Jenny McKean Moore

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Date(s) - 12/01//2016 - 01/13//2017
All Day

George Washington University, Dept. of English, JMM Fiction Workshop


The Jenny McKean Moore Free Community Workshop at George Washington University seeks participants. The Spring 2017 workshop will be in fiction, led by Melinda Moustakis, meeting on Tuesday evenings, 7:00 to 9:00 pm, from Jan. 24 to May 2. No academic qualifications or publications needed. Some required reading, but the class will mainly consist of a roundtable critique of participants’ work in progress. To apply, send a brief letter of interest and a sample of your writing up to 7 pages total (double-spaced, 12-point type). Include full contact info with email address. No materials returned. Applications must be received by close of business on January 3. Notification by Jan. 21. Snail mail applications only.