The Refugee (Gival Press)

Lyn Lifshin, All The Poets Who Have Touched Me (World Parade Books)

Gregory Luce, Drinking Weather (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Mike Maggio, The Keepers (short fiction, March Street Press)

Mary Makofske, Traction (Ashland Poetry Press)

Tony Medina, My Old Man Was Always on the Lam (NYQ Books)

Tony Medina, Broke on Ice (Willow Books)

Ernesto Mercer, Gunpowder + A Match (chapbook, outbackintheshack + Carolina Jones Ink)

E. Ethelbert Miller, The Ear is an Organ Made for Love (ebook, E. Ethelbert Miller)

Ben Nardolilli, Common Symptoms of an Eduring Chill Explained (chapbook, Folded Word)

Mutombo Nkulu-N’Sengha, Bela-Wenda: Voices from the Heart of Africa, translated by Marcela Malek Sulak (Host Publications)

Gloria Oden, Homage (chapbook, Irving Place Publishers)

Maria Teresa Ogliastri, South Pole/Polo Sur, translated by Yvette Neisser Moreno and Patricia Bejarano Fisher (Settlement House Books)

Kathleen O’Toole, Meanwhile (WordTech Editions)

Linda Pastan, Traveling Light (W.W. Norton)

Elizabeth Poliner, Sudden Fog (chapbook, Spire Press)

Minnie Bruce Pratt, Inside the Money Machine (Carolina Wren Press)

Daniel Pravda, A Bird in the Hand is a Dumb Bird (Poetica Press)

Elizabeth Rees, Tilting Gravity (chapbook, Codhill Press)

Joan Retallack, The Question of Time (baseball-style trading card, Fact-Simile)

Elisavietta Ritchie, Cormorant Beyond the Compost (Cherry Grove)

W.M. Rivera, Buried in the Mind’s Backyard (Brickhouse Books)

Kim Roberts, Animal Magnetism (Pearl Editions)

Bruce Sager, Famous (chapbook, CityLit Press)

J.D. Smith, Dowsing and Science: Essays (nonfiction, Texas Review Press)

Cheryl Snell and Janet Snell, That Feel: Paintings and Poems (chapbook, Scattered Light Library)

Jennifer Tamayo, Red Missed Arches (Switchback Books)

Yermiyahu Ahron Taub, Uncle Feygele (Plain View Press)

Maureen Thorson, Applies to Oranges (Ugly Duckling Presse)

Barbara Louise Ungar, Charlotte Bronte, You Ruined My Life (The Word Works)

Patricia Valdata, Looking for Bivalve (Pecan Grove)

Davi Walders, Women Against Tyranny: Poems of Resistance During the Holocaust (Clemson University Digital Press).

David C. Ward, Internal Difference (Lintott Press)

Terence Winch, Falling Out of Bed in a Room with No Floor (Hanging Loose Press)

Michele Wolf, Immersion (The Word Works)

Anne Harding Woodworth, The Artemis Sonnets, Etc. (Turning Point Books)

Wynn Yarbrough, A Boy’s Dream (Pessoa Press)

Ed Zahniser, Slow Down and Live (chapbook, Pernot & Tatlin)

Sally Zakariya, Arithmetic, and Other Verses from Late in Life (Richer Resources)

At the Gate: Arrivals and Departures, ed. Ruth Moon Kempher. Contributors include: Karren Alenier, Mel Belin, Grace Cavalieri, John Elsberg, Lyn Lifshin, Judith McCombs, Richard Peabody. (anthlology, Kings Estate Press)

Burning Bright: Passager Celebrates 21 Years, ed. Mary Azrael and Kendra Kopelke. Contributors include: Connie Anderson, Cicely Angelton, Shirley Brewer, B.R. Culbertson, Sarah Dabney, Lucille Lang Day, Tillie Friedenberg, Lee GouldWendy Hoffman, Barbara Hurd, Wayne Karlin, Elaine Magarrell, Ann Rayburn, Heddy Reid, James Smith, Margaret Weaver. (anthology of poetry, fiction and memoir, Passager Books)

Collective Brightness, LGBTIQ Poets on Faith, Religion & Spiritualty, ed. Kevin Simmonds. Contributors include: Oliver Bendorf, Regie Cabico, John Frazier, Reginald Harris, Joseph Ross, Gregg Shapiro, Yermiyahu Ahron Taub (anthology, Sibling Rivalry Press)

Come Celebrate with Me: A Voices Memorial Tribute to Lucille Clifton, ed. Michael S. Glaser. Contributors include: Elizabeth Alexander, Amiri Baraka, Grace Cavalieri, Michael Collier, Toi Derricotte, Cornelius Eady, Roland Flint, Carolyn Forche, Barbara Hurd, Peter Klappert, Maxine Kumin, Stanley Kunitz, Philip Levine, W.S. Merwin, E. Ethelbert Miller, Toni Morrison, Linda Pastan, Lia Purpura, Edgar Silex (anthology, St. Mary’s Press of Maryland)

Entering the Real World: VCCA Poets on Mt. San Angelo, ed. Margaret B. Ingraham and Andrea Carter Brown. Contributors include: Karren LaLonde Alenier, Ned Balbo, Moira Egan, Charles Fishman, Neva Herrington, Halvard Johnson, LuAnn Keener-Mikenas, Kathleen O’Toole, Lia Purpura, Kim Roberts, Enid Shomer, Michele Wolf (anthology, Wavertree Press)

Hot Sonnets, ed. Moira Egan and Clarinda Harriss. Contributors include: Kim Addonizio, Sandra Beasley, David Bergman, Grace Cavalieri, Tim Dlugos. (anthology, Entasis Press).

Life in Me Like Grass on Fire: Lover Poems, ed. Laura Shovan. Contributors include: Ann Bracken, Shirley Brewer, Christopher Cassimassima, Barbara Westwood Diehl, Kathleen Hellen, Anne Higgins, Dennis Kirschbaum, Danuta Kosk-Kosicka, Lalita Noronha, Heidi Mordhorst, B. Morrison, Fernando Quijano III. (anthology, Maryland Writers Association Books)

Literary Capital: A Washington Reader, ed. Christopher Sten. Contributors include Henry Adams, Sterling A. Brown, Frederick Douglass, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Jean Toomer, Mark Twain, Walt Whitman. (anthology of letters, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, University of Georgia Press)

Mentor and Muse: Essays from Poets to Poets, ed. Blas Falconer, Beth Martinelli, Helena Mesa. Contributors include: Stanley Plumly, Phillis Levin, Jane Satterfield, David Keplinger. (nonfiction, Southern Illinois University Press)

Milk and Honey: A Celebration of Jewish Lesbian Poetry, ed. Julie R. Enszer. Contributors include: Joanna Hoffman, Eryca Kasse, Eleanor Levine, Bonnie J. Morris, Jess Novak. (anthology, A Midsummer Night’s Press).

The Penguin Anthology of 20th Century American Poetry, ed. Rita Dove. Contributors include: Elizabeth AlexanderLucille Clifton, Toi DerricottPaul Laurence Dunbar, Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson, Angelina Weld Grimké, Anthony HechtLangston HughesJames Weldon JohnsonArchibald MacLeish, Haki R. MadhubutiDudley RandallJean Toomer, Henry Taylor, Reetika Vazirani. (anthology, Penguin Books)

The Poetry of Yoga: A Contemporary Anthology, Volume 1, ed. HawaH. Contributors include: Rocky Delaplaine, Dehejia Maat, Lalita Noronha, Carly Sachs (anthology, One Common Unity)

A Sea of Alone: Poems For Alfred Hitchcock, ed. Christopher Conlon. Contributors include: Lyn Lifshin, Miles David Moore, Norman Prentiss, Anne Harding Woodworth. (anthology, Dark Scribe Press)

The Word: Black Writers Talk About the Transformative Power of Reading and Writing, ed. Marita Golden. Thirteen interviews. Contributors include John Hope Franklin, Edward P. Jones, Nathan McCall, Nikki Giovanni. (nonfiction, Random House)

Writers Among Us: A Celebrtion of St. Albans School’s Writer-in-Residence Program. Contributors: Christopher Feliciano Arnold, Lora Jane Berg, Will Blythe, Beth Boyett, Katie Brandi, Stuart Holmes Coleman, Bernardine Connelly, Cynthia Cotts, Ronica (Bhattacharya) Dhar, Caitlin Doyle, James Hoch, David Kajganich, Matthew Klam, Kimberly Libby, Robert Lunday, Margaret Meyers, Michael Pickard, Hannah Louise Poston, Brendan Short, Shauna Seliy, Curtis Sittenfeld, Brian Weinberg, Holly Richards Woodward, Christy J. Zink, and Mary Kay Zuravleff. (mixed genre anthology, St. Albans Press).


Elizabeth Alexander, Crave Radiance: New and Selected Poems 1990-2010 (Graywolf)

Francisco Aragón, Glow of Our Sweat (Scapegoat Press)

Elizabeth Arnold, Effacement (Flood Editions)

Ed Baker, This is Visual Poetry (chapbook, Ed Baker)

Sandra Beasley, I Was the Jukebox (W.W. Norton)

Cliff Bernier, Earth Suite (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Reginald Dwayne Betts, Shahid Reads His Own Palm (Alice James Books)

Sylvia Dianne Beverly, Cooking Up South (Capital BookFest). Cookbook, with poems about food. Contributors include: Shirley J. Brewer, Tinesha Davis, Nikki Giovanni, Deanna Nikaido, Kim Roberts.

Laura Brylawski-Miller, Exile at Sarzana (Broadkill River Press)

Regie Cabico, The Bird That Looks Like 2 Mustaches Kissing: Poems Spoken (CD, Regie Cabico)

Rick Cannon, Questions for My Father’s Killer (chapbook, Pudding House)

Grace Cavalieri, Sounds Like Something I Would Say (Goss 183: Casa Menendez)

Grace Cavalieri, Navy Wife (chapbook, MiPoesias Chapbook Series)

Travis Cebula, Under the Sky They Lit Cities (BlazeVOX)

Jesse Cougot, Rudimentary (very imperfectly developed) (Strategic Books)

Thomas Sayers Ellis, Skin, Inc.: Identity Repair Poems (Graywolf)

Danielle Evennou, Queen of Tuesday (chapbook, Danielle Evennou)

Mark Fitzgerald, By Way of Dust and Rain (Cinnamon Press)

Yael Flusberg, The Last of My Village (chapbook, Poetica)

Martin Galvin, Sounding the Atlantic (Broadkill River Press)

Molly Gaudry, We Take Me Apart (verse novel, Mud Luscious Press)

Molly Gaudry, Anatomy for the Artist (e-chapbook, Blossombones)

Sid Gold, The Year of the Dog Throwers (Broadkill River Press)

Heather Green, No Omen (chapbook, Love Among the Ruins Press)

JoAnne Growney, Red Has No Reason (Plain View Press)

Michael Gushue, Conrad (chapbook, Souvenir Spoon)

Daniel Gutstein, non/fiction (short fiction, Edge Books)

Kathleen Hellen, The Girl Who Loved Mothra (Finishing Line Press)

Anne Higgins, How the Hand Behaves (Finishing Line Press)

Rod Jellema, Incarnality: The Collected Poems (Eerdmans)

Beth Konkoski, Noticing the Splash (chapbook, BoneWorld Press)

Jaimee Kuperman, You Look Nice Strange Man (ABZ Press)

Michael Lally, Lost Angels (CD, Monomania Records)

Mary Ann Larkin, That Deep and Steady Hum (Broadkill River Press)

Sarah D. Lawson, every note spoken (chapbook, Sarah D. Lawson)

Lyn Lifshin, Ballet Madonnas (Shoe Music Press)

Lyn Lifshin, Ballroom (March Street Press)

Lyn Lifshin, Katrina (Poetic Matrix Press)

Reb Livingston, God Damsel (No Tell Books)

Herb Lowery, Love’s Tango (Herb Lowery)

Gregory Luce, Signs of Small Grace (chapbook, Pudding House)

Dehejia Maat, Deep Rooted Soul Sista Poems (CreateSpace)

Karel Hynek Macha, May, translated from the Czech by Marcela Sulak (Twisted Spoon Press)

Mark McMorris, Entrepôt (Coffee House Press)

Susan Bucci Mockler, Noisy Souls (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Elisabeth Murawski, Out-patients (chapbook, Serving House Books)

Elisabeth Murawski, Zorba’s Daughter (University of Utah Press)

John Murillo, Up Jump the Boogie (Cypher Books)

Jon Pineda, Sleep in Me (memoir, University of Nebraska Press)

Q.R. Quasar, The Archangel of Radiance (Global Scholarly Publications)

Q.R. Quasar, I, Universe: The Great Time-Heart Speaks (Global Scholarly Publications)

Charlie Rossiter, Meditations on Frank Lloyd Wright (chapbook, Foothills Publishing)

David Salner, Working Here (Rooster Hill Press)

Ravi Shankar, Voluptuous Bristle (chapbook; Finishing Line)

Ravi Shankar, Seamless Matter: Thirty Stills (chapbook; Rain Taxi)

Myra Sklarew, Harmless (Mayapple)

Cheryl Snell, Shiva’s Arms (novel, Writer’s Lair Books)

Marcela Sulak, Immigrant (Black Lawrence Press)

Sonya Renee Taylor, A Little Truth on Your Shirt (GirlChild Press)

Susan Tichy, Gallowglass (Ahsahta Press)

Jonathan B. Tucker, I Got the Matches (chapbook, Jonathan B. Tucker)

Reetika Vazirani, Radha Says (Drunken Boat Books)

Al pie de la Casa Blanca: Poetas Hispanos de Washington DC, edited by Luis Alberto Ambroggio and Carlos Parada Ayala. Contributors include: Francisco Aragón, Quique Avilés, Naomi Ayala, Rei Berroa, Robert Giron, Gladys Ilarregui, Samuel Miranda, Martha Sanchez-Lowery. (anthology in Spanish, Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española).

Mexican Poetry Today: 20/20 Voices, edited by Brandel France de Bravo (bilingual anthology, Shearsman Books)

Moments of the Soul: Poems of Meditation and Mindfulness by Writers of Every Faith.  Contributors include: Christina Beasley, Maria Wingfield Butler, Temple Cone, Carol F. Peck, Terry Quill, Alexander Russo, Carly Sachs. (anthology, Spirit First Books)

Poetic Art 2010, edited by Mary B. Allen, Grace Cavalieri, Philippa Hughes, Eric Pankey, Kim Roberts, and Elizabeth Tebow. Contributors include: Katie Clare, Susan Bucci Mockler, Garrett Phelan, Allen Pryor, Verna Taylor. (chapbook, poetry and visual art collaborations, Lorton Arts Foundation)

The Poet’s Cookbook: Recipes from Germany, ed. Grace Cavalieri and Sabine Pascarelli. Poems by 33 American Poets with German Translations, plus recipes. Contributors include: Karren L. Alenier, Naomi Ayala, Anne Becker, Cliff Bernier, Christina Daub, Nan Fry, Patricia Gray, Dolores Kendrick, Merrill Leffler, Elisabeth Murawski, Jean Nordhaus, Linda Pastan, Ernie Wormwood, Ed Zahniser. (Forest Woods Media Productions).

The Poets Laureate Anthology, ed. Elizabeth Hun Schmidt. Contributors include: Robert Lowell, Elizabeth Bishop, William Carlos Williams, Randall Jarrell, Reed Whittemore, William Stafford, Anthony Hecht, Mark Strand, Joseph Brodsky, Mona Van Duyn, Louise Gluck, Charles Simic, Kay Ryan. (W.W. Norton)


Kim Addonizio, Lucifer at the Starlite (W.W. Norton)

Deborah Ager, Midnight Voices (Cherry Grove)

Kwame Alexander, And Then You Know: New and Selected Poems (Word of Mouth Books)

J. Joy “Sistah Joy” Matthews Alford, From Pain to Empowerment: The Fabric of My Being (chapbook, SJ Productions)

Luis Alberto Ambroggio, edited and translated by Yvette Neisser Moreno, Difficult Beauty: Selected Poems of Luis Alberto Ambroggio (Cross-Cultural Communications)

Karen Leona Anderson, Punish Honey (Carolina Wren Press)

Naomi Ayala, This Side of Early (Curbstone Press)

Ned Balbo, Something Must Happen (chapbook Finishing Line Press)

Roberta Beary, nothing left to say (Kings Road Press)

R. Dwayne Betts, A Question of Freedom: A Memoir of Survival, Learning, and Coming of Age in Prison (memoir, Avery)

Cliff Bernier, Dark Berries (chapbook, Pudding House)

Travis Cebula, Some Exits (chapbook, Monkey Puzzle Press)

Rene Char, trans. by Nancy Naomi Carlson, Stone Lyre (Tupelo Press)

Maritza Rivera Cohen, A Mother’s War (chapbook; Pyramid Atlantic)

Christopher Conlon, Starkweather Dreams: Landscape with Figures (Creative Guy)

Geraldine Connolly, Hand of the Wind (Iris Press)

Ramola D, Temporary Lives and Other Stories (short fiction, University of Massachusetts Press)

Margaux Delotte-Bennett, Living Learning Loving (chapbook, Margaux Delotte-Bennett)

Buck Downs, You Can’t Get Enough of What You Really Don’t Need (Buck Downs)

John Elsberg and Eric Greinke, Catching the Light: 12 Haiku Sequences (chapbook, Červena Barvá Press)

Jessica Garratt, Fire Pond (University of Utah Press)

Molly Gaudry, Parts (chapbook, Mud Luscious Press)

Molly Gaudry, Bloody Floral Sandals (e-chapbook, Scantily Clad Press)

Alessandra Gelmi, Ring of Fire (Publish America)

Christopher Goodrich, Nevertheless, Hello (Steel Toe Books)

K. Lorraine Graham, Terminal Humming (Edge Books)

Heather Green, The Match Array (chapbook, Dancing Girl Press)

Sandy Green, Pacing the Moon (chapbook, Flutter Press)

Jack Greer, Abraham’s Bay and Other Stories (short fiction, Dryad Press)

JoAnne Growney, Angles of Light (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Richard Harteis, The Revenant (Little Red Tree Publishing)

Margaret B. Ingraham, This Holy Alphabet: Lyric Poems Adapted from Psalm 119 (Paraclete Press)

Charles Jensen, The First Risk (Lethe Press)

Juan Ramon Jimenez, The Poet & the Sea, translated by Mary G. Berg and Dennis Maloney (White Pine Press)

Ann Knox, Reading the Tao at 80 (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Lidia Kosk, Slodka woda, slona woda/ Sweet Water, Salt Water, translated and edited by Danuta E. Kosk-Kosicka (bilingual, short fiction and poetry, Edition Astra)

Gerry LaFemina, Proofreading America and Other Stories (short fiction, Marick Press)

Jenny C. Lares, Lemons & Potpourri (chapbook, handbound, Jenny C. Lares)

Lyn Lifshin, Persephone (Red Hen Press)

Lyn Lifshin, Light at the End: The Jesus Poems (Clevis Hook Press)

Lyn Lifshin, Barbaro: Beyond Brokenness (Texas Review Press)

Lyn Lifshin, Lost Horses (chapbook, Presa Press)

Haki R. Madhubuti, Liberation Narratives: New and Collected Poems, 1966-2009 (Third World Press)

C.M. Mayo, The Last Prince of the Mexican Empire (novel, Unbridled Books)

Greg McBride, Back of the Envelope (chapbook, Copperdome Press)

E. Ethelbert Miller, The 5th Inning (memoir, PM Press/Busboys and Poets)

Ron Moore, Washington Cats (Publish America)

Chris Nealon, Plummet (Edge Books)

Mel Nichols, Catalytic Exteriorization Phenomenon (Edge Books)

Deanna Nikaido, A Voice Like Water: Love Poems (Word of Mouth Books)

Elizabeth Oness, Fallibility (New Rivers Press)

Michael Price, Jr., Right in Front of You (Uncommon Sense Publishing)

Shelley Puhak, Stalin in Aruba (Black Lawrence Press)

Elizabeth Rees, Now That We’re Here (chapbook, Spire Press)

Charlie Rossiter, All Over America: Road Poems (Foothills Publishing)

Kay Ryan, The Best of It (Grove Press)

Ruth Irupé Sanabria, The Strange House Testifies (Bilingual Review Press)

Jane Satterfield, Daughters of Empire: A Memoir of a Year in Britain and Beyond (memoir, Demeter Press)

Leo Shelton, Deep Breaths (Tugson Press)

Leo Shelton, D’Liberate Ramblings (Tugson Press)

Cheryl Snell, with visual art by Janet Snell, Prisoner’s Dilemma (Lopside Press)

Lyrae Van Clief-Stefanon, ]Open Interval[ (University of Pittsburgh Press)

Katherine E. Young, Van Gogh in Moscow (chapbook, Pudding House)

Days I Moved Through Ordinary Sounds: The Teachers of WritersCorps in Poetry and Prose, ed. Chad Sweeney. Contributors from WritersCorps branches in San Francisco, New York, and DC. Contributors include: Kenneth Carroll, Joel Dias-Porter, Michele Elliott, Ryan Grim, Monica Hand, Joy Jones, Livia Kent, Jeffrey McDaniel, Melissa Tuckey, Seshat Yonshea Walker. (City Lights Foundation)

Dee Snyder’s Open Mics: Rantings and Writings, ed. Dee Snyder (chapbook, Dee Snyder). Contributors include: Ann Brandstadter, Eric Hendrixson, Russell Henry, Donald Illich, HH Judd, Tony Masalonis, J.D. Smith, Marisa Torrieri.

