Of Course, Volcanic Activity Has Nothing To Do With Climate Change
Bread stilled in its rise
Blood stilled in its flow
No one with a breath to hold :–
until Earth opens (as) fire
gives not one flickering (fuck) for
your car
your house
your delicately composed garden
that slow, stray thing no one would feed
She’s coming for all of it
a clearance
making for the sea
making (cool) things
hot (again), open to flow
Us there, like crickets on a griddle.
M.F. Simone Roberts works as Managing Editor of The Quarry: A Social Justice Poetry Database and Blog This Rock for Split This Rock. Roberts is an independent scholar of poetics and feminist phenomenology and activist. Her poems appear in Revue/Post, Poets Reading the News, and Literary Nest. She is co-editor of the anthology Iris Murdoch and the Moral Imagination: Essays (McFarland Publishing, 2010) and author of the critical monograph A Poetics of Being-Two: Irigaray's Ethics and Post-Symbolist Poetics (Lexington Books, 2010). She tweets and ‘grams sporadically at @pomored.