Mariposa Poetry Retreat

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Date(s) - 07/01//2015 - 08/31//2015
All Day

Capital Retreat Center


The 4th Mariposa Retreat features workshops, consultations, group activities, and informal social gatherings from Friday, October 2 through Sunday, October 4. Workshop leaders: Sarah Browning, Grace Cavalieri, Robert L. Giron, Cliff Lynn. Keynote address by Reuben Jackson. Performance by Michael Friend and Soul in Motion. Open to writers 18 years and above. Held at the Capital Retreat Center in the Catoctin Mountains in Waynesboro, PA, 90 miles north of DC. Fee: $375, includes double occupancy room and meals. Send registration form, one-page writing sample and non-refundable registration fee of $80 (checks made out to Maritza Rivera) to: 2015 Mariposa Poetry Retreat, 635 Marcia Lane, Rockville, MD 20851. Application deadline: August 31.