Date(s) - 11/16//2016 - 01/16//2017
All Day
The Skinny seeks new poetry, especially submissions “that paint a picture of racism in America–the unresolved legacy of slavery–in the interest of healing our nation of that cancerous social affliction.” TSPJ is a literary journal that is dedicated to the Skinny poetry form (and edited by a rotating team of poets). A Skinny is a short poem form, created by Truth Thomas, that consists of eleven lines. The first and eleventh lines can be any length (although shorter lines are favored). The eleventh and last line must be repeated using the same words from the first and opening line (however, those words can be rearranged). The second, sixth, and tenth lines must be identical. They can also be linked, like Haiku, Senryu or Tanka. Submit poems in the body of an email.