PEDRO GRANADOS (Peru, 1955). He has published poetry since 1978 (Sin motivo aparente); and there are already fifteen collections of poems: Vía expresa, Soledad impura, Roxosol or, the recents ones, La mirada (Buenos Aires: BAP, 2020) and Amerindios / Amerindians (NYC: Arte Poética Press, 2020); which has been partially translated into Portuguese, English and German. He has also published several short novels (Prepucio carmesí, Un chin de amor, Una ola rompe, Boston Angels, !Fozi lady!, among others). He also has some critical books; for example, Poéticas y utopías en la poesía de César Vallejo [PhD thesis for Boston University, 2003] (Lima: PUCP, 2004); Trilce: húmeros para bailar (2014); or Trilce / Teatro: guión, personajes y público, an essay that won the Mario González Prize from the Associação Brasileira de Hispanistas (2016). Since 2014 he has presided over the “Vallejo sin Fronteras Institute” (VASINFIN). He currently lives in Lima, Peru.