Gravity Dancers: Even More Fiction by Washington Area Women, ed. Richard Peabody. The fourth in an ongoing series. Contributors include: Elizabeth Bruce, Maud Casey, Nan Fry, Kyi May Kaung, Sharon Morgenthaler, Denise Orenstein, Meredith Pond, Elisavietta Ritchie, Carly Sachs, Joyce Winslow, Laura Zam. (Paycock Press)

Inspired Results: Poets and Artists of Takoma Park, MD. Documents collaborations of 36 artists and poets. Contributors include: Anne Becker, Brian Gilmore, Merrill Leffler, Chris Llewellyn, Ann Slayton. (Lulu)

It’s All Love: Black Writers on Soul Mates, Family and Friends, ed. Marita Golden. Contributors include: Reginald Dwayne Betts, E, Ethelbert Miller, Kwame Alexander, Abdul Ali, Brian Gilmore, Kenneth Carroll (Broadway Books)

It’s Your Mug Tuesday Night Reading Series 15th Anniversary Commemorative Anthology, ed. Toni Asante Lightfoot, forward by Holly Bass. Contributors include: Eric Antonio, Holly Bass, Toni Blackman, Jane Alberdeston Coralin, Joel Dias-Porter, Twain Dooley, Thomas Sayers Ellis, Brian Gilmore, Monica A. Hand, Reuben Jackson, Brandon D. Johnson, A. Van Jordan, Carolyn Joyner, Dehejia Maat, Ernesto Mercer, Lisa Pegram, Venus Thrash, Patrick Washington, Toni Asante Lightfoot (chapbook, Toni Asante Lightfoot)

Lines + Stars Chapbook 2006-2009, ed. Rachel Adams. Best fiction and poetry published by the online journal since its inception. Contributors include: Regina Coll, J. Elyse Kihlstrom, Megan Atwood, David Saitzeff Grossman, Erin Thomas, and Steven Klepetar (chapbook; Lines + Stars)

Mourning Katrina: A Poetic Response to Tragedy, ed. Joanne V. Gabbin. Adult contributors include: Lena Marie Ampadu, tori omega arthur, Ladaisha Ballard, Emily Cadden, Kenneth Carroll, Melanie Michelle Henderson, Damaris Beecher Hill, Ciara Jeffery, Rudolph Lewis, Shawn Maldon, Joy Pteway, Stephen Rooney, Emily Schrecker, H.E.R. Ward. Children and youth contributors include: Erika Burke, Olivia Grubb, Rowan Gryder, Ashley Hammond, Mishonia Lee, Abi Solomon, Audrey Stephenson, Emily Strom, Eric Sutton. (Mariner)

My Diva: 65 Gay Men on the Women Who Inspire Them, ed. Michael Montlack. Contributors include: David Bergman, Richard Blanco, Regie Cabico, John Dimes, Bill Fogle, R. J. Gibson, Scott Hightower, Allen Smith. (anthology of essays, Terrace Books/Univ. of Wisconsin Press)

Persistent Voices: An Anthology of Poets Lost to AIDS, ed. Philip Clark and David Groff. Contributors include Donald Britton, Tim Dlugos, Jim Everhard, Chasen Gaver, and Essex Hemphill. (Alyson Books)

Plan B Press’ 10th Year Anniversary Anthology, ed. stevenallenmay. Contributors include: Mary Ann Larkin, Mark Terrill, Corey Mesler, Anne Blonstein, Kevin Zepper. (Plan B Press)

Poem, Home: An Anthology of Ars Poetica, ed. Jennifer Hill and Dan Waber. Contributors include: Karren LaLonde Alenier, Cliff Bernier, Dean Blehert, Ellen Aronofsky Cole, Lyn Lifshin, Kim Roberts, Ernie Wormwood. (Paper Kite Press)

Poetic Voices Without Borders 2, ed. Robert L. Giron. Poems in English, French, and Spanish. Contributors include: Karren L. Alenier, Luis Alberto Ambroggio, Naomi Ayala, Mel Belin, David Bergman, Jody Bolz, Grace Cavalieri, Christopher Conlon, Teri Ellen Cross, Patricia Garfinkel, Bernadette Geyer, Dana Gioia, Patricia Gray, Piotr Gwiazda, Suzan Shown Harjo, Peter Klappert, Carolyn Kreiter-Foronda, Vladimir Levchev, Sydney March, C.M. Mayo, Judith McCombs, E. Ethelbert Miller, Miles David Moore, Yvette Neissser Moreno, Richard Peabody, Kim Roberts, Joseph Ross, M.A. Schaffner, Gregg Shapiro, J.D. Smith, Ernie Wormwood (Gival Press)

The Poet’s Cookbook: Recipes from Tuscany, ed. Grace Cavalieri and Sabine Pascarelli. Recipes from Tuscany with poems by 28 Italian and American poets. Contributors include: Karren L. Alenier, Christina Daub, Nan Fry, Barbara Goldberg, Patricia Gray, Rod Jellema, Linda Pastan, Carly Sachs, Ernie Wormwood. (Bordighera Press)


Jennifer Atkinson, Drift Ice (Etruscan Press)

Ed Baker, Restoration Poems (Country Valley Press)

Sandra Beasley, Theories of Falling (New Issues)

Elizabeth Bishop and Robert Lowell, Words in Air: The Complete Correspondence, ed. Thomas Trevisano and Saskia Hamilton (nonfiction, Farrar Straus Giroux)

Linda Blaskey, Farm (chapbook, Bay Oak Publishers)

Jamie Brown, Conventional Heresies (Bay Oak Publishers)

Paula Closson Buck, Litanies Near Water (Louisiana State University Press)

Rick Cannon, What We Already Knew (chapbook, Sheltering Pines Press)

Grace Cavalieri, Anna Nicole (CreateSpace)

Miguel de Cervantes, The Dialogue of the Dogs, trans. David Kipen (Melville House)

Hilda Stern Cohen, Words that Burn Within Me: Faith Values, Survival, ed. by Werner V. Cohen, Gail Rosen, and William Gilcher, with translations from the German by Elborg Forster (memoir and poetry; Dryad Press)

Mark Dawson, Solitary Conversations (limited edition, letter-press chapbook; Aralia Press)

Buck Downs, 5 from Black Peppermint (tinyside, Big Game Books)

Cornelius Eady, Hardhearted Weather: New and Selected Poems (Putnam Books)

Cathy Eisenhower, Clearing Without Reversal (Edge Books)

Wade Fletcher, Snitch Culture (e-chapbook; Dusie Press)

Brandel France de Bravo, Provenance (Washington Writers Publishing House)

Barbara Goldberg, The Royal Baker’s Daughter (Univ. of Wisconsin Press)

Wendell Hawken, The Luck of Being (Backwaters Press)

Josh Healey, Hammertime (OMAI/First Wave Press)

Peter Klappert, Circular Stairs, Distress in the Mirrors (re-publication of a book originally released in 1975, with drawings by Michael Hafftka; Six Gallery Press)

Carolyn Kreiter-Foronda, River Country (San Francisco Bay Press)

Phillis Levin, Mayday (Penguin)

Lyn Lifshin, Lost in the Fog (Finishing Line Press)

Lyn Lifshin, Nutley Pond (Goose River Press)

Lyn Lifshin, Desire (World Parade Books)

Lyn Lifshin, 92 Rapple Drive (Coatlism Press)

Gary Lilley, Alpha Zulu (Ausable Press)

Herb Lowrey, Heart River Undertow (Nuyorican Press)

Veneta Masson, Clinician’s Guide to the Soul (Sage Femme Press)

Jeffrey McDaniel, The Endarkenment (University of Pittsburgh Press)

Kathi Morrison-Taylor, By the Nest (The Word Works)

Valzhyna Mort, Factory of Tears. Bilingual, translations from the Belarusian by the author, Elizabeth Oehlkers Wright, and Franz Wright. (Copper Canyon Press)

Judy Neri, Always the Trains (New Academia Publishing)

Mel Nichols, Bicycle Day (chapbook, Slack Buddha Press)

Elizabeth Oness, Twelve Rivers of the Body (novel, Gival Press)

Eric Pankey, The Pear As One Example: New and Selected Poems (Ausable Press)

Stanley Plumly, Posthumous Keats (biography; W.W. Norton)

Elizabeth Rees, Now That We’re Here (chapbook, Spire Press)

Elisavietta Ritchie, Real Toads (chapbook; Black Buzzard Press)

David Salner, John Henry’s Partner Speaks (WordTech Editions)

Gregg Shapiro, Protection (Gival Press)

Jane Shore, A Yes-or-No Answer (Houghton Mifflin)

Charles Simic, That Little Something (Harcourt Books)

Cheryl Snell, Multiverse (chapbook, Goss183 Publications)

A.B. Spellman, Things I Must Have Known (Coffee House Press)

Adele Steiner, The Moon Lighting (March Street Press)

Adele Steiner, Look Ma: “Hands” on Poetry (poetry writing exercises for youth; Dog Ear Publishing)

Marcela Malek Sulak, Of All the Things That Don’t Exist, I LoveYou Best (chapbook; Finishing Line Press)

Pia Taavila, Moon on the Meadow: Collected Poems (Gallaudet University Press)

Yermiyahu Ahron Taub, What Stillness Illuminated/Vos shtilkayt hot baloykhtn (trilingual in English, Yiddish and Hebrew, Parlor Press)

Truth Thomas, A Day of Presence (Flipped Eye Publications)

Dan Vera, The Space Between Our Danger and Delight (Beothuk Books)

Mark Wallace, Felonies of Illusion (Edge Books)

Kathi Wolfe, Helen Takes the Stage: The Helen Keller Poems (chapbook; Pudding House Press)

Anne Harding Woodworth, Spare Parts: A Novella in Verse (Turning Point)

American Poetry Now: Pitt Series Anthology, ed. Ed Ochester. Contributors include: Richard Blanco, Toi Derricotte, Minne Bruce Pratt, Afaa Michael Weaver. (University of Pittsburgh Press)

Cadence of Hooves: A Celebration of Horses, ed. Suzan Jantz. Contributors include: Linda Blaskey, Mark DeFoe, James Harms, Wendell Hawken, Gregory Orr, Noah Raizman, Michael Salcman, Henry Taylor. (Yarroway Mountain Press)

Come Together, Imagine Peace, ed. Philip Metres, Ann Smith and Larry Smith. Contributors include: Walt Whitman, Robert Lowell, Gerry LaFemina, Lyn Lifshin, Joseph Ross, Eric Pankey. (Bottom Dog)

dandelion clocks, ed. Roberta Beary and Ellen Compton (anthology, Haiku Society of America)

Inventory, ed. Barbara Goldberg. Contributors include Reed Whittemore, Cicely Angleton, and Elaine Magarrell. (Barclay Bryan Press).

Just Like a Girl: A Manifesta, ed. Michelle Sewell. Contributors include Delrica Andrews, Sarah Browning, Yael Flusberg, Charniece Fox, Sage Morgan-Hubbard, Sonya Renee, Carly Sachs, J. Scales, and Mariposa Villaluna. (GirlChild Press)

Letters to the World: Poems from the WOMPO Listserv, ed. Moira Richards, Rosemary Starace, and Lesley Wheeler. Contributors include: Kimberly L. Becker, Nancy Naomi Carlson, Julie R. Enszer, Bernadette Geyer, D.O. Moore, Elizabeth Rees, Kim Roberts, Patricia Valdata, Diane Vance, Brandy Whitlock, Rosemary Winslow (Red Hen Press).

Poem, Revised: 54 Poems, Revisions, Discussions, ed. Robert Hartwell Fiske and Laura Cherry. Contributors include Lyn Lishshin, Brian Gilmore, and Ernie Wormwood. (Marion Street Press)

Self Portrait: Poems from the Soul of the City. Poems by 21 poets enrolled in DC high schools who participated in the 2008 Soul of the City youth leadership program. Foreward by Joy Ford Austin. (Humanities Council of Washington, DC).

Strange Attractors: Poems of Love and Mathematics, ed. Sarah Glaz and JoAnne Growney (AK Peters)

Stress City: A Big Book of Fiction by 51 DC Guys, ed. Richard Peabody. Contributors include: Sean Brijbasi, Kenneth Carroll, Brian Gilmore, Dave Housley, Nathan Leslie, Richard McCann, Kermit Moyer, Terence M. Mulligan, David Nicholson, Ross Taylor, Tim Wendel, Terence Winch (anthology of short fiction, Paycock Press)

The Why and Later: An Anthology of Poems About Rape and Sexual Assault, ed. Carly Sachs. Contributors include: Grace Cavalieri, Lucille Clifton, Teri Ellen Cross, Toi Derricotte, Clarinda Harriss, Erin Murphy, Adrienne Rich, Melanie Rivera, and Rosemary Winslow (Deep Cleveland Books)


Kim Addonizio, My Dreams Out in the Street (novel, Simon & Schuster)

Karren L. Alenier, The Steiny Road to Operadom: The Making of American Operas (essays and libretto; Unlimited Publishing)

Kwame Alexander, Crush: Love Poems (poems for young adults, Word of Mouth Press)

M. Lee Alexander, Observatory (Finishing Line)

Roberta Beary, The Unworn Necklace (Snapshot Press)

Sandra Beasley, Small Kingdom (tinyside, Big Game Press)

Anne Becker, The Good Body (Finishing Line)

Sarah Browning, Whiskey in the Garden of Eden (The Word Works)

Shannan Butler, Opened Soul (2Donn Books)

Agustín Cadena, trans. C.M. Mayo, Carne verde, piel negra/An Avocado from Michoacán (chapbook,Tameme)

Michael Collier, Make Us Wave Back (nonfiction, University of Michigan Press)

Christopher Conlon, Mary Falls: Requiem for Mrs. Surratt (The Word Works)

Kyle Dargan, Bouquet of Hungers (Univ. of Georgia Press)

Heather Davis, The Lost Tribe of Us (Main Street Rag Books)

Cathy Eisenhower, Sheet & tube (tinyside, Big Game Press)

Blas Falconer, A Question of Gravity and Light (University of Arizona Press)

Martin Galvin, Circling Out (Finishing Line)

Michael Gushue, Gathering Down Women (chapbook, Pudding House)

Neva Herrington, Her BMW and Other Poems (chapbook, Pudding House)

Esther Iverem, We Gotta Have It: Twenty Years of Seeing Black at the Movies, 1986-2006 (essays, Thunder’s Mouth Press)

Bernard Jankowski, in collaboration with painter Ed Ramsberg, Luminous Mud (KarlysKline Press)

Andrew Jarvis, Choreography (chapbook, Johns Hopkins University Press)

Charles Jensen, The Strange Case of Maribel Dixon (chapbook, New Michigan Press)

Beth Joselow, Begin at Once (Chax Books)

Alan King, the music we are (chapbook, Alan King)

Gerry LaFemina, The Book of Clown Baby and Figures from the Big Time Circus Book (prose poems, Mayapple Press)

Jenny C. Lares, (Re)Genesis (chapbook, hand bound, Jenny C. Lares)

Hiram Larew, More Than Anything (Vrzhu Press)

Mary Ann Larkin, Gods & Flesh (chapbook, Plan B Press)

Barbara Lefcowitz, Blue Train to America (Dancing Moon Press)

Reb Livingston, Your Ten Favorite Words (Coconut Books)

Bruce MacKinnon, Mystery Schools (Washington Writers Publishing House)

Mike Maggio, deMOCKracy (Plain View Press)

Cate Marvin, Fragment of the Head of a Queen (Sarabande Books)

Mel Nichols, The Beginning of Beauty, Part 1 (Edge Books)

Kurt Olsson, What Kills What Kills Us (Silverfish Review Press)

Stanley Plumly, Old Heart (WW Norton)

Gretchen Primack, The Slow Creaking of Planets (chapbook, Finishing Line)

Heddy Reid, A Far Cry (chapbook, Finishing Line)

Kim Roberts, The Kimnama (Vrzhu Press)

Charlie Rossiter, The Night We Danced With the Raelettes, (Foothills Publishing)

Ken Rumble, Key Bridge (Carolina Wren Press)

Lori Shpunt, Escape Routes (chapbook, Pudding House)

Rod Smith, Deed (Univ. of Iowa Press)

Cheryl Snell, Samsara (chapbook, Pudding House)

Susan Tichy, Bone Pagoda (Ahsahta Press)

Melissa Tuckey, Rope as Witness (chapbook, Pudding House)

Ryan Walker, Pop Music (tinyside, Big Game Press)

Reed Whittemore, Against the Grain: The Literary Life of a Poet (memoir, Dryad Press)

Terence Winch, Boy Drinkers (Hanging Loose Press)

Rosemary Winslow, Green Bodies (The Word Works)

Katherine E. Young, Gentling the Bones (chapbook, Finishing Line)

The Bedside Guide to No Tell Motel – Second Floor, ed. Reb Livingston and Molly Arden. Contributors include: Deborah Ager, Sandra Beasley, Jill Alexanxder Essbaum, Julie R. Enszer, Piotr Gwiazda, Donald Illich, Cheryl Pallant, Shann Palmer, Kim Roberts, Carly Sachs (No Tell Books).

