Nka Foundation

Nka Foundation, Box Up 1115, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. Tel: +1(405) 819-4784. Offers Community Arts Project Residencies throughout the year in two locations: at the Sang Artws Village in Sang, Mion District, in the Northern Region, and at the Abentenim Arts Village, in Abentenim, Ejisu-Juaben District in the Ashanti Region. Artists must take part in projects that” tap local resources for sustainable human capital defvelopment through a focus on the arts.” Residency lengths vary from a few weeks to several months, depending on the project. Housing is provided; artists must pay for their own transportation. Open to individual artists and teams working in visual arts, theater, music, literary arts, film/new media, arts education, arts therapy, philosophy, cultural history, and those working at the intersection of art and architecture or engineering. (visual, literary, performing, media arts plus scholars, educators, and other professionals).