Paula Brancato

Paula Brancato: Forget, “My Daughter the Movie Producer”


my mouth, the curve of my
lips, my
breath, my
taste, the warm hold of my
body. Forget my
kiss, my
touch, my hands, my
toes, my fingertips that roam
along your spine. Forget the soft
skin on the inside of my
right forearm, the blue
vein pulsing at my
throat and the pink of my
blush with you inside
me. Forget
the last, the next, the
present, my,
me. Forget who I
am entirely.
Be in love with me.


“My Daughter, the Movie Producer”

My mother saves me clippings from her local papers.
She has been saving me clippings for years.
Who Wants to Be a Movie Star? Tuesday, June 12th, 2018
‘Indy’ Producer: Hands-on with Pizza, March 27th, 2018
Despite loss of sales ‘Indy’ pleases pretzel merchant, July 5th, 2017
Hundreds crowd corner for shot at ‘extra’ role in ‘Captain America’ plus
Starbucks: A Glimpse of Johanssen & Evans, November 11th, 2016 and
Tarantino finds Milford pasta perfectly ‘al dente’, June 30th, 2016
Documentary Filmmakers Uncover Joys of Growing Old, undated
Di Caprio Hits Town, undated
Thrall Hall – The Movie: story of a dance hall that never opened, December 21st, 2015
‘Dark Universe’ Overhyped and Never Released, May 1st, 2015
The Mummy Resurrected, April 10th, 2014
Movie crew visits Griffin Hospital to film scenes, October 26th, 2014
“Read This One!” she’s scrawled across it in red bold letters:
Tax Incentives Lure Moviemakers
And an Internet printout, May 7th, 2019, Moviemaker moves back home.

I am the 2015 winner of the Tampa Review’s Danahy Fiction Prize and of the 2015 Booth Poetry Prize, and I was honored to be the Second Prize winner in Cutthroat’s 2019 Rick DeMarinis Short Story Contest. My stories and poems have also been recently published in The Interpreter’s House, Ambit, Kenyon Review, Mudfish, GSU Review, Georgetown Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, Slipstream, Barrow Street, and Common Ground Review. My first chapbook, Dar a Luz was selected by Ilya Kaminsky as winner of pacificReview’s 2007 Brushfire Award. My second chapbook, Painting Cities, and my third, For My Father, have been published by Finishing Line Press. I grew up in Queens NY, escaped early on, earned my MBA at the Harvard Business School and am a graduate of Hunter College and Los Angeles Film School. I have also studied seriously with poets Philip Schultz, Mary Stewart Hammond, James Regan and Philip Levine. I have been a music industry CFO and Wall Street executive.