Tony Mancus

We repeat our names to each other

Volume 16:1, Winter 2015
Sonnet Issue

We repeat our names to each other

Practice makes the perch we sit on steady
and the cut of land we watch over here
grows green and gold. When the fields are ready
to be shorn we start the threshers. Fear
only enters the equation from where
the heart should be – a hole itself undone
by incessant beating. Up and down and there
its cage goes empty, goes caped and dumb
into absentia. When there is some
thing worm-cut and empty to be called home
through the quiet light—the key before it
finds ignition, or the door—to be what
by turning starts a thing into action
to sustain with no call for completion.


Tony Mancus is the author of three chapbooks: Diplomancy (Horseless Press, 2013), Bye Land (Greying Ghost, 2012), and Bye Sea (Tree Light Books, 2012). He is co-founder of Flying Guillotine Press. He and his wife Shannon live in Rosslyn, VA.