Best New Poets 2006: 50 Poems from Emerging Writers, ed. Eric Pankey (University of Virginia Press).

Cut Loose the Body: An Anthology of Poems on Torture and Fernando Botero’s Abu Ghraib Paintings, ed. Rose Berger and Joseph Ross. Contributors include Myra Sklarew, Kyle Dargan, E. Ethelbert Miller, Consuelo Hernandez, Tala A. Rameh (chapbook, American University Museum and DC Poets Against the War).

Electric Grace: Still More Fiction by Washington Area Women, ed. Richard Peabody. Contributors include: Maxine Clair, Rosie Dempsey, Jamie Holland, Eugenia SunHee Kim, Joanne Leedom-Ackerman, Faye Moskowitz, Jessica Neely, Sheila Walsh, Christy J. Zink (short fiction anthology, Paycock Press).

Family Pictures: Poems and Photographs Celebrating Our Loved Ones, ed. Kwame Alexander. Contributors include: Sylvia Dianne Beverly, Kyndall Brown, Lucille Clifton, Maritza Rivera Cohen, Christopher Conlon, Paul Lawrence Dunbar, Jennifer Gresham, Carolyn Joyner, Jacqueline Jules, Dan Logan, Tony Medina, E. Ethelbert Miller, Deanna Nikaido, Katy Richey, Kim Roberts, Carly Sachs, Davi Walders, and Mary-Sherman Willis (Capital BookFest Books)

Joyful Noise: An Anthology of American Spiritual Poetry, ed. Robert Strong. Contributors include: Walt Whitman, Joaquin Miller, Paul Laurence Dunbar, William Carlos Williams, Ezra Pound, Langston Hughes, Linda Pastan, and Eric Pankey (Autumn House)

Kiss the Sky: Fiction and Poetry Starring Jimi Hendrix, ed. Richard Peabody. Contributors include Sunil Freeman, Reuben Jackson, Matthew Kirkpatrick, David Nicholson, Darrell D. Stover, Kevin Downs (Paycock Press)

Not What I Expected: The Unpredictable Road from Womanhood to Motherhood, ed. Donya Currie Arias and Hildie Block. Poetry, Fiction, Essays, and Art. Contributors include: Jody Bolz, Grace Cavalieri, Christina Daub, Joanne Rocky Delaplaine, Patricia Gray, Clarinda Harriss, Mary Ann Larkin, Lyn Lifshin, Hilary Tham (Paycock Press)

Radiant Lyre: Essays on Lyric Poetry, ed. David Baker and Ann Townsend. Short essays. Contributors include Eric Pankey and Stanley Plumly. (essay anthology, Graywolf Press)

The Spoken Word Revolution Redux, ed. Mark Eleveld. Contributors include: Gayle Danley, Kyle G. Dargan, Thomas Sayers Ellis, Dana Gioia, Jeffrey McDaniel, Sonya Renee, Henry Taylor. (anthology with CD, Sourcebooks, Inc.)

Word Warriors: 35 Women Leaders in the Spoken Word Revolution, ed. Alix Olson. Contributors include Leah Harris and Natalie Illum (Seal Press)

New Books 2000 to 2006


Kim Addonizio, Little Beauties (novel, Simon & Schuster)

Lisa Alvarado, Ann Hagman Cardinal, and Jane Alberdeston Coralin, Sister Chicas (young adult novel, Penguin/NAL Trade)

Claudia Gary-Annis, Humor Me (David Roberts Books)

Elizabeth Arnold, Civilization (Flood Editions)

Ed Baker, G oo dnight (Red Ochre Press)

E. Louise Beach, Blue Skies (Finishing Line)

Jules Boykoff, Once Upon a Neoliberal Rocket Badge (Edge Books)

Andrea Carter Brown, The Disheveled Bed (CavanKerry)

Derrick Weston Brown, The Unscene (chapbook, Derrick Weston Brown)

Regie Cabico, Exodus (limited edition chapbook, Asian/Pacific/American Institute, New York University)

Grace Cavalieri, Water on the Sun/Acqua sol sole, Bilingual English/Italian, trans. Maria Enrico. Winner of the Bordighera Poetry Prize for an American poet of Italian descent (Bordighera Press)

Michael Collier, Dark Wild Realm (Houghton Mifflin)

Buck Downs, Pontiac Fever (CD, Narrow House)

Buck Downs, In Memory D Thompson (limited edition, Buck Downs). A series of poems composed of rubbings taken from headstones in Congressional Cemetery, DC.

Buck Downs, Ladies Love Oulaws (chapbook, Edge Books)

Blas Falconer, The Perfect Hour (Pleasure Boat Studio)

JoAnne Growney, My Dance is Mathematics (chapbook, Paper Kite Press).

Donald Hall, White Apples and the Taste of Stone (Houghton Mifflin)

Judith Harris, The Bad Secret (Louisiana State University Press)

Jeffrey Harrison, The Names of Things: New and Selected Poems (Dufour Editions)

Jeffrey Harrison, Incomplete Knowledge (Four Way Books)

Randall Horton, The Definition of Place (Main Street Rag)

Esther Iverem, Living in Babylon (Africa World Press)

Charles Jensen, Living Things (chapbook, Thorngate Road)

Brandon D. Johnson, Love’s Skin (The Word Works)

Beth Baruch Joselow, The Bottleneck (chapbook, the interrupting cow)

David Keplinger, The Prayers of Others (New Issues)

Alan King, transfer (chapbook, Alan King)

Nandinee Kutty, Kavitanjali: Offering with Both Hands (chapbook, Nandinee K. Kutty)

Doug Lang, Selected Poems (Edge Books)

Lyn Lifshin, Another Woman Who Looks Like Me (Black Sparrow)

Reb Livingston and Ravi Shankar, Wanton Textiles (No Tell Books)

C.M. Mayo, The Essential Francisco Sosa, or Picadou’s Mexico City (CD, Tameme)

R.J. McCaffery, Ice Sculpture of Mermaid with Cigar (Three Candles Press)

John Morris, The Musician, Approaching Sleep (chapbook, Dos Madres Press)

The Original Woman, The Addiction (CD, The Original Woman)

Linda Pastan, Queen of a Rainy Country (WW Norton)

Dwaine Rieves, When the Eye Forms (Tupelo Press)

Elisavietta Ritchie, Awaiting Permission to Land (Cherry Grove Collections)

stevenallenmay, fracturedevelopment (chapbook, Plan B Press)

Henry Taylor, Crooked Run (Louisiana State University Press)

Truth Thomas, Party of Black (chapbook; Mouthmark Press)

Maureen Thorson, Mayport (2006 Chapbook Poetry Fellowship winner, Poetry Society of America)

Joshua Weiner, From the Book of Giants (Univ. of Chicago Press)

Ed Zahniser, Mall-Hopping with the Great I AM (Somondoco Press)

Alice Redux: New Stories of Alice, Lewis, and Wonderland, ed. Richard Peabody. Contributors include: Miles David Moore, Ross Taylor, Donya Currie Arias, Ann Downer, Kevin Downs, C.M. Dupre, Martin Seay, Aurelie Sheehan, MaryAnn Suehle, Victoria Popdan and Dorothy Hickson. (Paycock Press)

American War Poetry, ed. Lorrie Goldensohn.  Contributors include: Joel Barlow, Ambrose Bierce, Elizabeth Bishop, Joseph Brodsky, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Carolyn Forché, Charlotte L. Forten Grimké, Anthony Hecht, Langston Hughes, Randall Jarrell, Francis Scott Key, Robert Lowell, Archibald MacLeish, Joaquin Miller, Ezra Pound, Walt Whitman. (Columbia University Press).

The Bedside Guide to No Tell Motel, ed. Reb Livingston and Molly Arden. Contributors include Carly Sachs, Kim Roberts, Christy Zink, Emily Lloyd, Ken Rumble, and Ravi Shankar (No Tell Books)

Enhanced Gravity: Short Fiction by Washington Area Women Writers, ed. Richard Peabody. Contributors include: Ramola D, Sibbie O’Sullivan, Elizabeth Poliner, Venus Thrash (Paycock Press)

Evensong: Contemporary American Poets on Spirituality, ed. Gerry LaFemina and Chad Prevost. Contributors include Francisco Aragón, Eric Pankey, Ravi Shankar. (Bottom Dog)

fish in love, edited by Roberta Beary and Ellen Compton (anthology, Haiku Society of America)

Gathering Ground: A Reader Celebrating Cave Canem’s First Decade, ed. Toi Derricotte and Cornelius Eady. Contributors include Elizabeth Alexander, Holly Bass, Derrick Weston Brown, Teri Ellen Cross, Kyle G. Dargan, Joel Dias-Porter, Michele Elliott, John Frazier, Monica A. Hand, Yona Harvey, Brandon D. Johnson, Ernesto Mercer, and Venus Thrash (University of Michigan Press)

Growing Up Girl: An Anthology of Voices from Marginalized Spaces, ed. Michelle Sewell. Contributors include Teri Ellen Cross, Yael Flusberg, Charniece FoxLisa Joyner, J. ScalesSonya Renee Taylor (GirlChild Pres)

Legitimate Dangers: American Poets of the New Century, ed. Michael Dumanis and Cate Marvin. Contributors include: Jeffrey McDaniel, Thomas Sayers Ellis, Richard Blanco, A. Van Jordan (Sarabande Books)

Mexico: A Traveler’s Literary Companion, ed. C.M. Mayo. Short fiction from Mexico in translation. (Wherabouts Press)

The Oxford Anthology of African-American Poetry, ed. Arnold Rampersad. Contributors include Elizabeth Alexander, Sterling A. BrownPaul Laurence DunbarCornelius Eady, Angelina Weld GrimkeLangston Hughes,E. Ethelbert Miller, May Miller, Larry NealJean Toomer (Oxford University Press)

The Ringing Ear: Black Poets Lean South, ed. Nikky Finney. Contributors include Holly Bass, Remica L. Bingham, Lucille Clifton, Jane Alberdeston Coralin, Camille T. Dungy, Cornelius Eady, Thomas Sayers Ellis, Reginald Harris, Reuben Jackson, Brandon D. Johnson, E. Ethelbert Miller, Evie Shockley, Truth Thomas (Univ. of Georgia Press)

Sex & Chocolate: Tasty Morsels for Mind and Body, ed. Lucinda Ebersole and Richard Peabody. Contributors include R.R. Angell, Jodi Bloom, Jane Bradley, Moira Egan, Ivy Goodman, Deirdre McAfee, Leslie Pietrzyk, Nani Power, Gregg Shapiro (Paycock Press)

Under the Rock Umbrella: Contemporary American Poets from 1951-1977, ed. William Walsh. Contributors include: Kim Addonizio, Michael Collier, Kate Daniels, Thomas Sayers Ellis, James Harms, Cate Marvin, Campbell McGrath, Barbara J. Orton, Elizabeth Spires, Susan Tichy, Afaa Michael Weaver. (Mercer University Press)

Voces y memorias de la Luna, ed. Rei Berroa. Anthology in Spanish of poets featured in the annual Poetry Marathon sponsored by Teatro de la Luna. Featured authors include Luis Alberto Ambroggio, Rei Berroa, Gladys Ilarregui (Colecctión Libros de la Luna)


Kim Alexander and Jeffery Duarté, Sleight of Hand, Twist of Fate (Speak Easy Publishing)

Kwame Alexander, Dancing Naked on the Floor (Writers Lair Books)

Kwame Alexander, The Way I Walk, short stories and poems for young adults (Capital Book Fest)

Paulette Beete, Blues for a Pretty Girl (Finishing Line Press)

Sylvia D. Beverly, Forever in Your Eyes (Golden Arts Publishing)

Richard Blanco, Directions to the Beach of the Dead (Univ. of Arizona Press)

Brofucius (aka Jeffrey G. Duarté), Hot Licks & Rhetoric (CD, Speak Easy Publishing)

Leslie Bumstead, Cipher/Civilian (Edge Books)

Nancy Naomi Carlson, Imperfect Seal of Lips (chapbook, winner of the Tennessee Chapbook Prize, published in Poems & Plays, Issue 12).

Grace Cavalieri, What I Would Do for Love: Poems in the Voice of May Wollstonecraft (Jacaranda Press)

Donna Denize, Broken Like Job (The Word Works)

James Ellis III, OnThaGrindCuzin: The School Daze of Being ‘Incognegro’ in 1619 (Publish America)

Thomas Sayers Ellis, The Maverick Room (Graywolf Press)

Ethan Fischer, Beached in the Hourglass (The Bunny and the Crocodile Press)

Lesley Lee Francis, Robert Frost: An Adventure in Poetry, 1900-1918 (memoir, Transaction Publishers)

Edith Grant, Centaur and Other Poems (Xlibris)

Jennifer Gresham, Diary of a Cell (Steel Toe Books)

Piotr Gwiazda, Gagarin Street (Washington Writers Publishing House)

Saskia Hamilton, Divide These (Graywolf Press)

Jeffrey Harrison, An Undertaking (Haven Street Press)

Ailish Hopper, Bird in the Head (The Center for Book Arts)

Philip K. Jason, Greatest Hits: 1970-2001 (chapbook; Pudding House Press)

David KeplingerThe Clearing (New Issues)

David Kresh, Turn Off or Use Opener (The Blue House Press)

Mary Ann Larkin, A Shimmering That Goes With Us (Finishing Line Press)

Vladimir Levchev, The Rainbow Mason (Cornerstone Books)

Lyn Lifshin, The Daughter I Don’t Have (Plan B Press)

Lyn Lifshin, The Licorice Daughter (Texas Review Press)

Gary Copeland Lilley, Black Poem (chapbook, Hollyridge Press)

Savora Matzo, Soul of Savora (Bamboo Books)

David McAleavey, Huge Haiku (Chax Press)

Richard McCann, Mother of Sorrows (Pantheon Books)

Judith McCombs, The Habit of Fire: Poems Selected & New (The Word Works)

Laura Minning, sunburst (Xlibris)

Mel Nichols, Day Poems (Edge Books)

Sibbie O’Sullivan, Little Wheel (CD, A Dim Puce Production)

Kathleen O’Toole, Practice (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Patric Pepper, Temporary Apprehensions (Washington Writers Publishing House)

Elizabeth Poliner, Mutual Life & Casualty (novel, Permanent Press)

Elisavietta Ritchie, The Spirit of the Walrus (Bright Hill Press)

Anne Sheldon, The Adventures of the Faithful Counselor (Aqueduct Press)

Michelle Sewell, Consider This… (CD, The Poetry Fix)

J.D. Smith, Settling for Beauty (Cherry Grove)

Rod Smith, Fear the Sky (CD, Narrow House Recordings)

Yermiyahu Ahron Taub, The Insatiable Psalm: Poems (Wind River Press)

Hilary Tham, Tin Mines and Concubines (short fiction, Washington Writers Publishing House)

Etan Thomas, More Than an Athlete (Moore Black Press)

Maureen Thorson, Abecedarium (chapbook, Big Game Press)

Maureen Thorson, EVOL (chapbook, Big Game Press)

Nap Turner, Nap Turner Presents Hughes’ View of the Blues. The acclaimed WPFW-FM deejay reading Langston Hughes‘s Jesse B. Semple stories (CD, Right on Rhythm).

Jonathan Vaile, Blue Cowboy (The Word Works)

Joy C. West, Dancing on the Fringes of the Realm (chapbook, Joy C. West).

Sharlie West, House of Bones (Shadows Ink Publications)

Alice Redux: New Stories of Alice, Lewis, and Wonderland, ed. Richard Peabody (fiction anthology, Paycock Press).

An Interdisciplinary Introduction to Women’s Studies, ed. Brianne Friel and Robert L. Giron (nonfiction anthology, Gival Press)

180 More: Extraordinary Poems for Every Day, ed. Billy Collins. Contributors include Christina Daub, Anthony Hecht, Edward Hirsch, Ted Kooser, Linda Pastan (Random House).

Only the Sea Keeps: Poetry of the Tsunami, ed. Judith R. Robinson, Joan E. Bauer, & Sankar Roy. Contributors include: Indran Amirthanayagam, Mel Belin, Rick Cannon, Grace Cavalieri, John Clarke, Tom Donlon, Yael Flusberg, Robert L. Giron, Lyn Lifshin, Elisavietta Ritchie, Kim Roberts, Avideh Shashaani, Davi Walders, Ernie Wormwood (Rupa & Co. in New Delhi, India/Bayeux Arts, Calgary, Canada).

Poetic Voices Without Borders, ed. Robert L. Giron. Contributors include Karren L. Alenier, Luis Alberto Ambroggio, Rei Berroa, Jody Bolz, Grace Cavalieri, Piotr Gwiazda, Suzan Shown Harjo, Peter Klappert, C.M. Mayo, Judith McCombs, E. Ethelbert Miller, Richard Peabody, Kim Roberts, Myra Sklarew, Hilary Tham, Davi Walders and Ernie Wormwood (Gival Press).

Poetry Alive at Iota: 10th Anniversary CD, ed. Terence Mulligan, Martha Sanchez-Lowery and Miles David Moore. Featured authors include: Karren L. Alenier, Dean Blehert, Grace Cavalieri, Sunil Freeman, Patricia Gray, Reuben Jackson, Hiram Larew, Judith McCombs, Richard Peabody, Kim Roberts, Hilary Tham (CD anthology, Minimus Productions).

