Green Olive Arts

Green Olive Arts, B.P. 10001 Sidi Al Mandri, Tetouan, Tetouan 93000, Morocco.  Tel: (212) 674.35.89.42. Not strictly a colony, as they provide studios but not accommodations, although Green Olive helps match artists with housing options in walking distance.  Founded by two American artists; open to US and international artists. Located in the north of Morocco, on the North-Western tip of Africa, nestled up against the Mediterranean Sea in a valley where two mountain ranges meet. The old city of Tetouan is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  Residencies of 1 week to 4 months; fees charged by the week.  No meals included.  Studios on second floor are not ADA accessible, and the city is hilly; not recommended for artists with mobility issues.  (visual, literary, performing, and media arts)