Table of Contents
Serena Agusto-Cox Agoraphobia, Mannequin, Dear Vovo: Serena Agusto-Cox
Emma Jo Black icarus, a vampire sees the sunrise for the first time: Emma Jo Black
George Elliott Clarke On My Dark Hobby And Blackest Art, The Poet, 16/61: George Elliott Clarke
Andrea Deeken Borscht: Andrea Deeken
Kevin Grauke Sunday, Jack Tar Hotel, Room 773, Three O’clock: Kevin Grauke
Carole Greenfield Angular Unconformity, Luster, Rain Shadow, Wrapped: Carole Greenfield
Bill Lavender Infestation: Bill Lavender
Omar Sabbagh Sunlight Upon Sunlight, The Manichee: Omar Sabbagh
Anum Sattar My Body, My Choice? Anum Sattar
Willa Schneberg The Snooker Room, Winter Freezes Trees In Tortured Positions: Willa Schneberg
Kalpna Singh-Chitnis Is Anyone Listening? Love that Cannot Live Long Enough: Kalpna Singh-Chitnis
Gerald Wagoner Woman #1, Steps In Memory Of My Feelings, Solstice 2021: Gerald Wagoner
Sara Wallace after the child lost most of her hearing: Sara Wallace
Kirk Greenway Eel: Kirk Greenway
Jonathan Harrington Everygirl, Angela Dribben: reviewed by Jonathan Harrington
Abhay K.Jeannine M. Pitas The Alphabets of Latin America, Abhay K: reviewed by Jeannine M. Pitas
Kirk GreenwayTerence Winch Seeing Eye Boy, Terence Winch: reviewed by Kirk Greenway
W. Luther JettShash Trevett From a Borrowed Land, Shash Trevett: reviewed by Luther Jett