Unexpected Harvest: A Gathering of Blessings, ed. Ruth Moon Kempher. Contributors include Dean Blehert, Grace Cavalieri, Peter Klappert, Miles David Moore, Elisavietta Ritchie, Hilary Tham (Kings Estate Press)

A Wild Perfection: Selected Letters of James Wright, ed. Anne Wright and Saundra Rose Maley (nonfiction, Farrar Straus & Giroux)


Kim Addonizio, What Is This Thing Called Love (WW Norton)

Richard Blanco, Nowhere But Here (chapbook, Hill-Stead Museum)

Jody Bolz, A Lesson in Narrative Time (Gihon Books)

Christopher Conlon, The Weeping Time (Argonne House Press)

Erik Gamlem, Death Language: Collected Poems (Kiss/Kill Press)

Dana Gioia, Disappearing Ink: Poetry at the End of Print Culture (essays, Graywolf Press)

Patricia Gray, Rupture (Red Hen Press)

Jen Gresham, Explaining Relativity to the Cat (chapbook, Pudding House Press)

Marc Harshman, Local Journeys (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Rod Jellema, A Slender Grace (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing)

Richard Eric Johnson, Schemes of Consciousness (Mellen Poetry Press)

Sally Keith, Dwelling Song (University of Georgia Press)

Chungmi Kim, Glacier Lily (Red Hen Press)

Ann B. Knox, The Dark Edge (Pudding House Press)

Gerry LaFemina, The Parakeets of Brooklyn. Bilingual English/Italian, trans. Elisa Biagini. (chapbook, winner of the Bordighera Poetry Prize for an American poet of Italian descent, Bordighera Press)

C.E. Laine, Postcards from a Summer Girl (Sun Rising Books)

Michael Lally, March 18, 2003 (Libellum)

Barbara Lefcowitz, Photo, Bomb, Red Chair (Fithian Press)

Lyn Lifshin, The Barbie Poems (chapbook, The Lummox Press)

Lyn Lifshin, When a Cat Dies (chapbook, The Moon Press)

Lyn Lifshin, Another Woman’s Story (limited edition chapbook, Butcher Shop Press)

Lyn Lifshin, Secretariat: The Red Freak, The Miracle (Texas Review Press)

Gary Copeland Lilley, The Subsequent Blues (Four Way Books)

Gary Copeland Lilley, The Reprehensibles (chapook, Fractal Edge Press)

Miles David Moore, Rollercoaster (The Word Works)

E. Ethelbert Miller, How We Sleep on the Nights We Don’t Make Love (Curbstone Press)

Erin Murphy, Science of Desire (Word Press)

Christopher Nealon, The Joyous Age (Black Square Editions)

Gloria Oden, Appearances (Saru Press International)

Billye Okera, The Mourner’s Bench and Other Stations of Weeping & Joy (Speak-Easy Publishing)

Eric Pankey, Reliquaries (Ausable Press)

Richard Peabody, Last of the Red Hot Magnetos (Paycock Press)

Mary Quattlebaum, Family Reunion. Poems for young people with illustrations by Andrea Shine (Eerdmans)

Kaia Sand, Interval (Edge Books)

The Silhouette Lover, Shadow Dancing (Speak-Easy Publishing)

Cheryl Snell, Epithalamion (Little Poem Press)

Peter Streckfus, The Cuckoo (Yale University Press)

Maureen Thorson, Calamity and the Calamity Annex (chapbook, Big Game Press)

Maureen Thorson, Novelty Act (chapbook, Ugly Duckling Presse)

Hamed Vahidi, Ruins of the Soul (Llumina Press)

Mark Wallace, Haze: Essays, Poems, Prose (Edge Books)

Cabin Fever: Poets at Joaquin Miller’s Cabin, 1984-2001, ed. Jacklyn Potter, Dwaine Rieves, and Gary Stein. Includes: Jane Alberdeston Coralín, Karren L. Alenier, Jennifer Atkinson, Holly Bass, Anne Becker, Dean Blehert, Rick Cannon, Kenneth Carroll, Grace Cavalieri, Michael Collier, Joanne Rocky Delaplaine, Roland Flint, Sunil Freeman, Nan Fry, David Gewanter, Brian Gilmore, Patricia Gray, Daniel Gutstein, Reuben Jackson, Valerie Jean, Rod Jellema, Brandon D. Johnson, Jean Johnson, Beth Baruch Joselow, Hiram Larew, Merrill Leffler, Toni Asante Lightfoot, David McAleavey, Richard McCann, Judith McCombs, E. Ethelbert Miller, Miles David Moore, Sibbie O’Sullivan, Stanley Plumly, Kim Roberts, Martha Sanchez-Lowery, Myra Sklarew, Gary Stein, Hilary Tham, Davi Walders, Reed Whittemore, Rhonda Williford, Terence Winch (The Word Works)

DC Poets Against the War: An Anthology (Second Edition), ed. Sarah Browning, Michele Elliott and Danny Rose. Featured authors include: Luis Alberto Ambroggio, Naomi Ayala, Rei Berroa, Richard BlancoJody Bolz, Kenneth CarrollGrace Cavalieri, David Gewanter, Patricia Gray, Peter Klappert, Ann B. Knox, Mike Maggio, Judith McCombs, E. Ethelbert Miller, Samuel Miranda, John S. Murillo, Richard Peabody, DJ Renegade, Melanie RiveraKim Roberts, M.A. SchaffnerMyra Sklarew, Rebecca Villarreal (DCPAW)

DC Slam Semi-Finals 2004, SLAMicide (Baltimore) Semi-Finals, and the DC/Baltimore Slam Team Finals Night 2004; available on DVD separately or as a 3-disc box set.

Grace and Gravity: Fiction by Washington Area Women, ed. Richard Peabody. Contributors include Sophy Burnham, Lucinda Ebersole, Patricia Griffith, Judith Harris, C.M. Mayo, Leslie Pietrzyk, Mary Quattlebaum, Myra Sklarew, Mary Kay Zuravleff (Paycock Press)

Sheets for Men Only: International anthology of poetry and prose, ed. Claire Kincannon. 25 contributors from 12 countries, including E. Ethelbert Miller, Steve Scafidi, Henry Taylor (Dancingink Press).

31 Arlington Poets, ed. Richard Peabody. Contributors include: Karren L. Alenier, Rei Berroa, John Elsberg, Miles David Moore, Kim Roberts, Martha Sanchez-Lowery, M.A. Schaffner, Hilary Tham ( CD anthology; Paycock Press).

Women in the Avant Garde: Laura Elrich, Heather Fuller, Carol Mrakove, Kristin Prevallet, and Deborah Richards (CD anthology, Narrow House Recordings).


Afrika M.A. Abney, aka Ashawarrior, Dancers in the Wind (RAH Distributors/Express Yourself Books)

Karren LaLonde Alenier, Greatest Hits (Pudding House Press)

Elizabeth Alexander, The Black Interior: Essays (nonfiction, Graywolf Press).

Peter Blair, The Divine Salt (Autumn House Press)

Gregory T. Boykin, What Makes a Man? (Speak-Easy Publishing)

Brofucius, Lyrical Liquor (CD, Speak Easy Publishing)

Dan Campbell, Sleeper Car Meditations (Dan Campbell)

Rick Cannon, The Composition of Absence (Pudding House Press)

Christopher Conlon, Gilbert and Garbo in Love (The Word Works)

Jeffrey G. Duarté and Gregory T. Boykin, Why I Stare At You (Speak Easy Publishing)

O.B. Hardison, Jr., Reading His Poetry (CD, Bard Records)

Judith Harris, Signifying Pain: Constructing and Healing the Self Through Writing (nonfiction, SUNY Press)

Anthony Hecht, Collected Later Poems (Knopf)

Anthony Hecht, Essays on the Mysteries of Poetry (nonfiction, Johns Hopkins University Press)

James Hopkins, Eight Pale Women (The Word Works)

KaNikki Jakarta, The Skillz of a Sistah (Great Publishing LLC)

Lidia Kosk, niedosyt / reshapings, translated by Danuta E. Kosk-Kosicka (bilingual, Pod Wiatr)

Mary Ann Larkin and Patric Pepper, The DNA of the Heart (Pond Road Press)

Robert Lowell: Collected Poems, ed. Frank Bidart and David Gewanter (Farrar, Straus & Giroux)

Tonya “JaHipster” Matthews, The Legend of Afrodite (CD, JaHipster).

William Matthews, Search Party: Collected Poems of William Matthews, ed. Sebastian Matthews and Stanley Plumly (Houghton Mifflin)

Mark McMorris, The Blaze of Poui (University of Georgia Press)

Tony Medina, Committed to Breathing (Third World Press)

Billye Okera, The Mourner’s Bench and Other Stations of Weeping & Joy (Speak-Easy Publishing)

Eric Pankey, Oracle Figures (Ausable Press)

Stanley Plumly, Argument & Song: Sources & Silences in Poetry (nonfiction, Other Press)

Ezra Pound, Ego Scriptor Cantilenae: The Music of Ezra Pound. Includes samples from his two operas and pieces for solo violin (CD, Other Minds)

Robert Sargent, 99 After 80 (The Bunny and Crocodile Press)

Katherine Smith, Argument by Design (Washington Writers Publishing House)

Rod Smith, Music or Honesty (Roof Books)

Stimulates, Dark: A Sunset Rising (Speak-Easy Publishing)

Hilary Tham, The Tao of Mrs. Wei (The Bunny and the Crocodile Press)

Common Wealth: Contemporary Poets of Virginia. ed. Sarah Kennedy and R.T. Smith. Contributors include: Jennifer Atkinson, Kelly Cherry, Rita Dove, Claudia Emerson, Margaret Gibson, Nikki Giovanni, Sally KeithPeter Klappert, Eric Pankey, Tim Seibles, Katherine Soniat, Lisa Russ SpaarHenry Taylor, Lyrae Van Clief-Stefanon, Reetika Vazirani, Charles Wright (University of Virginia Press).

DC Poets Against the War, ed. Naomi Ayala, Sarah Browning, Michele Elliott, and Danny Rose. Includes: Rei Berroa, Kenneth Carroll, Grace Cavalieri, David Gewanter, Patricia Gray, Peter Klappert, Ann Knox, E. Ethelbert Miller, Kim Roberts, Rebecca Villarreal (Argonne House)

The Earthworm Project, includes Droopy, Komplex, Abena Disroe, Tonya “JaHipster” Matthews, Krayola (CD anthology, Paragon Sound)

The Healing Fountain: Poetry Therapy for Life’s Journey, ed. Geri Chavis and Lila Weisberger (anthology of essays and poems, National Assn. for Poetry Therapy).

100 Poets Against the War, ed. Todd Swift. Includes Kenneth Carroll, Richard Peabody, Rebecca Villarreal (Salt Publishing)

Paint Me Like I Am: Teen Poems from Writers Corps. Approximately 100 poems by teens from DC, NY, and San Francisco. Forward by Nikki Giovanni, Essay by Kevin Powell, plus writing tips by WritersCorps intructors (Harper Collins)

Poetry 180: A Turning Back to Poetry, ed. Billy Collins. Includes Geraldine Connolly, Phillis Levin, Henry Taylor, Reed Whittemore, Terence Winch (Random House)

The Road Less Taken: The St. Valentine Sunday Poetry Marathon 2001, ed. Chezia Thompson Cager and Blair Ewing. Includes Ron D. Baker, Hiram Larew, Nicki Miller, Richard Peabody (CD anthology, Maryland Institute College of Art).

Spoken Here, Spoken Now: A Celebration of 30 Years of Poetry. Contributors include David Bristol, Nancy Naomi Carlson, Ramola D, Ann Knox, David McAleavey, Elisabeth Murawski, Jean Nordhaus, Elisavietta Ritchie (CD anthology, Washington Writers Publishing House)

The Spoken Word Revolution: Slam, Hip Hop & The Poetry of a New Generation, ed. Mark Eleveld. Contributors include: Regie Cabico, DJ Renegade, Jeffrey McDaniel. (anthology with CD, Sourcebooks, Inc.)


David Bristol, Toad and Other Poems (The Bunny and the Crocodile Press)

Brofucius, The Philosophical Brother (Speak Easy Publishing)

J. Wesley Clark, I am Paraguay (No. 17 in the Second Series of Bogg free-for-postage pamphlets, Bogg Publications)

Maxine Combs, Listening for Wings (Wineberry Press).

Christopher Conlon, What There Is (Argonne House)

Joel Dias-Porter, Libation Song (CD, Black Magi Music)

Cathy Eisenhower, Language of the Dog-Heads (Phylum Press)

Blair Ewing, And To The Republic (Argonne House)

Heather Fuller, Dovecote (Edge Books)

Angela Goldemund, The Gray Notebook of a Stranger (Tibia Books)

Donald Hall, The Painted Bed (Houghton Mifflin Co.)

Reginald Harris, Ten Tongues (Three Conditions Press)

Roy Jacobstein, Ripe (University of Wisconsin Press)

Dolores Kendrick, Why the Woman is Singing on the Corner (Peter Randall Press)

Vladimir Levchev, Heavenly Balkans (Argonne House)

Lyn Lifshin, A New Film About a Woman in Love with the Dead (March Street Press)

Ed McCafferty, Audrey & I Strike Forth (Argonne House)

Tony Medina, Love to Langston, children’s book, with illustrations by Gregory Christie (Lee and Low Books)

Jean Nordhaus, The Porcelain Apes of Moses Mendelssohn (Milkweed Editions)

Joe Osterhaus, Radiance (Zoo Press)

Linda Pastan, The Last Uncle (WW Norton)

Richard Peabody, Rain Flowers (e-chapbook, Ahadada Press)

Judith Podell, Blues for Beginners (Argonne House)

Ilona Popper, Break (The Bunny and the Crocodile Press)

Lee Sang, Crow’s Eye View: The Infamy of Lee Sang, Korean Poet, work selected and translated by Myong-Hee Kim (The Word Works)

Robert Sargent, Wondrous News (Argonne House)

M.A. Schaffner, War Boys (novel, Welcome Rain)

Ravi Shankar, Instrumentality (Cherry Grove)

Ann Sheldon, Hero-Surfing (Washington Writers Publishing House)

Silhouette Lover, Standing in the Shadows of Love (Speak Easy Publishing)

Ronny Someck, The Fire Stays in Red: Poems, translated from the Hebrew by Moshe Dor and Barbara Goldberg (University of Wisconsin Press)

Herman Taube, Looking Back, Going Forward: New & Selected Poems (University of Wisconsin Press)

Edward Weismiller, Walking Toward the Sun (Yale University Press)

Beyond the Frontier, ed. E. Ethelbert Miller. Includes Lauren Anita Arrington, Kenneth Carroll, James Coleman, Joy Dawson, Cornelius Eady, Patricia Elam, Gideon Ferebee, Calvin Forbes, Brian Gilmore, Michelle Calhoun Greene, Monica A. Hand, Peter J. Harris, Yona Camille Harvey, Michael Hill, Amitiyah Elayne Hyman, Esther Iverem, Reuben Jackson, Valerie Jean, Brandon D. Johnson, Lisa Elaine Johnson, A. Van Jordan, Carolyn Joyner, Kiamsha Madelyn Leeke, Toni Asante Lightfoot, Gary Lilley, Garrett McDowell, Sydney March, Nyere-Gibran Miller, Gaston Neal, Ronald D. Palmer, Lisa Pegram, Tammy Lynn Pertillar, DJ Renegade, Sybil Roberts, Gigi Maria Ross, S.P. Shephard, StacyLynn, Darrell Stover, Imani Tolliver, Lori Tsang, Elaine Upton, Jennifer Lisa Vest, Eunice Juaguina Watkins-Cothram, Brother Yao.  (Black Classic Press)

An Eye for an Eye Makes the World Blind: Poets on 9/11, ed. Allen Cohen, Clive Matson, and Michael Parenti. Includes Grace Cavalieri, Lyn Lifshin, Robert Pinsky (Regent Press).

Hammer and Blaze: A Gathering of Contemporary American Poets, ed. Ellen Byrant Voigt and Heather McHugh. Includes Michael Collier, Roland Flint (University of Georgia Press)

The Heroes of Slam!, Featuring poems by members of the DC/Baltimore National Slam Team: Twain Dooley, Joanna Hoffman, David Lankford, Queen Sheba, Dave Schein (David Lankford)

Journey to Timbooktu: An African-American Poetic Odyssey, ed. Memphis Vaughn. Authors include Tracy BrownJohn Riddick, Jamal Sharif, L.D. Stewart, Zamounde (Timbooktu)

Over the Rooftops of Time: Jewish Stories, Essays, and Poems, ed. Myra Sklarew (poetry and prose anthology, State University of New York Press)

A Poetic Bridge: Poems by Poets Anonymous in the USA and United Kingdom. Includes Grace Cavalieri, Mike Crowley, Sam Hurst, Stazja MacFadyen, Nicki Miller, Jean Russell, Edith Graciela Sanabria,  (PA Press)

Poetology. Features D. Bell, Myisha Cherry, Droopy, Men Maa Aim Ra, Native Son, Queen Sheba, Sir Reigns (CD, Poetology)

Roll Call: A Generational Anthology of Social and Political Black Literature and Art, ed. Tony Medina, Quraysh Ali Lansana, Samiya A. Bashir (Third World Press)

September Eleven: Maryland Voices. Contributors include: Ned Balbo, Linda Joy Burke, Virginia Crawford, Vonnie Winslow Crist, Moira Egan, Blair Ewing, Michael S. Glaser, Reginald Harris, W. Luther Jett, Greg McBride, Yvette Neisser, Elisavietta Ritchie, Sam Schmidt, Barbara M. Simon, Davi Walders, Mimi Zannino. (Baltimore Writers Alliance)

Short Fuse: The Global Anthology of New Fusion Poetry, ed. Todd Swift & Philip Norton. Includes: Regie Cabico, Kenneth Carroll, Jeffrey McDaniel, Richard Peabody, DJ Renegade, Silvana Straw. (anthology with CD, Rattapallax Press)

Telling it Slant: Avant Garde Poetics of the 1990s, ed. Mark Wallace and Steven Marks (University of Alabama Press, Modern and Contemporary Poetics Series)

These Hands I Know: African-American Writers on Family, ed. Afaa Michael Weaver. Contributors include E. Ethelbert Miller (Sarabande Books)

When Words Became Flesh, ed. Myisha Cherry. Includes Fahim Nassar, Giovanni, Rush, The Dri Fish, Makeda Crane, Takisha, Komplex (Mwaza Publications).


