Beltway Poetry Quarterly

Poetry in Translation Issue

LogoRevFINALLow_CMYKVolume 16:3, Summer 2015
Guest Co-Editors: Nancy Naomi Carlson, Katherine E. Young, Suzanne Zweizig
Co-Sponsor: DC-ALT


Table of Contents

calligraphy05Translations from Asian Languages

Nancy Arbuthnot and Lê Pham Lê translate Lê Pham Lê (Vietnam)
In Annapolis
San-San Tin translates San-San Tin (Burma)
Ting Wang translates Chen Li (Taiwan)
Rhapsody in Black and White

Translations from the Hebrew

Rick Black translates Rachel Bluwstein (Russia/Palestine)
To My Homeland
My Dead
Barbara Goldberg translates Moshe Dor (Israel)
In Praise of Hate

tabletTranslation from the Latin

Ryan Wilson translates Horace (Roman Empire)
Ode i.11

Translation from the French

Keith Cohen translates Joseph Polius (Martinique)
Above My Fear…

Translations from the Spanish

Jona Colson translates Miguel Avero (Uruguay)
Drop by Drop
Christina Daub translates Blanca Wiethüchter (Bolivia)
Patricia Davis translates Francisco de Oraá (Cuba)
The Atmosphere and the Sand
Patricia Davis translates Lucía Robles (Guatemala)
No, Mr. Translator
Patricia Davis translates Juan Garrido Salgado (Chile/Australia)
Poem of Night and the Wind
Julia Leverone translates Francisco Urondo (Argentina)
The Setting of the Planets
Yvette Neisser Moreno and Patricia Bejarano Fisher translate Maria Teresa Ogliastri (Venezuela)
Outside a Frog is Croaking
Deborah Sobeloff translates Egla Morales Blouin (Puerto Rico)
Girl on My Back
Sergio Waisman translates Yaki Setton (Argentina)
Burgi Zenhaeusern translates Egla Morales Blouin (Puerto Rico)
Spilled Water

Translations from Slavic Languages

John Guzlowski translates Henryk Cierniak (Poland)
Holly Karapetkova translates Dostena Lavergne (Bulgaria/France)
The Mourners
Holly Karapetkova translates Kiril Merjanski (Bulgaria)
The Day Swallows Everything
Raindrops on the Window
Danuta E. Kosk-Kosicka translates Lidia Kosk (Poland)
On Tree Branches
Elisavietta Ritchie translates Anna Akhmatova (Russia/USSR)
“You have invented me. No one like that on the earth…”

GutenbergTranslations from Germanic Languages

Ned Balbo translates Georg Trakl (Austro-Hungarian Empire)
Before Daybreak
Rod Jellema translates Tsjêbbe Hettinga (Netherlands)
Song of Songs
Rod Jellema translates Tjitte Piebenga (Netherlands)
Autumn House
Rod Jellema translates J.D. DeJong (Netherlands)
Sailing-Barges at Night
David Keplinger translates Jan Wagner (Germany)
essay on fences
Saundra Rose Maley translates Rainer Maria Rilke (Austro-Hungarian Empire)
Sonnet to Orpheus I, IX
Randi Ward translates Guðrið Helmsdal (Faroe Islands)