Submissions are typically accepted on a rolling basis, however we will be closed to new poems due to a backlog until further notice. Any poem submitted during this period will be declined without review. We appreciate your patience and support of Beltway Poetry’s mission.
Poems and bio must be in one document in doc. or doc.x (No PDF or JPEGs). Simultaneous submissions are accepted but please notify us if your poem is accepted by another journal by emailing
We prefer unpublished work.
Translations: In addition to the previous guidelines, please submit translations as follows: poems in the original language followed by the English translation. The translator is responsible for obtaining the author’s permission to use the work. Include a short bio for the author and the translator is required.
Beltway Poetry Quarterly honors its historic connection to the Beltway region of Washington, D.C., but our vision is worldwide. Poetry has no geographic lines. We welcome translations and reviews. Join our local subscribe list or “like” our Facebook page to get direct email notifications.
Poetry News
Authors are invited to provide information about their publications, awards other kudos, and other activities for listing on the Beltway Poetry Facebook page. Information should be submitted at any time in the month prior to an event or publication to Please note that as of January 2018, we no longer publish listings of Readings and Performances, Competitions, Grants, Calls for Entries, Workshops, and Special Events on the website; these announcements are covered on our Facebook page instead.
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