Elizabeth Alexander, Antebellum Dream Book (Graywolf Press)

Kwame Alexander, Do The Write Thing: 7 Steps to Publishing Success (essays, Manisy Willows Books)

Jennifer Atkinson, The Drowned City (Northeastern University Press)

Dean Blehert, Kill the Children and Other Disconnections (chapbook, Argonne House)

Doris Brody, Judging the Distance (The Word Works)

Regie Cabico, The Poems that Slam & The Twilight Stories (chapbook, Cabicoism Press)

Regie Cabico, Regiespective: Poems (chapbook, Cabicoism Press)

Grace Cavalieri, Cuffed Frays and Other Poems (chapbook, Argonne House)

Billy Collins, Sailing Alone Around the Room (Random House)

Ed Cox, Collected Poems (Paycock Press)

Maxine Clair, October Suite (novel, Random House)

Cornelius Eady, Brutal Imagination (Putnam)

Cathy Eisenhower, Language of the Dog-Heads (chapbook, Phylum Press)

Thomas Sayers Ellis, The Genuine Negro Hero (chapbook, Kent State University Press)

Brian Federico, The Sea and Galilee (chapbook, Pipers’ Ash Publishers)

Bernadette Geyer, What Remains (chapbook, Argonne House)

Robert L. Giron, Songs of the Spirit (Gival Press)

Ty Gray-El, Breath of My Ancestors (Booksurge)

Jeffrey Harrison, Feeding the Fire (Sarabande Books)

Anthony Hecht, The Darkness and the Light (Alfred A. Knopf)

Bernard Jankowski, The Bullfrog Does Not Imagine New Towns (Washington Writers Publishing House)

Philip K. Jason, Making Change (chapbook, Argonne House)

Joy Jones, Private Lessons: A Book of Meditations for Teachers (essays, Andrews McMeel Publishers)

Phillip Kurata, The Reluctant Angel (Washington Writers Publishing House)

Michael Lally, It Takes One to Know One: Poetry & Prose (Black Sparrow Press)

Michael Lally, ¿Que Pasa, Baby? (chapbook, Wake Up Heavy Press)

Barbara Lefcowitz, The Politics of Snow (Dancing Moon Press)

Phillis Levin, Mercury (Penguin)

Cate Marvin, World’s Tallest Disaster (Sarabande Books)

David McAleavey, Greatest Hits 1971-2000 (chapbook, Pudding House Publications)

E. Ethelbert Miller, where are the love poems for dictators? (Re-issue, Open Hand Publishing)

E. Ethelbert Miller, Buddha Weeping in Winter, limited edition hand-made chapbook, with visual art by Don Mee Choi (Red Dragonfly Press)

E. Ethelbert Miller, Fathering Words: The Making of an African American Writer (memoir, St. Martin’s Press)

Eric Pankey, Cenotaph (Alfred A. Knopf)

Patric Pepper, Zoned Industrial (Medicinal Purposes Press)

Libbie Rifkin, Career Moves: Olson, Creeley, Zukofsky, Berrigan, and the American Avant-Garde (essays, The University of Wisconsin Press)

Robert Sargent, Altered in the Telling: The Biblical Poems (Bunny & Crocodile Press)

Rod Smith, The Good House (Spectacular Books)

Shelby Stephenson, Fiddledeedee (Bunny & Crocodile Press)

stevenallenmay, Spontaneous Chili (chapbook, Plan B Press)

Stimulates, Watch and Twirl and Spin (Speak Easy Publishing)

Hilary Tham, Reality Check & Other Travel Poems (King’s Estate Press)

Rebecca Villarreal, First Come, First Served (Mama Chelo Press)

Margaret Weaver, Escaping Words (Washington Writers Publishing House)

Joshua Weiner, The World’s Room (The University of Chicago Press)

Terence Winch, The Drift of Things (The Figures)

Bum Rush the Page: A Def Poetry Jam, ed. Tony Medina and Louis Reyes Rivera, foreward by Sonia Sanchez. Includes: Jane Alberdeston-Coralin, Kenneth Carroll, Thomas Sayers Ellis, Brian Gilmore, Yona Harvey, Lisa Pegram, Dudley Randall, DJ Renegade, Ahmos Zu-Bolton II (Crown Publishing)

The Gargoyle CDs. CD #1, recorded in 1986, includes John Elsberg, Tina Fulker, Gretchen Johnsen, Dan Johnson. CD #2, also recorded in 1986, includes Nigel Hinshelwood, Beth Joselow, Sharon Morgenthaler, Michael S. Weaver. CD #3, 1987, includes Maxine Clair, Reuben Jackson, Sibbie O’Sullivan. CD #4, 1989, includes Elizabeth Oness, Joe RossCatherine Harnett Shaw, Hilary Tham. (CD, Gargoyle).

The Extraordinary Tide: New Poetry by American Women, ed. Susan Aizenberg and Erin Belieu. Includes: Elizabeth Alexander, Lucille Clifton, Carolyn Forché, Linda Pastan, Minnie Bruce Pratt, Elizabeth Spires, Belle Waring (Columbia University Press)

Invited Guest: An Anthology of Twentieth-Century Southern Poetry, ed. David Rigbee and Steven Ford. Includes: Conrad Aiken, Sterling A. Brown, Alice Dunbar-Nelson, George Garrett, Nikki Giovanni, Randall Jarrell, James Weldon Johnson, Anne Spencer, Allen Tate, Henry Taylor, Jean Toomer, Robert Penn Warren, Charles Wright (University of Virginia Press)

Out of the Closet, Into Our Hearts: Celebrating Out Gay/Lesbian Family Members, ed. Laura Seigel and Nancy Lamkin Olson. Poems, essays, letters. Includes James M. Pines,  Kim Roberts, Tom Starnes (Leyland Publications)


Kim Addonizio, Tell Me (Boa Editions)

Karren LaLonde Alenier, Looking for Divine Transportation (The Word Works)

Kwame Alexander, Kupenda: Love Poems (BlackWords, Inc.)

Henry Allen, What It Felt Like: Living in the American Century (essays, Pantheon)

Mel Belin, Flesh That Was Chrysalis (The Word Works)

Andrea Carter Brown, Brook & Rainbow (chapbook, Sow’s Ear Press)

Laura Brylawski-Miller, The Square at Vigevano (novel, Washington Writers Publishing House)

Maxine Combs, The Inner Life of Objects (novel, Calyx Books)

Martin Galvin, Appetites (chapbook, Bogg Publications)

Patricia Garfinkel, Making the Skeleton Dance (George Braziller)

Judith Harris, Atonement (Louisiana State University Press)

Sally Keith, Design (Center for Literary Publishing)

Bernadette K. Geyer, In My Own Defense (chapbook, Bernadette K. Geyer)

Lisa Jarnot, Bill Luoma, and Rod Smith, The New Mannerist Tricycle (Beautiful Swimmer)

Beth Joselow, Self Regard (Chax Books)

Peter Klappert, Chokecherries, New and Selected Poems 1966-1999 (Orchises Press)

Lyn Lifshin, Before It’s Light (Black Sparrow Press)

Terence Mulligan, Children of the West (short fiction, Minimus Books)

Richard Peabody, Sugar Mountain (novella, Argonne Hotel Press)

Stanley Plumly, Now That My Father Lies Down Beside Me: New & Selected Poems, 1970 – 2000 (The Ecco Press)

Elisavietta Ritchie, In Haste I Write This Note: Stories and Half Stories (short fiction, Washington Writers Publishing House)

Jane Satterfield, Sheherdess with an Automatic (Washington Writers Publishing House)

Dean Smith, American Boy (Washington Writers Publishing House)

Hilary Tham, Counting (The Word Works)

American Poetry: The Next Generation, ed. Gerald Constanzo and Jim Daniels. 200 poets under age 40 who have published at least one book. Includes: Elizabeth Alexander, Kenneth Carroll, Thomas Sayers Ellis, Joe Osterhaus, Kim Roberts (Carnegie Mellon University Press)

In a Certain Place, ed. Carolyn Kreiter-Foronda and Alice Marie Tarnowski. Anthology published in memory of Betty Parry, includes Charles Sullivan, Judith McCombs, Elisabeth Stevens, Stacy Tuthill (SCOP Publications).

The New Young American Poets: An Anthology, ed. Kevin Prufer. Forty poets under age 40 including Thomas Sayers Ellis and Jeffrey McDaniel (Southern Illinois University Press)

Poetry Slam: The Competitive Art of Performance Poetry, ed. Gary Mex Glazner. Contributors include Regie Cabico, Gayle Danley, DJ Renegade, Jeffrey McDaniel, Jose Padua. (Manic D Press)

Weavings 2000: The Maryland Millenial Anthology, ed. Michael S. Glaser. Includes Karren LaLonde Alenier, David Bergman, Jody Bolz, Sterling BrownKenneth CarrollGrace Cavalieri, Maxine Clair, Michael Collier, Christina Daub, Roland Flint, Sunil Freeman, Nan Fry, Clarinda Harriss, Reuben Jackson, Philip K. JasonRod JellemaJean Johnson, Ann Knox, Danuta Kosk-Kosicka, Judith McCombs, Hiram Larew, Merrill Leffler, E. Ethelbert Miller, Jean Nordhaus, Linda Pastan, Ilona PopperD.J. RenegadeElisavietta Ritchie, Myra SklarewElizabeth Spires, Henry TaylorHilary Tham, Reed Whittemore, Terence Winch (Forest Woods Media Productions).

Winners: A Retrospective of the Washington Prize, ed. Karren Alenier, Hilary Tham, Miles David Moore. Includes Ramola D, Patricia Gray, Reuben Jackson, Brandon D. Johnson, Hiram Larew, Judith McCombs, Jean Nordhaus, Betty Parry, Richard Peabody, Martha Sanchez-Lowery, Robert Sargent, M.A. Schaffner, Rod Smith, Rhonda Williford (The Word Works)

The World in Us: Lesbian and Gay Poetry of the Next Wave, ed. Michael Lassell and Elena Georgiou. Contributors include: Regie Cabico, Cheryl Clarke, Honor Moore, Minnie Bruce Pratt. (St. Martin’s Press)

New Books 2017

NOTE: Beltway Poetry Quarterly‘s selections for the Ten Best Books of 2017 Plus Four Best Anthologies are listed in red.

Elizabeth Acevedo, Medusa Reads La Negra’s Palm (Tupelo Press)

Kwame Alexander, Out of Wonder: Poems Celebrating Poets (children’s literature, Candlewick Press)

Elizabeth Arnold, Skeleton Coast (Flood Editions)

David Biespiel, The Education of a Young Poet (memoir, Counterpoint Press)

Remica Bingham-Risher, Starlight & Error (Diode Editions)

CL Bledsoe and Michael Gushue, I Never Promised You a Sea Monkey (Editorial Pretzelcoatl)

Ann Bracken, No Barking in the Hallways: Poems from the Classroom (New Academia Publishing)

Sarah Browning, Killing Summer (Sibling Rivalry Press)

Laura Brylawski-Miller, First, Do No Harm (Poet’s Choice)

Dorritt Carroll, Sorry You Are Not an Instant Winner (chapbook, Kattywompus Press)

Grace Cavalieri, Other Voices, Other Lives (poems, plays, and interviews, Alan Squire Publishing)

Jennifer Chang, Some Say the Lark (Alice James Books)

Kelly Cherry, Quartet for J. Robert Oppenheimer (Louisiana State University Press)

Kelly Cherry, Weather (chapbook, Rain Mountain Press)

Kelly Cherry, Beholder’s Eye (Groundhog Poetry Press)

Kelly Cherry, Emporium: Before the Beginning to After the End (short-shorts/flash fiction, Press 53)

Marlena Chertock, Crumb-sized (chapbook, Unnamed Press)

Jean Cocteau, Grace Notes/Appogiatures, translated by Mary-Sherman Willis (The Word Works)

Henry Crawford, American Software (WordTech Editions)

Jehanne Dubrow, Dots & Dashes (Southern Illinois University Press)

Jerri Dell, Blood Too Bright: Floyd Dell Remembers Edna St. Vincent Millay (nonfiction, Glenmere Press)

Kristen Deming, plum afternoon (Red Moon Press)

Suzanne Dracius, The Dancing Other (novel, co-translated from the French by Nancy Naomi Carlson and Catherine Maigret Kellogg (Seagull Books)

David Ebenbach, The Guy We Didn’t Invite to the Orgy (short fiction, University of Massachusetts Press)

David Ebenbach, Miss Portland (novel, Orison Books)

Meg Eden, Post High School Reality Quest (young adult novel, Rare Bird Books)

Moira Egan, Synæsthesium (Criterion Books)

Cathy Eisenhower, Animalitos (chapbook, Primary Writing)

Safia Elhillo, The January Children (University of Nebraska Press)

Danielle Evennou, Difficult Trick (chapbook, Dancing Girl Press)

Tarfia Faizullah, Register of Eliminated Villages (Graywolf Press)

T’ai Freedom Ford, how to get over (Red Hen Press)

Natalie Giarratano, Big Thicket Blues (chapbook, Sundress Publications)

Louise Glück, American Originality: Essays on Poetry (essays, Farrar, Straus and Giroux)

Joshua Gray, The Life and Death of King Edward (Forever Press)

Herb Guggenheim, Strange Encounter at the Shakespeare Motel (revised and expanded version, Finishing Line Press)

Susan Hankla, Clinch River (Groundhog Poetry Press)

Mary Stone Hanley, Road Trip (Anaphora Literary Press)

Jodie Hollander, My Dark Horses (Pavilion Poetry)

John H. Huey, The Moscow Poetry File (Finishing Line)

Emilio Iasiello, Postcards from LA (chapbook, Plan B Press)

Esther Iverem, Olokun of the Galaxy (poetry and visual art, Seeing Black Press)

Kay Redfield Jamison, Robert Lowell: Setting the River on Fire (nonfiction, Knopf)

Charles Jensen, Breakup/Breakdown (chapbook, Five Oaks Press)

Camisha Jones, Flare (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Jacqueline Jules, Itzak Perlman’s Broken String (chapbook, Evening Street Press)

Jacqueline Jules, Drop by Drop: A Story of Rabbi Akiva (children’s literature, Kar-Ben Books)

Holly Karapetkova, Towline (Cloudbank Books)

Alysse Knorr, Mega-City Redux (Green Mountains Review Books)

Tara Laskowski, Modern Manners for Your Inner Demons (flash fiction, Santa Fe Writers’ Project)

Kateema Lee, Almost Invisible (chapbook, Aldrich Press)

Nathan Leslie, Three Men (novellas, Texture Press)

Lyn Lifsin, Little Dancer: The Degas Poems (chapbook, NightBallet Press)

Gary Copeland Lilley, The Bushman’s Medicine Show (Lost Horse Press)

David G. Lott, New to Guayama (bilingual in English and Spanish; Finishing Line Press)

Robert Lowell, ed. Katie Peterson, New Selected Poems (Farrar, Straus and GIroux)

Elaine Magarrell, The Madness of Chefs: New & Selected Poems, ed. Barbara Goldberg, Jean Nordhaus & Catherine Harnett (The Word Works)

Mike Maggio, The Appointment (novella, Vine Leaves Press)

Melanie McCabe, His Other Life: Looking for My Father, His First Wife, and Tennessee Williams (memoir, University of New Orleans Press)

Mark McCaig, Abundance (Turning Point Books)

Sheila McMullin, daughterrariums (Cleveland State University Press)

Tony Medina, I Am Alfonso Jones (graphic novel for young readers, Tu Books)

Samuel Miranda, Departure (chapbook, Central Square Press)

Jenny Molberg, Marvels of the Invisible (Tupelo Press)

Kurt Olsson, Burning Down Disneyland (Gunpowder Press)

Joe Osterhaus, The Short Ride Home (Trio Books)

Cheryl Pallant, Her Body Listening (BlazeVOX Books)

Eric Pankey, Augury (Milkweed Editions)

Patric Pepper, Everything Pure as Nothing (chapbook, Finishing Line)

Ann A. Philips, A Language the Land is Inventing (WordTech Editions)

Jason Reynolds, Long Way Down (young adult novel-in-verse, Atheneum/Caitlyn Dlouhy Books)

Elisavietta Ritchie, Harbingers (Poets Choice)

Maritza Rivera, aka Mariposa, Blackjack Poetry Playing Cards (deck of cards with a poem printed on each, Casa Mariposa Press)

Kim Roberts, The Scientific Method (WordTech Editions)

Maggie Rosen, The Deliberate Speed of Ghosts (chapbook, Red Bird Chapbooks)

Joseph Ross, Ache (Sibling Rivalry Press)

Alexis Rotella, The Color Blue (Red Moon Press)

Wesley Rothman, Subwoofer (New Issues Poetry)

Jane Satterfield, Apocalypse Mix (Autumn House)

Tim Seibles, One Turn Around the Sun (Etruscan Press)

Leona Sevick, Lion Brothers (Press 53)

Charles Simic, Scribbled in the Dark (Harper Collins)

Christine Stoddard, Jaguar in the Cotton Field (chapbook, Another New Calligraphy)

Pia Taavila-Borsheim, Mother Mail (chapbook, Hermeneutic Chaos Press)

Yermiyahu Ahron Taub, The Education of a Daffodil: Prose Poems/Di bildung fun a geln nartsis: prozelider (Hadassa Word Press)

Yermiyahu Ahron Taub, A moyz tsvishn vakldike volkn-kratsers: geklibene Yidishe lider/A Mouse Among Tottering Skyscrapers (poems in Yiddish; Library of Contemporary Yiddish Literature)

Michael Tims, The Acoustic Properties of Ancient People (chapbook, Finishing Line)

Nicole Tong, How to Prove a Theory (WWPH)

Abdourahman Waberi, Harvest of Skulls (translated by Dominic Thomas, fiction, Indiana University Press)

Jan Wagner, translated by David Keplinger, The Art of Topiary (Milkweed Editions)

Jennifer Wallace, Almost Entirely (Paraclete Press)

Jerry W. Ward,Jr., Fractal Song (Black Widow Press)

Michael WhelanAfter God (Tinteán Féin Press)

Ryan Wilson, The Stranger World (West Chester University Poetry Center)

Terence Winch, The Known Universe (Hanging Loose)

Sarah Ann Winn, Ever After the End Matter (chapbook, Hermeneutic Chaos Press)

Sarah Ann Winn, Alma Almanac (Barrow Street Press)

Anthology of Appalachian Writers: Charles Frazier Edition, Volume IX, ed. Sylvia Bailey Shurbutt. Contributors include: Mark DeFoe, Kathleen Furbee, Marc Harshman, Sonja James, Luther Kirk, Llewellyn McKernan, Jessica Salfia, Tracy Seffers, Jack Trammell, Randi Ward. (anthology, Shepherd University Press)

Bared: Contemporary Poetry and Art on Bras and Breasts, ed. Laura Madeline Wiseman. Contributors include: Kimberly L. Becker, Ann Bracken, Shirley J. Brewer, Grace Cavalieri, Jehanne Dubrow, Meg Eden, Julie R. Enszer, Gray Jacobik, Lyn Lifshin, Jane Satterfield, Laura Shovan, Sue Ellen Thompson, Sarah Ann Winn, Rosemary Winslow, Anne Harding Woodworth (anthology, Create Space)

Bearden’s Odyssey: Poets Respond to the Art of Romare Bearden, ed. Kwame Dawes and Matthew Shenoda. Contributors include: Elizabeth Alexander, Toi Derricotte, Rita Dove, A. Van Jordan, E. Ethelbert Miller, Tim Seibles, Tracy K. Smith, Natasha Trethewey, Lyrae Van Clief Stephanon (anthology, TriQuarterly Books)

Best American Poetry 2017, ed. Natasha Trethewey, David Lehman. Contributors include: Michael Collier, Claudia Emerson, Carolyn Forche, Jeffrey Harrison, John Murillo, Stanley Plumly (anthology, Scribner)

Bullets into Bells: Poets & Citizen Respond to Gun Violence, ed. Brian Clements, Alexandra Teague, and Dean Rader. Contributors include: Reginald Dwayne Betts, Richard Blanco, Billy Collins, Kyle G. Dargan, Joel Dias-Porter, Rita Dove, Cornelius Eady, Tarfia Faizullah, Juan Felipe Herrera, Natasha Trethewey (anthology, Beacon Press)

Capitals, ed. Abhay K. Contributors include: Indran Amirthanayagam, Volzhyna Mort, Kim Roberts, Mary Jo Salter, Myra Sklarew, Marcela Sulak. (anthology, Bloomsbury Press)

Composing Poetry: A Guide to Writing Poems and Thinking Lyrically, Gerry LaFemina (textbook, Kendall Hunt)

Flarf: An Anthology of Flarf, ed. Drew Gardner, Nada Gordon, Sharon Mesmer, K. Silem Mohammad, and Gary Sullivan. Contributors include: K. Lorraine Graham, Mel Nichols, Rod Smith (anthology, Edge Books)

The Golden Shovel Anthology: New Poems Honoring Gwendolyn Brooks, ed. Peter Kahn, Ravi Shankar, and Patricia Smith. Contributors include: Kim Addonizio, Sandra Beasley, Teri Ellen Cross Davis, Kyle G. Dargan, Rita Dove, Calvin Forbes, Nikki Giovanni, Yona Harvey, Randall Horton, A. Van Jordan, Maxine Kumin, Hailey Leithauser, Philip Levine, Toni Asante Lightfoot, Erika Meitner, E. Ethelbert Miller, Gregory Pardlo, Linda Pastan, Myra Sklarew, Lisa Russ Spaar. (anthology, University of Arkansas Press).

