Poems and Essays:

18th Street Arts Center

26 Split Rock Cove Retreat

360 Xochi Quetzal Artist Residency

A.I.R. Studio Paducah

Aberystwyth Arts Centre

Acadia National Park

Adirondack Center for Writing

Afrique Profonde

AIR Norway

Akademie Schloss Solitude

Al-Ma-mal Foundation

Aland Archipelago Guest Artist Residence

Albee Foundation


Alfred University

American Academy in Berlin

American Academy in Rome

American Library in Paris

Amy Clampitt Residency

Anam Cara Retreat

Anderson Center

Anderson Ranch Arts Center

Andrews Forest Writers Residency

Angle Art Contemporain

Aomori Contemporary Art Centre

Appalachian Center for Craft

Appomattox Regional Governor’s School for the Arts and Technology

Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts

Arcus Project


Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts

Art Farm

Artcroft Center

Artist at Pine Needles


Arts Center

Arts Center of Yates County





Asian Cultural Council

Atelier Fourwinds

Ateliers de Pont-Aven

Atlantic Center for the Arts

Atlin Center

Aurora Project


Badlands National Park

Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators

Baltimore Clayworks

Banff Centre

Banfill-Locke Center for the Arts

Barkenhoff-Stiftung Worpswede

Basically Modern Arts Sanctuary

BAU Institute



Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts

Berliner Kunstlerprogramm

Berllanderi Sculpture Workshop

Bernheim Arboretum


Bishogama Ceramic Workshop

Bloedel Reserve

Blue Mountain Center

Blue Sky Project

Bogliasco Foundation

Bordenueve Retreat

Boston National Historical Park

Bronx Council on the Arts

Brush Creek Foundation for the Arts

Buffalo National River

Bundanon Trust

Byrdcliffe Arts Colony

C-Scape Dune Shack


Camargo Foundation

Campos de Gutierrez

Can Serrat



Capp Street Project

Carbondale Clay Center

Carey Institute for Global Good

Caribbean Museum Center for the Arts

Carson McCullers Center

Carving Studio and Sculpture Center

Casa Libre en la Solana

Casa Tagumerche


Catskill Center

Caversham Centre for Artists and Writers

Center for Arts and Religion

Center for Creative Photography

Center for Forgetting

Center for Land Use Interpretation

Center for Photography at Woodstock

Central Wyoming College Art Department


Centre d’Art d Marnay

Centre d’Art i Natura

Centre des Arts Contemporains

Centre Est Nord Est

Centre Pompadour

Centrum Foundation


Cerdeira Village


Chalk Hill Artist Residency

Chambre Blanche


Charlotte Hollow Foundation for the Arts

Chartreuse Centre

Chesterfield Film Company

Chicago Art Retreats

Chinati Foundation

Chowan University Art Department



Civitella Ranieri Center

Clay Studio

Cleaveland House

Collingwood Arts Center

Commonality Institute

Contemporary Artists Center

Contemporary Arts Center Woodside

Cooper Union

Copland House

Cottages at Hedgebrook

Cove Park

Craft Alliance

Creative Glass Center of America Fellowship

Crosshatch Center for Art and Ecology


Cuts and Burns

Cuyahoga Valley National Park

Cykaida Arts Center

Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts

Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area

Denali National Park

Devils Tower National Monument

Dickinson House

Dieu Donne Papermill

Dillmans Creative Arts Foundation

Djerassi Artists Program

Dobie Paisano Fellowship

Dolgian House

Dora Maar Residence

Dorland Mountain Arts Colony

Dorset Colony House

East Coast Artist in Residence

Eastern Frontier Society

Edith Wharton Writer-in-Residence


Elsewhere Artist Collaborative

Ensemble Studio Theatre

Esplanade Arts & Heritage Centre

Estonian Artists Association

Estonian Writers Union

Eugene O’Neill Theater Center

Europos Parkas

Everglades National Park

Evergreen House

Experimental Television Center


Fabric Workshop

Fairhope Center for the Writing Arts

Farm Studio

Farringford Estate

Fields Project

Fine Arts Work Center

Fire Station Artists Studio

Firenze Arti Visive School of Fine Arts

Fondation Claude Monet

Footpaths to Creativity

Franconia Sculpture Park

Frans Masereel Centrum

Frontispiece Hudson

