Beltway Poetry Quarterly

Issue 24:2

Volume 24:2, Summer 2023

Table of Contents


Introduction 24:2


Gary Young Two Poems: Gary Young

Virginia Bell [There’s that other Mom whose son really went through with it.], Reading Tolstoy at Twenty-One, and Crocus Vernus: Virginia Bell

James Croal Jackson #1: James Croal Jackson

W.D. Ehrhart W.D. Ehrhart: How Poems Are Created

Anita Lerek Sharing Skin: Anita Lerek

Katie Ciszek the kettle cries: Katie Ciszek

Annie Przypyszny THE DISAPPEARING GIRL: Annie Przypyszny

C. W. Bryan Holy Ground: C.W. Bryan

Matt Thomas Juice: Matt Thomas

Fatima Haidari David Keplinger Eight Rumi Poems translated by Fatima Haidari with David Keplinger

Carol Traynor-Mayer September Solstice: Carol Traynor-Mayer

Paul Wimer Simony: Paul Wimer

Edna Shochat Mother, Young Men Christian Association, Pope and Circumstances, From Breast Cancer to Neither/Closure, When the Time Arrives: Edna Shochat

Sean Lause Hotel Breakers: Sean Lause

Nipuni Ranaweera The lost poems, “Cut a banana leaf,” A Trimester to remember-The Police chief, The Forest officer, and the Suitcase 2021: Nipuni Ranaweera


Indran AmirthanayagamEstha Weiner This Insubstantial Pageant by Estha Weiner: reviewed by Indran Amirthanayagam

Raúl Gómez JattinKatherine M. HedeenOlivia LottJeannine M. Pitas Almost Obscene: Raúl Gómez Jattin, translated by Katherine M. Hedeen and Olivia Lott–reviewed by Jeannine Marie Pitas

Jennifer FranklinJonathan Harrington If Some God Shakes Your House; Jennifer Franklin, reviewed by Jonathan Harrington

Candice-Louisa DaquinShweta Rao Garg Tainted by the Same Counterfeit: Candice Louisa Daquin, reviewed by Shweta Rao Garg


Giselle Lucia Navarro Poet’s Hands, Vortex: Giselle Lucia Navarro, translated by Indran Amirthanayagam

Flavio Kothe Serpent: D.H. Lawrence, Portuguese translation, commentary: Flávio R. Kothe