In the Margins, Christine Higgins, Ann LoLordo, Madeleine Mysko, Kathleen O’Toole (anthology, Cherry Grove Collections)

Knocking on the Door of the White House: Latina and Latino Poets in Washington, DC (2001-2009), ed. Luis Alberto Ambroggio, Jose R. Ballesteros, and Carlos Parada Ayala. Translation eds. Burgi Zenhaeusern, Yvette Neisser, and Deborah Sobeloff. Contributors include: Francisco Aragón, Naomi Ayala, Rei Berroa, Gladys Ilarregui, Samuel Miranda, Egla Morales Blouin, Martha Sanchez Lowery. (anthology, Zozobro Publishing)

Legitimate Dangers: American Poets of the New Century, ed. Cate Marvin, Michael Dumanis. Contributors include: Richard Blanco, Thomas Sayers Ellis, A. Van Jordan, Sally Keith, Jeffrey McDaniel, Tracy K. Smith (anthology, Sarabande Books)

The Mighty Stream: Poems in Celebration of Martin Luther King, ed. Carolyn Forche and Jackie Kay. Contributors include: Elizabeth Alexander, Lauren K. AlleyneToi Derricotte, Rita Dove, Cornelius Eady, Tarfia Faizullah, Carolyn Forche, Nikki Giovanni, Mark McMorrisE. Ethelbert Miller, Gregory Pardlo, Robert PinskyTim Seibles (anthology, Blood Axe Books)

Nasty Women Poets: An Unapologetic Anthology of Subversive Verse, ed. Grace Bauer and Julie Kane. Contributors include: Kim Addonizio, Patsy Asuncion, Cynthia Atkins, Shirley J. Brewer, Kelly Cherry, Rachel Eisler, Julie R. Enszer, Kathleen Hellen, Rose Kelleher, Courtney LeBlanc,  Kim Roberts, Lucinda Roy, Pat Valdata. (anthology, Lost Horse Press)

Not Without Our Laughter: Poems of Humor, Joy & Sexuality, ed. celeste doaks. Featuring the Black Ladies Brunch Collective: Saida Agostini, Anya Creightney, Teri Ellen Cross Davis, celeste doaks, Tafisha Edwards, and Katy Richey (anthology, Mason Jar Press)

Poetry of Presence: An Anthology of Mindfulness Poems, ed. Phyllis Cole-Dai and Ruby R. Wilson. Contributors include: Judy Brown, Lucille Clifton, Billy Collins, Louise Gluck, Tony Hoagland, Juan Ramon Jimenez, Ted Kooser, W.S. Merwin, Howard Nemerov, Linda Pastan, Nikki Giovanni, Gregory Orr (anthology, Grayson Books)

Resist Much Obey Little: Inaugural Poems to the Resistance, ed. Michael Boughn, John Bradley, Brenda Cardenas, Lynne DeSilva-Johnson, Kass Fleisher, Roberto Harrison, Kent Johnson, Andrew Levy, Nathaniel Mackey, Ruben Medina, Philip Metres, Nita Noveno, Julie Patton, Margaret Randall, Michael Rothenberg, Chris Stroffolino, Anne Waldman, Marjorie Welish, and Tyrone Williams. Contributors include: JoAnn Balingit, Alan Britt, Laura Shovan, Joshua Weiner, Walt Whitman (anthology, Spuyten Duyvil Press)

Revise the Psalm: Work Inspired by the Writing of Gwendolyn Brooks, ed. Quraysh Ali Lasana and Sandra Jackson-Opoku. Contributors include: Thomas Sayers Ellis, Gregory Pardlo. (anthology, Curbside Splendor Publishing)

Roar: True Tales of Women Warriors, ed. Mary Lucas, Meredith Maslich, Richard Peabody, and Mary Supley Foxworth (anthology of short fiction and nonfiction, Better Said Than Done)

Susan Thornton Hobby: Conversations, Little Patuxent Review Books. E-book of interviews with Lucille Clifton, Alice McDermott, Martín Espada, and Jane Hirschfield.

Thou Art: The Beauty of Identity, ed. Sushmita Mazumdar, with visual art by Sughra Hussainy. Contributors include: Ahmad Abumraighi, Nakshin Behrouzi, Hanan Daqqa, Jennifer Endo, Sharmila Karmachandani, Courtney LeBlanc, Yuri Long, Kim O’Connell, Grace Park, Edith Graciela Sanabria, and Arpita Sarkar (limited edition anthology, Studio Pause)

Truth to Power: Writers Respond to the Rhetoric of Hate and Fear, ed. Pamela Uschuk. Contributors include: Carmen Calatayud, Rita Dove, Blas Falconer, Yahia Lababidi, Leslie McGrath, E. Ethelbert Miller, Joseph Ross, Susan Scheid, Melissa Tuckey, Dan Vera. (anthology, Cutthroat, a Journal of the Arts)

The Way to My Heart: An Anthology of Food-Related Romance, ed. Kelly Ann Jacobson. Contributors include: Caroline Bock, Steve Bucher, Katherine Anderson Howell, Anna Schoenbach, Julia Tagliere, Pamela Murray Winters (anthology, Create Space)

We Wear the Mask: 15 True Stories of Passing in America, ed. Brando Skyhorse and Lisa Page (nonfiction anthology, Beacon Press)

The Whiskey of our Discontent: Gwendolyn Brooks as Conscience and Change Agent, ed. Quraysh Ali Lasana and Georgia A. Popoff. Contributors include: Haki Madhubuti, Nagueyalti Warren. (nonfiction anthology, Haymarket Books)

Word for Word, Nancy White, ed., with poems by Karren LaLonde Alenier, J.H. Beall, Mel Belin, Sarah Browning, Grace Cavalieri, Cheryl Clarke, Donna Denizé, Bernadette Geyer, Barbara Goldberg, Brandon D. Johnson, Judith McCombs, Miles David Moore, Kathi Morrison-Taylor, Robert Sargent, Hilary Tham, Rosemary Winslow. (anthology with writing prompts, The Word Works)

New Books 2016

NOTE: Titles listed in red are Beltway Poetry Quarterly‘s picks for the Ten Best Books of 2016. We have highlighted two additional Best Anthologies of the Year.

Elizabeth Acevedo, Beastgirl and Other Origin Myths (chapbook, Yes Yes Books)

Kim Addonizio, Mortal Trash: Poems (W.W. Norton)

Kim Addonizio, Bukowski in a Sundress (memoir, Penguin Books)

Karren LaLonde Alenier, The Anima of Paul Bowles (MadHat Press)

Kwame Alexander, Booked (novel-in-verse for children, HMH Books)

Luis Alberto Ambroggio, Todos somos Whitman/We Are All Whitman (In Spanish and English translations by Brett Alan Sanders, Arte Publico Press)

Jennifer Atkinson, The Thinking Eye (Parlor Press)

Ned Balbo, Upcycling Paumanok (Measure Press)

Amiri Baraka, SOS: Poems 1961 – 2013 (Grove Press)

Oliver Baez Bendorf, Top Surgery (illustrated chapbook, Oliver Baez Bendorf)

Rose Marie Berger, A Letter to Judge Wynn: Meditations on Breaking the Law (digital chapbook, Bottomless Cup Press)

C.L. Bledsoe, Man of Clay (novella, Main Street Rag)

C.L. Bledsoe, Trashcans in Love (Ghoti Fish Press)

C.L. Bledsoe, Ray’s Sea World (flash fiction, Ghoti Fish Press)

Diana Smith Bolton, Just Universes (chapbook, Lines + Stars Press)

Donald Britton, In the Empire of the Air: The Poems of Donald Britton, ed. Philip Clark and Reginald Shepherd (Nightboat Books)

Bro Yao (Hoke S. Glover III), Inheritance (Willow Books)

T.E. Brooks, Heroism, Humility, and Honor: Poems to Thank You (Learn2Succeed Publishing)

Grace Cavalieri, With (Somondoco Press)

Wing-chi Chan, Mass for Nanking’s 1937 (chapbook, New Academia Publishing)

Rene Char, translated by Nancy Naomi Carlson, Hammer with No Master (Tupelo Press)

Marlena Chertock, On That One-Way Trip to Mars (chapbook, Bottlecap Press)

Cheryl Clarke, By My Precise Haircut (The Word Works)

Teri Ellen Cross Davis, Haint (Gival Press)

J.K. Daniels, Wedding Pulls (Hub City Press)

Hayes Davis, Let Our Eyes Linger (Poetry Mutual)

Wendy DeGroat, Beautiful Machinery (chapbook, Headmistress Press)

Tom Donlan, Peregrin (chapbook, Franciscan University Press)

Jessica Lynn Dotson, Time Trials (chapbook, L+S Press)

Rita Dove, Collected Poems: 1974-2004 (W.W. Norton)

John Elsberg, Not Quite Ocean: Selected Poems, compiled by Connie Elsberg (Paycock Press)

Sean Enright, The Intelligence Officer Prepares to Enter Heaven (CreateSpace)

Julie R. Enszer, Avowed (Sibling Rivalry Press)

Laura Fargas, The Green of Ordinary Time (Washington Writers Publishing House)

Khaled Fayyad, Love and Promise (poetry and nonfiction, iUniverse)

Tenim Fruchter, I Wanted Just To Be Soft (chapbook, Anomalous Press)

Martin Galvin, Away to Home: New and Selected Poems (Poet’s Choice)

Dana Gioia, 99 Poems: New and Selected (Graywolf Press)

Joshua Gray, Symposium (Red Dashboard)

Consuelo Hernández, Mi reino sin orillas (in Spanish, Ediciones Torremozas)

Juan Felipe Herrera, The Roots of a Thousand Embraces: Dialogues (Manic D Press)

Donald Illich, The Art of Dissolving (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Gray Jacobik, The Banquet: New & Selected Poems (Poets’ Choice)

Andrew Jarvis, Landslide (Homebound Publications)

Carol Jennings, The Dead Spirits at the Piano (Cherry Grove Collections)

Alan King, Point Blank (Silver Birch Press)

Alysse Knorr, Mega-City Redux (Green Mountains Review Press)

Yahia Lababidi, Balancing Acts: New & Selected Poems (Press 53)

Michael Lally, The Village Sonnets: 1959-1962 (Word Palace Press)

Susan Landers, Franklinstein (Roof Books)

Hiram Larew, Utmost (I. Giraffe Press)

Blume Lempel, Oedipus in Brooklyn and Other Stories, translated from Yiddish by Ellen Cassedy and Yermiyahu Ahron Taub (fiction, Mandel Vilar Press/Dryad Press)

Phillis Levin, Mr. Memory & Other Poems (Penguin)

Larry Levis, The Darkening Trapeze: Last Poems (Graywolf Press)

Gregory Luce, Tile (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

M. Mack, Theater of Parts (Sundress Publications)

David McAleavey, Rock Taught (Broadkill River Press)

Mark McMorris, The Book of Landings (Wesleyan University Press)

E. Ethelbert Miller, The The Collected Poems of E. Ethelbert Miller, ed. Kirsten Porter (Willow Books)

Shauna M. Morgan, Fear of Dogs & Other Animals (Central Square Press)

Henry Morganthau III, A Sunday in Purgatory (Passager Books)

Andrew Mossin, Exile’s Recital (Spuyten Duyvil Press)

Jean Nordhaus, Memos from the Broken World (Mayapple Press)

Lalita Noronha, The Mustard Seed (Apprentice House)

Fan Ogilvie, Easiness Found: Poems and Paintings (Fan Staunton Ogilvie Robin Enterprises)

The Complete Works of Pat Parker, ed. Julie R. Enszer, (Sapphic Classics Series)

Diane Wilbon Parks, The Wisdom of Blue Apples (Diane Wilbon Parks)

Pamela Passaretta, Dreams and Consequences (chapbook, Poets on the Fringe)

Richard Peabody, Night Golf (fiction chapbook, Doctor T.J. Eckleburg Review)

Stanley Plumly, Against Sunset (W.W. Norton & Co.)

Elizabeth Poliner, As Close to Us As Breathing (novel, Lee Boudreaux Books/Little Brown)

Seema Reza, When the World Breaks Open (memoir, Red Hen Press)

Elisavietta Ritchie, Babushka’s Beads: A Geography of Genes (Poets’ Choice)

Elisavietta Ritchie, Reflections: Paintings & Poems from a Poet’s Gallery (Poet’s Choice)

Maritza Rivera, aka Mariposa, Blackjack Poetry Playing Cards (deck of cards with a poem printed on each, Casa Mariposa Press)

W.M. Rivera, Noise! (Broadkill River Press)

W.M. Rivera, Cafe Select (Poets Choice)

Maggie Rosen, The Deliberate Speed of Ghosts (chapbook, Red Bird Chapbooks)

Michael Salcman, A Prague Spring, Before & After (Evening Street Press)

Gregg Shapiro, How to Whistle (short fiction, Lethe Press)

Gregg Shapiro, Fifty Degrees (chapbook, Seven Kitchens Press)

Nakym Sheffield, Admire My Style (Page Publishing)

Laura Shovan, The Last Fifth Grade of Emerson Elementary (novel-in-verse for youth, Wendy Lamb Books/Random House)

Scot Slaby, Bugs Us All (chapbook with drawings by Walter Gurbo, Entasis Press)

Edna Small, Listening Still (Hartley-Wildman Publishing)

Clint Smith, Counting Descent (Write Bloody)

J.D. Smith, The Killing Tree (Finishing Line Press)

Katherine Soniat, Bright Stranger (Louisiana State University Press)

Jeneva Burroughs Stone, Monster (essays and poems, Phoenicia Publishing)

Barrett Warner, Why Is It So Hard to Kill You? (Somondoco Press)

Joshua Weiner, Berlin Notebook (nonfiction e-book, Los Angeles Review of Books)

Francisco-Luis White, found them (chapbook, CreateSpace)

Anne Harding Woodworth, The Last Gun (chapbook, Cervená Barva Press)

Jahleen Wright, Cycle of Being (Islandgirlpoetry)

Ed Zahniser, At the End of the Self-Help Rope (New Academia/Scarith)

Sally Zakariya, When You Escape (chapbook, Five Oaks Press)

Stephen Zerance, Caligula’s Playhouse (chapbook, Mason Jar Press)

Abundant Grace: Short Fiction by DC Area Women, ed. Richard Peabody. Contributors include: Shirley Graves Cochran, Jessica Claire Haney, Joanna Howard, Kelly Ann Jacobson, Sinta Jimenez, Dini Karasik, Barbara F. Lefcowitz, Nicole Miller, Tanya Olson, Abby Mei Otis, Atossa Shafaie, Morowa Yejide (anthology, Paycock Press)

Borderlands and Crossroads: Writing the Motherland, ed. Jane Satterfield and Laurie Kruk. Contributors include: Betsy Boyd, Pauline Kaldas, Marilyn Moriarity, Lesley Wheeler (anthology, Demeter Press)

Candlesticks and Daggers: An Anthology of Mixed-Genre Mysteries, ed. Kelly Ann Jacobson. Contributors include: Cathy Alter, Jacquelyn Bengfort, Danielle Davis, Joel Goldberg, Gregory Luce, Edward Perlman, Julia Tagliere, Tim Wendel (anthology of fiction, nonfiction and poetry, Create Space)

Conversations with Lucille: A Second Voices Memorial Tribute to Lucille Clifton, ed. Michael S. Glaser (nonfiction anthology, St. Mary’s College of Maryland Press)

The Crafty Poet II: A Portable Workshop, ed. Diane Lockward. Contributors include: Toi Derricotte, Kim Roberts, Terence Winch (craft book and anthology, Terrapin Books)

The Doll Collection, ed Diane Lockward. Contributors include: Kelly Cherry, Geraldine Connolly, Meredith Davies Hadaway, Jeffrey Harrison, Kim Roberts (anthology, Terrapin Books)

Full: An Anthology of Moon Poems, ed. Leigh Anne Hornfeldt and Teneice Durrant. Contributors include: Sarah Browning, Kelly Cherry, Ellen Hagan, Kim Roberts, Sarah Anne Winn. (anthology, Two of Cups Press)

Imaniman: Poets Writing in the Anzaldúan Borderlands, ed. ire’ne lara silva and Dan Vera (nonfiction anthology, Aunt Lute Books)

Monticello in Mind: Fifty Contemporary Poets on Jefferson, ed. Lisa Russ Spaar. Contributors include: Jennifer Chang, Lucille Clifton, Michael Collier, Stephen Cushman, Rita Dove, Claudia Emerson, Thorpe Moeckel, Ravi Shankar, R.T. Smith, Natasha Trethewey (anthology, University of Virginia Press).

The Next Verse Poets Mixtape, Vol. One: the 4×4, featuring Melanie Henderson, Fred Joiner, Lisa Pegram, and Enzo Silon Surin (limited edition audio anthology, Central Square Press)

Of Poetry and Protest: From Emmett Till to Trayvon Martin, ed. Phil Cushway and Michael Warr. Contributors include: Elizabeth Alexander, Amiri Baraka, Rita Dove, Reginald Harris, Haki Madhubuti, E. Ethelbert Miller, Tim Seibles, Natasha Trethewey (anthology of poems, essays and photographs, W.W. Norton)

The Orison Anthology, Vol. 1, 2016, ed. Luke Hawkins, Nathan Poole, and Karen Tucker. Includes Beltway Poetry Quarterly’s nomination, “Kingdom of Heaven” by Katherine E. Young, as well as work by Shevaun Brannigan, Rachel Eliza Griffiths, Vandana Khanna, and Bruno Nelson. Other nominating journals include The American Scholar and 32 Poems.