Frost Place

Gaesteatelier Hollufgaard

Gell Writers’ Center

Georgia Fee Residency

Gertrude Contemporary

Getty Foundation

Glacier National Park

Glassell School of Fine Arts

Glasshouse Project

Glen Echo Park

Golden Apple Art Residency

Good Contrivance Farm

Grand Canyon National Park

Great Rivers Arts Institute

Green Hill Artist Retreat

Green Olive Arts

Green River Writers Retreat

Griffis Art Center

Guest House at New Light Studios

Gulkistan Residency

Gushul Residency Program

Hadassah-Brandeis Institute

Halka Art Project

Hambidge Center

Hardingham Sculpture Workshop



Hawthornden Castle

Haystack Mountain School of Crafts

Headlands Center for the Arts

Helene Wurlitzer Foundation of New Mexico

Helsinki International AIR Programme

Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum

Henry Moore Foundation

Henry Street Settlement

Herbert Hoover National Historic Site


Hermitage Artists Retreat

Herzeliya Artists Residence

Hiawatha National Forest

Highpoint Center for Printmaking

Hill House Farms


Hope Mission Centre

Hopscotch House

Hordaland Kunsternersentrum

Hospitalfield House

Hot Springs National Park

Hotel Maria Kapel

Houston Center for Contemporary Craft

Hub-Bub Arts Residencies

Hudson Valley Center

Hungarian Multicultural Center




Independent Museum of Contemporary Arts

Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore

Inernationales Kunstlerhaus Villa Concordia Bamberg

Inner Loop


Institut Claude-Nicholas-Ledoux

International School of Drawing, Painting & Sculpture

International Turning Exchange

Irish Museum of Modern Art

Island Hill House

Island Institute

Island Verse

Isle Royale National Park

Jack Kerouac Project

Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival

James Merrill House

Jentel Artist Residency

Jingdezhen Sanbao Ceramic Art Institute

John Michael Kohler Art Center

Joshua Tree National Park

Joy Kogawa House

Julia and David White Artists Colony

K2 Family Foundation

Kala Institute

Kalani Honua Eco-Resort

Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts

Klondike Gold Rush National Park

Klondike Institute of Art and Culture

Kokoro Studio


Kultur Kontakt Austria


Kunstlerbahnhof Ebernburg

Kunstlerhaus Bethanien

Kunstlerhaus Lauenburg/Elbe

Kunstlerhaus Meinersen

Kunstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral

Kunstlerhaus Schoppingen

Kunstlerhause Buchsenhausen

Kunstlerhof Schreyahn

Kunstlerinnenhof Die Hoge

Kyoto Art Center

La Belle Auriole

La Muse Inn

La Napoule Arts Foundation

La Postiza

Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder

Lanesboro Arts Center

Laughing Waters

Le Fonds Belval

League Residency at Vyt

Lemon Tree House

Light Work

Lighthouse Works

Lighthouse Writers Workshop

Liguria Study Center

Lillian E. Smith Center

Lower East Side Printshop

Lower Manhattan Cultural Council

Luminary Center for the Arts

Lux Center for the Arts

Lynchburg College

Mabel Dodge Luhan House

MacDowell Colony

Magic Pond Sanctuary

Mammoth Cave National Park

Marble House Project

Marfa Contemporary AIR Program

Margery Davis Boyden Wilderness Writing Residency

Margo-Gelb Shack

Mary Anderson Center for the Arts

Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts

Mas Pinet

Mattress Factory

McColl Center for Visual Art

Mesa Refuge

Milkwood International

Millay Colony

Milton Center

Mineral School

Minneapolis College of Art & Design

Minnesota Center for Book Arts

Mitch Collective

Monhegan Artists’ Residency

Montello Foundation

Moravian Tile Works

Moth Retreat

Mount Rushmore National Memorial

Mount Sequoyah New Play Retreat

Munson Williams Proctor Arts Institute

My Retreat

NALL Association

Nantucket Island School of Design

National Art Studio

Nes Artist Residency

New Orleans Writers’ Residency

New Pacific Studio

New York Mills Arts Retreat

Newark Museum

Nicholson Project

Nida Art Colony


Nka Foundation

Noepe Center for Literary Arts

Nordic Artists’ Centre Dale

Norman Bird Sanctuary

Norman Mailer Writers’ Colony

North Cascades National Park

North Mountain

