Date(s) - 07/01//2016 - 08/23//2016
All Day
Jenny McKean Moore Community Workshop, Dept. of English, The George Washington University
Free community workshop in fiction at George Washington University, led by Melinda Moustakis, to be held Tuesdays from 7:00 to 9:00 pm from September 6 through December 6. No academic qualifications or previous publications required. Roundtable critiques of works-in-progress, some assigned reading. No fee to participate, but participants must make photocopies of new work. Limited to 15. To apply, snail mail a brief letter of interest and writing sample (12 pt type, double spaced, and no more than 7 pages in length). Include your name, address, home and work telephone numbers, and email address for notification. Deadline to apply is August 23; all applicants will be notified of decisions by September 3.