Poetry of Resistance: Voices for Social Justice, ed. Francisco X. Alarcón and Odilia Galván Rodriguez. Contributors include: Francisco Aragón, Sarah Browning, Susan Deer Cloud. (anthology, University of Arizona Press)

The Poet’s Quest for God: 21st Century Poems of Faith, Doubt and Wonder, ed. Oliver Brennan & Todd Swift. Contributors include; Carmen Calatayud, John Goslee, Yahia Lababidi, Phillis Levin, Miles David Moore, Rose Solari, Elizabeth Spires (anthology, Eyewear Publishing)

Rabbit Ears: TV Poems, ed. Joel Allegretti. Contributors include: Regie Cabico, celeste doaks, Gerry LaFemina, Ravi Shankar (anthology, NYQ Books)

Resisting Arrest, ed. Tony Medina. Contributors include: Tara Betts, Jane Alberdeston Coralin, Abdul Ali, Derrick Weston Brown, Joel Dias-Porter, Cornelius Eady, Brian Gilmore, Niki Herd, Esther Iverem, Reuben Jackson, Kim Roberts, Venus Thrash. (anthology, Jacar Press)

Still Life with Poem: Contemporary Natures Mortes in Verse, ed. Jehanne Dubrow and Lindsay Lusby. Contributors include: Sandra Beasley, Tara Betts, James Allen Hall, Metta Sama (anthology, The Literary House Press)

Unrequited: An Anthology of Love Poems to Inanimate Objects, ed. Kelly Ann Jacobson. Contributors include: Isaac James Baker, Jacquelyn Bengfort, Melanie Bikowski, Sass Brown, Danielle Evennou, Kate Horowitz, Jacqueline Jules, Sarah Lilius, Gregory Luce, Neelam Patel, Ed Perlman, Julia Rocchi, Terrence Sykes, Pamela Murray Winters (anthology, CreateSpace).

Veils, Halos & Shackles: International Poetry on the Oppression and Empowerment of Women, ed. Charles Adès Fishman and Smita Sahay. Contributors include: Ned Balbo, Roberta Beary, Jehanne Dubrow, Meg Eden, Barbara Goldberg, John Guzlowski, Linda Pastan, Jane Satterfield, Ravi Shankar, Myra Sklarew, Naomi Thiers (anthology, Kasva Press).

New Books 2015

NOTE: Titles listed in red are Beltway Poetry Quarterly‘s picks for the Ten Best Books of 2015. We have highlighted two additional Best Anthologies of the Year.

Rachel Adams, Sleeper (chapbook, Flutter Press)

Elizabeth Alexander, The Light of the World (memoir, Grand Central Publishing)

Abdul Ali, Trouble Sleeping (New Issues)

Nancy Allinson, Harmony Not Yet Broken (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

JoAnn Balingit, Words for House Story (WordTech Editions)

Roberta Beary, Deflection (Accents Publishing)

Sandra Beasley, Count the Waves (W.W. Norton)

Donald Berger, The Long Time (bilingual in English and German, translations by Christoph Koenig, Wallstein Verlag)

Reginald Dwayne Betts, Bastards of the Reagan Era (Four Way Books)

David Biespiel, A Long High Whistle: Selected Columns (nonfiction, Antilever Press)

Richard Blanco, Matters of the Sea/Cosas Del Mar (chapbook, bilingual, University of Pittsburgh Press)

Gary Blankenburg, Above All Things (BrickHouse Books)

David Bristol, The Hour of the Poem Poem: Poems on Writing (New Academia Publishing)

Jeffrey Brown, The News: Poems (Copper Canyon)

Sass Brown, USA-1000 (Southern Illinois University Press)

Grace Cavalieri, My Life Upon the Wicked Stage (memoir, New Academia/Scarith Books)

Gail Braune Comorat, Phases of the Moon (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Ellen Compton, Gathering Dusk (Snapshot Press)

Kyle G. Dargan, Honest Engine (University of Georgia Press)

Susan Muaddi Darraj, A Curious Land: Stories from Home (short fiction, University of Massachusetts Press)

Ann Dernier, In the Fury (Grey Book Press)

celeste doaks, Cornrows and Cornfields (Wrecking Ball Press)

Jessica Lynn Dotson, Time Trials (chapbook, L + S Press)

Buck Downs, Tachycardia: Poems 2010 – 2012 (Edge Books)

Suzanne Dracius, Calazaza’s Delicious Dereliction, translated from French to English by Nancy Naomi Carlson (Tupelo Press)

David Ebenbach, We Were the People Who Moved (Tebot Bach)

Cathy Eisenhower, distance delay (Ugly Duckling Presse)

Julie R. Enszer, Lilith’s Demons (A Midsummer Night’s Press)

Lesley Lee Francis, You Come Too: My Journey with Robert Frost (memoir, University of Virginia Press)

Heather Fuller, Dick Cheney’s Heart (Edge Books)

D. Gilson, I Will Say This Exactly One Time (Essays, Sibling Rivalry Press)

Howard Gofreed, Lemon Light (Broadkill River Press)

Sid Gold, Good with Oranges (Broadkill River Press)

Barbara Goldberg, Kingdom of Speculation (chapbook, Accents Publishing)

Joshua Gray, Steel Cut Oats (Red Dashboard)

Rachel Eliza Griffiths, Lighting the Shadow (Four Way Books)

Juan Felipe Herrera, Notes on the Assemblage (City Lights Books)

Langston Hughes, Selected Letters of Langston Hughes, ed. Arnold Rampersad and David Roessel (Knopf)

Sonja James, The White Spider in My Hand (New Academia Publishing)

Andrew Jarvis, The Strait (Homebound Publications)

W. Luther Jett, Not Quite: Poems Written in Search of My Father (Finishing Line Press)

Sally Keith, River House (Milkweed Editions)

Victoria Kelly, When the Men Go Off to War: Poems (Naval Institute Press)

Danuta E. Kosk-Kosicka, Face Half-Illuminated (Apprentice House Press)

Danuta E. Kosk-Kosicka, Oblige the Light (CityLit)

Maxine Kumin, The Pawnbroker’s Daughter (memoir, W.W. Norton & Co.)

Mary Ann Larkin, On Gannon Street (Broadkill River Press)

Lyn Lifshin, Femme Eterna (Glass Lyre Press)

Lyn Lifshin, Moving Thru Stained Glass: The Maple Poems (Night Ballet Press)

Mike Maggio, Garden of Rain (Le Jardin de Pluie) (Aldrich Press)

Magus Magnus, The Free Spirit: Unleashing the Individual from Internal and External Constraint (nonfiction, e-book, Amazon Digital Services)

Magus Magnus, with Tony Mancus, Casey Smith and Gowri Koneswaran, eckClogs (chapbook, Furniture Press Books)

Tony Mancus, City Country (chapbook, Seattle Review)

Jenny Molberg, Marvels of the Invisible (Tupelo Press)

David Nicholson, Flying Home: Seven Stories of the Secret City (fiction, Paycock Press)

Eric Pankey, Crow-Work (Milkweed Editions)

Alicia Partnoy, Flowering Fires/Fuegos Florales (Settlement House Books)

Linda Pastan, Insomnia (W.W. Norton)

Richard Peabody, The Richard Peabody Reader (Santa Fe Writers Project)

Lisa Pegram, Cracked Calabash (chapbook, Central Square Press)

Elizabeth Poliner, What You Know in Your Hands (David Robert Books)

Frederick Pollack, A Poverty of Words (Prolific Press)

Ann Rayburn, The Midnight Gardener Chronicles (poetry and prose, Mercury HeartLink)

Elisavietta Ritchie, Guy Wires (Poets Choice Publishing)

Kim Roberts, Fortune’’s Favor: Scott in the Antarctic (Poetry Mutual)

Alexis Rotella, Between Waves (Red Moon Press)

Kay Ryan, Erratic Facts (Grove Press

Katherine Smith, Woman Alone on the Mountain (Iris Press)

Rod Smith, Touché (Wave Books)

Maryhelen Snyder, Never the Loss of Wings (Passager Books)

Marcela Sulak, Decency (Black Lawrence Press)

Marianne Szlyk, I Dream of Empathy (chapbook, Flutter Press)

Naomi Thiers, She Was a Cathedral (Finishing Line Press)

Maureen Thorson, The Woman, The Mirror, The Eye (chapbook, Bloof Books)

Nicole Tong, My Mine (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Patricia Valdata, Where No Man Can Touch (West Chester University)

Tyler Vile, Never Coming Home (novel-in-verse, Topside Press)

Abdourahman Waberi, The Nomads, My Brothers, Go Out to Drink from the Big Dipper (Les Nomades, mes frères, vont boire à la grande ourse), trans. Nancy Naomi Carlson (Seagull Books)

Tim’m West, pre|dispositions (Red Dirt)

Kathi Wolfe, Uppity Blind Girl (chapbook, BrickHouse Books)

Carina Yun, On Loving a Saudi Girl (Headmistress Press)

The Best American Poetry 2015, ed. Sherman Alexie. Contributors include: Thomas Sayers Ellis, Hailey Leithauser, Tanya Olson, Terrence WInch. (anthology, Simon & Schuster)

The Best of Gival Press Short Stories, ed. Robert L. Giron. Contributors include: Perry Glasser, Tim Johnston. (anthology, Gival Press)

Best of the Net 2014 Anthology, ed. Kathy Fagan, Lily Hong, Michael Martone. Contributors include Beltway Poetry’s winning poem by Joanne Rocky Delaplaine, as well as James Bigbee Garver, Megan Giddings, Julia Heney. (anthology, Sundress Publications)

The BreakBeat Poets: New American Poetry in the Age of Hip-Hop, ed. Kevin Coval. Contributors include: Kyle Dargan, Joel Dias-Porter, Thomas Sayers Ellis, Tarfia Faizullah, Randall Horton, Tony Medina, John Murillo. (anthology, Haymarket Books)

Busboys and Poets Presents Ain’t U Heard, produced by Andy Shallal and Bomani Armah. Contributors include: Bomani Armah, Holly Bass, Shelly Bell, Derrick Weston Brown, Sarah Browning, Regie Cabico, Twain Dooley, Droopy, Dwayne B, Rebecca Dupas, E-Baby, Danielle Evennou, Joseph LMS Green, Kanikki Jakarta, Gowri K., Kom, Drew Law & Pages Matam, Sarah Lawson, Katy Richey, DJ Tao, 13 of Nazareth, 2Deep the Poetess, Jonathan B. Tucker, Patrick Washington, G. Yamazawa (CD, Busboys and Poets)

Clash By Night, ed. Gregg Wilhelm and Gerry LaFemina. Contributors include: Ned Balbo, CL Bledsoe, Donald Illich, Richard Peabody, Jane Satterfield, Ravi Shankar, Dean Bartoli Smith. (anthology, CityLit Press).

Family Resemblance: An Anthology and Exploration of 8 Hybrid Literary Genres, ed. Marcela Sulak and Jacqueline Kolosov. Contributors include: Kazim Ali, A. Van Jordan, Gregory Orr. (anthology of essays and examples of hybrid genres, Rose Metal Press)

Joys of the Table: An Anthology of Culinary Verse, ed. Sally Zakariya. Contributors include: Janet Dinsmore, Eric Forsbergh, Conrad Geller, E. Laura Golberg, Gary Hanna, Jacqueline Jules, Lisa Kosow, Carolyn Kreiter-Foronda, Michael H. Levin, Margaret S. Mullins, Susan Notar, John O’’Dell, Kim Roberts, D.A. Spruzen. (anthology, Richer Resources)

Liberation: New Works on Freedom from Internationally Renowned Poets, ed. Mark Ludwig. Contributors include: Richard Blanco, Rita Dove, Robert Pinsky, Yermiyahu Ahron Taub. (anthology, Beacon Press)

My Cruel Invention, ed. Bernadette Geyer. Contributors include: Kelly Cherry, Donald Illich, W. Luther Jett, Holly Karapetkova, Magus Magnus, Susan Bucci Mockler, Shelley Puhak, Kim Roberts, Laura Shovan, Marcela Sulak (anthology, Meerkat Press)

#OurLivesMatter: The Ballou Story Project, Shajena Erazo, ed., foreword by Kyle G. Dargan. Contributors: thirty students from Ballou High School, DC Public Schools (poetry and prose anthology, Shout Mouse Press)

Poetry Alive: The Iota Poetry Series 20th Anniversary Reading, hosted by Miles David Moore; live recording and editing by Terence Mulligan. Contributors: Karren L. Alenier, Nancy Allinson, Mel Belin, Dean Blehert, Pam Blehert, Doris Brody, Grace Cavalieri, Ellen Arnofsky Cole, Barbara DeCesare, W. Perry Epes, Claudia Gary, Barbara Goldberg, Tod Ibrahim, Donald Illich, Andrew Jarvis, Geff King, Lyn Lifshin, Gregory Luce, Greg McBride, Judith McCombs, Miles David Moore, Terence Mulligan, Richard Peabody, Kim Roberts, Joseph Ross, Martha Sanchez-Lowery, Naomi Thiers, Dan Vera, Mary Sherman Willis, Pamela Murray Winters, Kathi Wolfe, Katherine E. Young (CD, Minimus Productions)

Poetry in Medicine: An Anthology of Poems About Doctors, Patients, Illness, and Healing, ed. Michael Salcman. Contributors include: Elizabeth Arnold, David Bergman, Elizabeth Bishop, Shirley J. Brewer, Lucille Clifton, Claudia Emerson, Clarinda Harriss, Cynthia Marie Hoffman, Robert Lowell, Linda Pastan, Stanley Plumly, Kay Ryan, Walt Whitman, William Carlos Williams. (anthology, Persea Books)

Poets are Present Anthology, ed. Teddy Rodger. Contributors include: Rachel Adams, Karren L. Alenier, Paulette Beete, Regie Cabico, Buck Downs, Tafisha A. Edwards, Patricia Gray, Donald Illich, Andrew Jarvis, Tony Mancus, Pages Matam, Patric Pepper, Courtney Sexton, Maureen Thorson, Anne Harding Woodworth, Katherine E. Young, Suzanne Zweizig. (print and e-book anthology, Shakespeare Theatre Company)

Raising Lily Ledbetter: Women Poets Occupy the Workspace, ed. Carolyne Wright, M.L. Lyons, and Eugenia Toledo. Contributors include: Kim Addonizio, Sandra Beasley, Rita Dove, Luisa A. Igloria, Ellen Maycock, Bonnie J. Morris, Laura Shovan, Marianne Szylyk, Natasha Trethewey, Stacey K. Vargas, Davi Walders (anthology, University of Washington Press)

The Southern Poetry Anthology, Volume VII: North Carolina, ed. Jesse Graves, Paul Ruffin and William Wright. Contributors include: Catherine Carter, Roy Jacobstein, Kim Roberts, Katherine Soniat, Anne Harding Woodworth (anthology, Texas Review Press)

New Books 2014

Note: Titles listed in red are Beltway Poetry‘s selections for Best Books of 2014.

Kwame Alexander, The Crossover (youth novel-in-verse, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)

Susanne Bostick Allen, Highway 78 (chapbook, Broadkill Press)

Luis Alberto Ambroggio, Todos somos Whitman (poems in Spanish, Vaso Roto Ediciones)

Joseph Baldi Acosta, My Life in Metaphor (AuthorHouse)

Reinaldo Arenas, Autoepitaph: Selected Poems, edited by Camelly Cruz-Martes, translated by Kelly Washbourne (University Press of Florida)

Ed Baker, Stone Girl E-Pic (Leafe Press)

Kimberly L. Becker, The Dividings (WordTech Communications)

Rei Berroa, De quites y querencias: antojología de poemas y poéticas (1974-2014) (Publicaciones del Ministerio de Cultura)

Rei Berroa, Fortunario insólito para convivir con la lengua y unas cuantas cicatrices (Ediciones Caletita)

Richard Blanco, The Prince of Los Cocuyos: A Miami Childhood (nonfiction, Ecco Press)

Dan Brady, Cabin Fever/Fossil Record (chapbook, Flying Guillotine Press)

Dan Brady, Leroy Sequences (chapbook, Horse Less Press)

Doritt Carroll, GLTTL STP (BrickHouse Books)

Karl W. Carter, Jr., Southern Road and Selected Poems (CreateSpace)

Grace Cavalieri, The Man Who Got Away (Scarith Press)

Grace Cavalieri, The Mandate of Heaven (Bordighera Press)

Maxine Clair, Imagine This: Creating the Work You Love (nonfiction, Agate Bolden)

Lisa Couturier, Animals/Bodies (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Mark Cugini, Happy to Be Here (chapbook, Ink Press)

Martin Dickinson, My Concept of Time (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Buck Downs, charmed life (chapbook, Broadkill Press)

Tarfia Faizullah, Seam (Southern Illinois University Press)

Frederick Foote, Medic Against Bomb: A Doctor’s Poetry of War (Grayson Books)

Brandel France de Bravo, Mother, Loose (chapbook, Accents Publishing)

Cyd Charisse Fulton, Emphatic Radical (chapbook, Emphatic Press)

Cyd Charisse Fulton, Feeding Off of the North Star (chapbook, Emphatic Press)

Brian Gilmore, We Didn’t Know Any Gangsters (Cherry Castle)

Landon Godfrey, Spaceship (limited edition chapbook with prints by Lisa Beth Robinson, Somnalist Tango Press)

Christopher Goodrich, No Texting at the Dinner Table (NYQ Books)

Joshua Gray, Mera Bharat (Red Dashboard)

Piotr K. Gwiazda, US Poetry in the Age of Empire, 1979-2012 (essays, Palgrave)

Saskia Hamilton, Corridor (Graywolf)

Jeffrey Harrison, Into Daylight (Tupelo Press)

Clarinda Harriss, The White Rail (short fiction, Half Moon Editions)

Kathleen Hellen, Pentimento (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Cynthia Marie Hoffman, Her Human Costume (chapbook, Gold Line Press)

Cynthia Marie Hoffman, Paper Doll Fetus (Persea Books)

Ailish Hopper, Dark~Sky Society (New Issues Press)

P. Inman, Written 1976 – 2013 (If P Then Q)

Bettina Judd, Patient (Black Lawrence Press)

Jacqueline Jules, Field Trip to the Museum (chapbook, Finishing Line)

Jacqueline Jules, Stronger Than Cleopatra (ELJ Publications)

Cary Kamarat, Travelwalk: Poems and Images (Hartley-Wildman Publishing)

Ted Kooser, Splitting an Order (Copper Canyon Press)

Danuta E. Kosk-Kosicka, Face Half-Illuminated (Apprentice House Press)