Northern Clay Center


Ocean Haven

Odysseys Costa Rica

Ohio University School of Art

OMI International Arts

Open Wabi

Oregon College of Art and Craft

Oregon Writers Colony


Paa Ya Paa Arts Centre

Paducah Arts Alliance

Palazzo Rinaldi

Palette People International Art Foundation

Palisades Interstate Arts Commission

Panther Orchard Writers’ Retreat

Parc Saint Leger

Penland School

Pewabic Pottery

Philips Exeter Academy

Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore

Pilchuck Glass School

Plains Art Museum

Platform China

Platte Clove AIR



Poinsett State Park

Polli Talu Arts Center

Pontlevoy Residencies

Porches Writing Retreat

Prairie Center of the Arts

Printmaking Council of NJ

Project 387

Pyramid Atlantic

Rabbit Island

Radcliffe Institute


Raid Projects

Raumars AIR

Red Cinder Creativity Center

Red Gate Gallery

Red Lodge Clay Center

Renaissance House

Rensing Center

Richard Hugo House

Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten

Riverside Albert Artist Retreat

Roald Dahl Museum

Rockvale Writers’ Colony

Rocky Mountain National Park

Rocky Neck Art Colony

Ross Creek Centre

Roswell Museum Art Center

Royal Academy of Arts

Sacatar Foundation

Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site

Salem Art Works

Salina Art Center

Saltonstall Arts Colony

Sanskriti Foundation

Santa Fe Art Institute

Saskatchewan Writers/Artists Colonies

Schinkel Progressive Residency

Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education

Scottish Sculpture Workshop

Sculpture Space

Scuola Internazionale di Grafica

Sea Change Residencies

Seapoint International Artist Residency

Serie Project

Seven Below Arts Initiative

Shandaken Projects

Shanghai Duolun

Silver Creek Writers

Sitka Center for Art and Ecology


Skowhegan School

Slak Ateliers

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore

Snug Harbor

Soap Factory

Soaring Gardens

Sodus Art Banck

Southwest School of Art and Craft

Space Studios

Spark Box Studio

Spike Island

Spiro Arts

St. Petersburg Clay Company

Stadler Center for Poetry

Stanford University Creative Writing Fellowships

Starry Night Residency

Stiwdio Maelor

Stone Court Writer-in-Residence

Stone Quarry Hill Art Park

Stonehouse Residency

Studio for Creative Inquiry

Studio in the Woods

Studio Museum in Harlem

Studio Youkobo

Studios Midwest

Studios of Key West


Sundance Institute Playwrights Laboratory

Sundress Academy for the Arts

Taft-Nicholson Center Artist-in-Residence

Taleamore Park

Tasara Centre for Creative Weaving

Tatamagouche Centre

Terzo di Danciano

Thami Mnyele Foundation

The Writer’s Room at The Betsy

Thurber House

Triangle Arts Association

Tvak Artist Residency

Twelve Literary Arts

Tyrone Art Center

Tyrone Guthrie Center

Ucross Foundation

UFA Fabrik

Union Bank Arts Centre

University of Arizona Poetry Center

University of Mississippi Summer Poet in Residence

University of Wisconsin Center on Age & Community

Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts

Varuna Writers House


Vermont Music and Art Center

Vermont Studio Center

Villa Montalvo

Virginia Center for the Creative Arts

Virginia G. Piper Center

Visual Studies Workshop

Voices of the Wilderness

Voyageurs National Park

Wallace Stegner House

Washington College

Wassaic Artist Residency

Wassaic Project

Watermill Center

Watershed Center for Ceramic Arts

Webb School

Weir Farm

Wellspring House

Wellstone Center in the Redwoods

Weymouth Center

Wheaton Arts Center

White Leaves Artist Residency

Wildacres Retreat

Willapa Bay AiR

Willows of Wallkill

Wilson College Summer AIR

Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing

Wisdom House

Witt Residency

Witts Residency

Women’s International Study Center

Women’s Studio Workshop

Woonsocket Neighborhood Development Corporation

Write On Door County

Writer on a Hill

Writers at the Eyrie

Writers Colony at Dairy Hollow

Writers in the Heartland

Writing Between the Vines

Writing By Writers




Yellowstone National Park

Yosemite National Park

Zion National Park