Grace Cavalieri

Anna Nicole’s Dream

Volume 16:1, Winter 2015
The Sonnet Issue

Anna Nicole’s Dream

A cup of jewels, a star, flying dragons,
Rainbows, a bright diamond crown,
Baby octopus, pirate ships, golden dragoons,
Fairy dust, clouds, snow mist on the ground,

Enchanted woods, Cherry trees, a crystal room,
Conifers and Pines, Magnolias in season,
Tea cups made of acorns where toadstools bloom,
White bunnies, green elves, Azalea breezes,

A picture book with her photo in light,
Love’s handprint on the cement of her heart,
Russian soldiers protecting her stables at night,
Three bluebirds, twin cardinals, a morning skylark.

But who are these men blocking sun in her room?
And why don’t her paper bouquets ever bloom?


This poem previously appeared in the anthology Hot Sonnets, Entasis Press, 2011.  Reprinted by permission of the author.


Grace Cavalieri's newest publication is What the Psychic Said (Goss Publications, 2020). She has twenty books and chapbooks of poetry in print, and has had 26 plays produced on American stages. She founded and still produces "The Poet and the Poem," a series for public radio celebrating 40 years on-air, now from the Library of Congress.. She received the 2013 George Garrett Award from The Associate Writing Programs. To read more by this author: Grace Cavalieri: Winter 2001; Introduction to "The Bunny and the Crocodile" Issue: Spring 2004; Grace Cavalieri on Roland Flint: Memorial Issue; Grace Cavalieri: Whitman Issue; Grace Cavalieri: Wartime Issue; Grace Cavalieri: Evolving City Issue; Grace Cavalieri: Split This Rock Issue; Grace Cavalieri on Ann Darr: Forebears Issue; Grace Cavalieri on "The Poet & The Poem": Literary Organizations Issue.