Nandinee Kutty, Destiny of the World and Other Stories (short fiction, Xlibris)

Yahia Lababidi, Barely There: Short Poems (Resource Publications)

Rudolph Lewis, Mockingbirds at Jerusalem: A Poetic Memoir (Black Academy Press)

Lyn Lifshin, Femme Eterna: Enheduanna, Schherazade and Nefertiti (Glass Lyre Press)

Lyn Lifshin, Malala (Poetic Matrix Press)

Lyn Lifshin, Secretariat: The Red Freak, the Miracle (Texas Review Press)

Mike Maggio, The Wizard and the White House (novel, Little Feather Books)

Saundra Rose Maley, Disappearing Act (Dryad Press)

Tony Mancus, Again(st) Membering (chapbook, Horse Less Press)

Pages D. Matam, The Heart of a Comet (Write Bloody)

C.M. Mayo, Metaphysical Odyssey into the Mexican Revolution: Francisco I. Madero and his Secret Book, Spiritist Manual (nonfiction, Dancing Chiva)

Melanie McCabe, What the Neighbors Know (FutureCycle Books)

W. S. Merwin, Moon Before Morning (Copper Canyon Press)

Lalita Noronha, Her Skin Phyllo-thin (chapbook, Finishing Line)

David Owens, Raking the Snow (CD of poems set to music, features six poems by Elisavietta Ritchie, Albany Records)

Saideh Pakravan, Entendu ce matin (in French, Editions Caractères)

Gregory Pardlo, Digest (Four Way Books)

Robert Pinsky, Ginza Samba: Selected Poems/Poemas escogidos. Translated from English to Spanish by Luis Alberto Ambroggio (Vaso Roto Ediciones)

Gretchen Primack, Doris’ Red Spaces (Mayapple Press)

Elizabeth Rees, Every Root a Branch (Codhill Press)

Neil Richardson, Episodic flash sight (Neil Richardson)

Gregg Shapiro, Lincoln Avenue: Chicago Stories (short fiction, Squares & Rebels)

Aurelie Sheehan, Demigods on Speedway (short fiction, University of Arizona Press)

Janet and Cheryl Snell, Warped Passage (Scattered Light Library)

Rose Solari, The Last Girl (Santa Fe Writers’ Project)

Susan Sonde, Drumming on Water (Finishing Line Press)

Gary Stein, Between Worlds (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Will Stockton and D. Gilson, Crush (poems and essays, Punctum Books)

Maureen Thorson, My Resignation (Shearsman Books)

Maureen Thorson, A Good Attitude (chapbook, Flying Object)

Venus Thrash, The Fateful Apple (Hawkins Publishing Group)

Rebecca Villarreal, The Amazing Adventures of Selma Calderón (young adult novel, Mama Chelo Press)

Terence Winch, This Way Out (Hanging Loose Press)

Anne Harding Woodworth, Unattached Male (Poetry Salzburg)

Katherine E. Young, Day of the Border Guards (University of Arkansas Press)

The Art of Survival, ed. Ruth Moon Kempher. Contributors include: Karren L. Alenier, Mel Belin, Grace Cavalieri, John Elsberg, Peter Klappert, Lyn Lifshin, Judith McCombs, Miles David Moore, Richard Peabody, Elisavitta Ritchie, Kathi Wolfe (anthology, Kings Estate Press)

The Book of Scented Things: 100 Contemporary Poems About Perfume, ed. Jehanne Dubrow and Lindsay Lusby.  Contributors include: Ned Balbo, Sandra Beasley, Michelle Chan Brown, Moira Egan, Tarfia Faizullah, Yona Harvey, Jane Satterfield, Maureen Thorson. (anthology, The Literary House Press)

Defying Gravity: Fiction by DC Area Women, ed. Richard Peabody.  Contributors include: Amani Elkassabany, Melanie S. Hatter, Jacqueline Jules, A. Levy-Lavigne, Veronica Li, Allison Nichol, Anne Sheldon (anthology, Paycock Press)

Drawn to Marvel: Poems from the Comic Books, ed. Bryan D. Dietrich and Marta Ferguson.  Contributors include: Ned Balbo, Lucille Clifton, Meg Eden, A. Van Jordan, Alan King, C.R. Resetarits, Kim Roberts, Alex Ruiz, Tim Seibles, Ravi Shankar. (anthology, Minor Arcana Press)

Poetry of Witness: The Tradition in English, 1500-2001, ed. Carolyn Forche and Duncan Wu.  Contributors include: Francis Scott Key, Frederick Douglass, Walt Whitman, Ambrose Bierce, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Archibald MacLeish, William Meredith (anthology, W.W. Norton & Co.)

The Queer South: LGBTQ Writers on the American South, ed. Douglas Ray. Contributors include: Richard Blanco, D. Gilson, Johnathan Harper, Jeff Mann, Dan Vera, L. Lamar Wilson (anthology, Sibling Rivalry Press)

Selected Letters of Robert Creeley, ed. Rod Smith, Peter Baker, and Kaplan Harris (University of California Press)

Smokelong Quarterly: The Best of the First Ten Years, ed. Tara Laskowski.  Contributors include: Virgie Townsend, Joseph Young, Jen Michalski.  Plus commentary by editors Kelly Spitzer, Kathy Fish, Dave Clapper, Tara Laskowki, Nancy Stebbins, Gay Degani, Josh Denslow, Ashley Inguianta, Beth Thomas and Brandon Wicks. (anthology of flash fiction, Matter Press)

Teatro bajo mi piel: poesía Salvadoreña contemporánea/Theater Under My Skin: Contemporary Salvadoran Poetry, Tania Pleitez Vela, Editorial Coordinator. Preface by Francisco Aragón; contributors include Quique Avilés, Mario Escobar, Ana Patricia Rodriguez, Gabriela Poma Traynor. (anthology, Editorial Kalina)

Urban Voices: 51 Poems from 51 American Poets, ed. Joyce Brinkman & Carolyn Kreiter-Foronda. Contributors include:  JoAnn Balingit, Billy Collins, James Harms, Ted Kooser, E. Ethelbert Miller, Stanley Plumly (anthology, San Francisco Bay Press)

The Widows’ Handbook: Poetic Reflections on Grief and Survival, ed. Jacqueline Lapidus and Lise Menn.  Contributors include: Gail Comorat, Patricia L. Goodman, Maxine Kumin, Katherine J. Williams. Introduction by Ruth Bader Ginsburg. (anthology, Kent State University Press)

Wingbeats II: Exercises & Practice in Poetry, ed. Scott Wiggerman and David Meischen. Contributors include: Regie Cabico, Natasha Sajé, Marcela Sulak, Rebecca Wee. (nonfiction with poems, Dos Gatos Press)

New Books 2013

Note: Titles listed in red are Beltway Poetry‘s top picks for Best Books of 2013.

Rachel Adams, What is Heard (chapbook, Red Bird)

Kwame Alexander, He Said She Said (young adult fiction, Amistad)

Cynthia Atkins, In the Event of Full Disclosure (Wordtech Editions)

Carlos Parada Ayala, The Light of the Storm/La luz de la tormenta (Zozobra Publishing)

Naomi Ayala, Calling Home: Praise Songs, Incantations (Bilingual Review Press)

David Bergman, Fortunate Light (A Midsummer Night’s Press)

David Biespiel, Charming Gardeners (University of Washington Press)

Remica L. Bingham, What We Ask of Flesh (Etruscan Press)

Jody Bolz, Shadow Play (Turning Point Books)

Jamie Brown, Sakura: A Cyle of Haiku (chapbook, Broadkill Press)

Brenda Bunting, Poems of Love and Violence In Between Life and Death (CreateSpace)

Grace Cavalieri, trans. Sabine Pascarelli, Cosa farei per amore: Poesie dalla voce di Mary Wollstonecraft (In Italian, The Bunny and The Crocodile Press)

Buck Downs, Always Materialized (Buck Downs)

Buck Downs, Assorted Books by Buck Downs (Buck Downs)

Buck Downs, New Personal Problem (Buck Downs)

David Ebenbach, Autogeography (chapbook, Finishing Line)

Julie R. Enszer, Homesteading: Essays on Life, Death, Sex, and Liberation (nonfiction, Spirit Press)

Julie R. Enszer, Sisterhood (Sibling Rivalry Press)

David Joel Friedman, Soldier Quick with Rain (Augury Books)

Bernadette Geyer, The Scabbard of Her Throat (The Word Works)

Natalie Giarratano, Leaving Clean (Briery Creek Press)

Landon Godfrey, In the Stone: Three Prose Poems (chapbook, Ashville BookWorks)

Michael Gushue, Pachinko Mouth (chapbook, Plan B Press)

Judith Harris, Night Garden (Tiger Bark Press)

Reginald Harris, Autogeography (Northwestern University Press)

Robert Herschbach, Loose Weather (Washington Writers Publishing House)

Joanna Hoffman, Running for Trap Doors (Sibling Rivalry Press)

Randall Horton, Pitch Dark Anarchy (TriQuarterly/Northwestern University Press)

Sonja James, Calling Old Ghosts to Supper (chapbook, Finishing Line)

Bernard Jankowski, Radio in the Basement: Poems & Interview (Pond Road Press)

Andrew Jarvis, Sound Points (chapbook, Red Bird Chapbooks)

David Keplinger, The Most Natural Thing (New Issues)

Khalilullah Khalili and Marie Khalili, Memoirs of Khalilullah Khalili, An Afghan Philosopher Poet: A Conversation with His Daughter, translated by Afzal Nasiri and Marie Khalili (nonfiction, Afzal Nasiri)

Tom Kirlin, Under the Potato Moon (Little Red Tree Publishing)

Dennis M. Kirschbaum, Clattering East (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Alyse Knorr, Annotated Glass (Furniture Press)

Carolyn Kreiter-Foronda, The Embrace: Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo (San Francisco Bay Press)

Carolyn Kreiter-Foronda, Gathering Light (e-book, Northampton House Press)

Susan Landers, Selections from Franklinstein (chapbook, Cannot Exist Press)

Susan Landers, What I Was Tweeting While You Were on Facebook (chapbook, Perfect Lovers Press)

Doug Lang, Dérangé (Primary Writing Books)

Hailey Leithauser, Swoop (Graywolf Press)

Kathryn Levy, Reports (New Rivers Press)

Lyn Lifshin, Malala (Poetic Matrix Press)

Lyn Lifshin, A Girl Goes Into the Woods (NYQ Books)

Lyn Lifshin, Tangled as the Alphabet: The Instanbul Poems (NightBallet Press)

Gary Copeland Lilley, High Water Everywhere (Willow Books)

Gregory Luce, Memory and Desire (Sweatshoppe Publications)

Margaret Mackinnon, The Invented Child (Silverfish Review Press)

Mike Maggio, The Valley of Granite and Steel (novel, Write Deal)

Tony Mancus, Diplomancy (chapbook, Horseless Press)

Sarah Marcus, Backcountry (chapbook, Finishing Line Press)

Jeffrey McDaniel, Chapel of Inadvertent Joy (University of Pittsburgh Press)

Tony Medina, Broke Baroque (2Leaf Press)

Jillian Meyer, Waiting for the Sun (chapbook, Plan B Press)

Chloe Yelena Miller, Unrest (chapbook, Finishing Line)

Bonnie J. Morris, The Schoolgirl’s Atlas (chapbook, Finishing Line)

Jae October, Jive Talkin’ With the Universe (chapbook, 2 Pens & Lint)

John O’Dell, At Beauty’s Pawn Shop (XLibris)

Eric Pankey, Trace (Milkweed Editions)

Richard Peabody, Nylon Soul (audio chapbook, Eat Words)

Gretchen Primack, Kind (Post-Traumatic Press)

Elisavietta Ritchie, Feathers, or Love on the Wing (chapbook, with illustrations by Megan Richard, Sheldon Studios)

Elisavietta Ritchie, Tiger Upstairs on Connecticut Avenue (Charry Grove Collections)

W.M. Rivera, The Living Clock (chapbook, Finishing Line)

Joseph Ross, Gospel of Dust (Main Street Rag)

Karen Sagstetter, The Thing with Willie: Stories of Two Families (short fiction, Bergamot Books)

Jane Satterfield, Her Familiars (Elixir Press)

Aurelie Sheehan, Jewelry Box: A Collection of Histories (BOA Editions)

R.T. Smith, The Red Wolf: A Dream of Flannery O’Connor (Louisiana Literature Press)

Janet and Cheryl Snell, Warped Passage (Scattered Light Library)

Yermiyahu Ahron Taub, Prayers of a Heretic: Poems (Plain View Press)

Naomi Thiers, In Yolo County (chapbook, Finishing Line)

Cedric Tillman, Lillies in the Valley (Willow Books)

Melissa Tuckey, Tenuous Chapel (ABZ Press)

Dan Vera, Speaking Wiri Wiri (Letras Latinas/Red Hen)

Joshua Weiner, The Figure of a Man Being Swallowed by a Fish (University of Chicago Press)

Mary-Sherman Willis, Graffiti Calculus (CW Books/Word Tech)

Terence Winch, Lit from Below (Salmon Poetry)

Kathi Wolfe, The Green Light (chapbook, Finishing Line)

Sally Zakariya, Insectomania (chapbook, Richer Resources)

The Bloomsbury Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Poetry, ed. Deborah Ager and M.E. Silverman.  Contributors include: Nancy Naomi Carlson, Lucille Lang Day, Julie R. Enszer, Roy Jacobstein, Yvette Neisser Moreno, Kim Roberts, Carly Sachs, Jane Shore, Marcela Sulak, Joshua Weiner.  (anthology, Bloomsbury Publications)

Flicker and Spark: A Contemporary Queer Anthology of Spoken Word and Poetry, ed. Regie Cabico and Brittany Fonte.  Contributors include: Chris August, J.T. Bullock, Jona Colson, Julie R. Enszer, Danielle Evennou, Adele Hampton, Tierra Rich, Joanna Hoffman, Natalie E. Illum, Joseph Ross, Sonya Renee Taylor. (anthology, Low Brow Press)

The Incredible Sestina Anthology, ed. Daniel Nestor.  Contributors include: Sandra Beasley, Elizabeth Bishop, Star Black, Dana Gioia, Anthony Hecht, Richard Peabody, Carly Sachs, Ravi Shankar (anthology, Write Bloody Publishing)

Lines in Long Array: A Civil War Commemoration, Poems and Photographs, Past and Present, ed. David C. Ward and Frank H. Goodyear III.  Contributors include historic authors, such as Ethel Lynn Beers, Ambrose Bierce, George H. Boker, Emily Dickinson, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., Julia Ward Howe, Herman Melville, Francis Orray Ticknor, Henry Timrod, Walt Whitman, and John Greenleaf Whittier; and contemporary authors, such as: Eavan Boland, Geoffrey Brock, Nikki Giovanni, Jorie Graham, John Koethe, Yusef Komunyakaa, Paul Muldoon, Steve Scafidi Jr., Michael Schmidt, Dave Smith, Tracy K. Smith, and C.D. Wright.  (anthology, Smithsonian Books)

The New Census: An Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry, ed. Kevin A. Gonzalez and Lauren Shapiro.  Contributors include: Kyle G.Dargan, Sandra Dollar, Yona Harvey, John Murillo. (anthology, Rescue Press)

Old Flame: From the First 10 Years of 32 Poems Magazine, ed. Deborah Ager, Bill Beverly, John Poch.  Contributors include: Bernadette Geyer, Holly Karapetkova, Eric Pankey, Hope Maxwell Snyder (anthology, Word Farm)

This Assignment is So Gay: LGBTIQ Poets on the Art of Teaching, ed. Megan Volpert.  Contributors include: Charles Jensen, Bonnie J. Morris, Joseph Ross, Yermiyahu Ahron Taub.  (anthology, Sibling Rivalry Press)

Women Write Resistance: Poets Resist Violence, ed. Laura Madeline Wiseman.  Contributors include: Kimberly L. Becker, Carol Quinn, Rosemary Winslow, Jane Satterfield, Carly Sachs.  (anthology, Hyacinth Girl Press).

Beltway Poetry Quarterly books

Full Moon on K Street: Poems About Washington, DC, ed. Kim Roberts. Published in conjunction with the tenth anniversary of Beltway Poetry Quarterly.

Contributors: Karren L. Alenier, Elizabeth Alexander, Kwame Alexander, Abdul Ali, Francisco Aragón, Naomi Ayala, Jonetta Rose Barras, Holly Bass, Paulette Beete, Reginald Dwayne Betts, Derrick Weston Brown, Sterling A. Brown, Sarah Browning, Regie Cabico, Kenneth Carroll, Grace Cavalieri, William Claire, Carleasa Coates, Jane Alberdeston Coralín, Ed Cox, Teri Ellen Cross, Ramola D, Kyle Dargan, Ann Darr, Tina Darragh, Christina Daub, Hayes Davis, Thulani Davis, Donna Denizé, Joel Dias-Porter, Tim Dlugos, Thomas Sayers Ellis, Roland Flint, Sunil Freeman, Deirdre Gantt, David Gewanter, Brian Gilmore, Robert L. Giron, Barbara Goldberg, Patricia Gray, Michael Gushue, Daniel Gutstein, O.B. Hardison, Jr., Essex Hemphill, Randall Horton, Natalie E. Illlum, Esther Iverem, Gray Jacobik, Brandon D. Johnson, Percy E. Johnston, Jr., Fred Joiner, Beth Joselow, Alan King, Michael Lally, Mary Ann Larkin, Merrill Leffler, Toni Asante Lightfoot, Saundra Rose Maley, David McAleavey, Richard McCann, Eugene J. McCarthy, Judith McCombs, Tony Medina, E. Ethelbert Miller, May Miller, Samuel Miranda, Miles David Moore, Yvette Neisser Moreno, Kathi Morrison-Taylor, Gaston Neal, Jose Emilio Pacheco, Jose Padua, Michelle Parkerson, Betty Parry, Linda Pastan, Richard Peabody, Adam Pellegrini, Elizabeth Poliner, Minnie Bruce Pratt, Liam Rector, Joan Retallack, Katy Richey, Joseph Ross, Ken Rumble, Robert Sargent, Gregg Shapiro, Myra Sklarew, Rod Smith, Alan Spears, Sharan Strange, A.B. Spellman, Hilary Tham, Maureen Thorson, Venus Thrash, Dan Vera, Rebecca Villarreal, Belle Waring, Joshua Weiner, Reed Whittemore, Terence Winch, Ahmos Zu-Bolton II. (Plan B Press, 2010).

Lip Smack: A History of Spoken Word Poetry in DC by Kim Roberts. Published in conjunction with the tenth anniversary of Beltway Poetry Quarterly.

A timeline of major spoken word events in Washington, DC from 1991 to 2010.  Published in partnership with The Word Works, Inc. and the Humanities Council of Washington, DC.  Nonfiction chapbook.  Out of print; limited availability from Beltway Editions for $10.